Gitga’at Nation
Hartley Bay
The Gitga’at Nation, whose name means “People of the Cane,” are members of the Ts’msyen (Tsimshian) Nation group.

The main Gitga’at community is located in Hartley Bay, on BC’s North Coast.
Gitga’at Nation
Their territory encompasses the mainland and coastal islands of the lower Douglas Channel, Whale Channel, Wright Sound, and Lewis Pass to Caamano Sound on BC’s North and Central Coast.
Laxgalts’ap (or “Old Town”) was the ancestral home and main winter village for the Gitga’at Nation, located in Kitkiata Inlet on the northwest side of Douglas Channel.
Today the main Gitga’at community resides in Txalgiu Hartley Bay, though the community still visits and occupies historic village sites throughout their territory to fish, gather berries, harvest seaweed, and manage their resources.
See Projects
The community well-being of the Gitga’at Nation is closely intertwined with the health of their territory, the water and land, and the resources they contain. The Gitga’at Nation is intent on maintaining and protecting these resources for future generations and its members are currently working towards implementing a conservation-based marine use plan.

The marine use plan will protect cultural areas and heritage sites, conserve and sustainably manage marine resources as well as increase capacity within the Gitga’at Nation to undertake stewardship activities.
Gitga’at Nation Projects
In partnership with Coast Funds, Gitga’at Nation has invested in:
First Nation | Applicant |
Project |
Description | Links | Type |
Year |
Funding |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Commercial Property Interior Upgrades | To invest in capital improvements of the Prince Rupert commercial building to improve building system efficiencies and interior enhancements that would support local commercial leasing opportunities. | Economic Development Fund | 2023 | $ 209,209 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Gitga’at Oceans and Lands Department – 2022/23 Operations | To support operations of the Gitga'at Oceans and Lands Department, including expanded archaeological research to inform community about their history and continuous tie to the territory; shellfish biotoxin monitoring to enable harvest openings; continuing with the Gitga'at Environmental Knowledge Project; implementing new shipping guidelines; and developing the case for support to pursue Gitga'at protected areas in Old Town and Kishkosh Inlet. | Conservation Fund | 2023 | $ 180,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Gitga’at Oceans and Lands Department – 2021/22 Operations | To support operations of the Gitga'at Oceans and Lands Department, including installing new remote monitoring instruments and communication equipment; developing a proposal for enhanced bear management; building a new monitoring cabin in Lax Galts'ap; initiating work for a Gitga’at Territory salmon management plan; completing a pilot creel survey; developing landscape reserve designs for several landscape units; securing additional staff and equipment to support the Oceans and Lands Department; and initiating the development of cumulative effects management plan for tourism | Conservation Fund | 2021 | $ 200,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Gitga’at Oceans and Lands Department – 2020/21 Operations | To support operations of the Gitga'at Oceans and Lands Department, including completion of traditional use studies; proactive engagement in several environmental assessment processes; furthering the development of key management plans in Gitga’at territory including a marine response plan; acoustic monitoring of whales to inform shipping management; biotoxin research in shellfish; Dungeness and salmon stock assessments; whale and abalone abundance surveys; ecological monitoring to determine baseline conditions and food security in traditional territories; expanded archeological research and ethnodata collection; initiating two new wildlife monitoring projects, and the continued development and implementation of the Gitga’at Community Knowledge project. | Conservation Fund | 2020 | $ 300,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Gitga’at Oceans and Lands Department – 2019/20 Operations | To support operations of the Gitga'at Oceans and Lands Department, including hiring technical staff and focusing on improving stewardship skills and resource management through training; completing conservancy plans for K’ootz, Racey Inlet, and Bishop Bay/Monkey Beach; preparing and reviewing a draft marine protected area scenario with community and leadership; continuing to apply Gitga'at adaawx and ayaalk (Indigenous knowledge) to resource management; developing reference guides for Vessel Operations; stock assessment projects for varying marine species; ecological monitoring to determine baseline conditions and food security in traditional territories; constructing a new Guardian Watchmen cabin at K’yel; inventorying traditional use and archaeological resources; refining the Gitga’at Community Knowledge project and transferring leadership to a recruited community member. | Conservation Fund | 2019 | $ 300,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Gitga’at Oceans and Lands Department – 2018/19 Operations | To support operations of the Gitga'at Oceans and Lands Department including applying Gitga'at adaawx and ayaalk (Indigenous knowledge) to resource management; working collaboratively with First Nations in the Northern Shelf Bioregion to engage with Canada and BC to finalize government-to-government agreements related to marine protected area planning and more; continuing implementation of existing land use planning agreements including conservancy management planning for Bishop Bay/Monkey Beach, K'Waal, Alty, and K'tii/Racey; preparing landscape reserve plans with BC Timber Sales and private forest companies; constructing a new Guardian Watchmen cabin at K'yel; upgrading the Hartley Bay salmon hatchery facility, and maintaining regular watch at Lax Galts'ap (Old Town) by housing seasonal technicians at the Watchmen cabin. | Conservation Fund | 2018 | $ 125,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at Development Corporation | Start-up of Gitga’at Laundromat Services in Prince Rupert | To revitalize and renovate a commercial unit to support the success of the Gitga'at Development Corporation-owned building in Prince Rupert by establishing a laundromat business that will generate income and employment for Gitga'at First Nation members. | Economic Development Fund | 2018 | $ 300,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Fisheries, Guardian Watchmen & Lands and Marine Programs – 2017/18 Operations | To support operations of the Fisheries, Guardian Watchmen, and Lands and Marine program including applying Gitga'at adaawx and ayaalk (Indigenous knowledge) to resource management, engaging in the Provincial Environmental Stewardship Initiative, commencing a community knowledge project that captures harvesters' observations of environmental conditions, initiate re-charting of forestry operating areas, renew strategic planning for Gitga'at Lands and Marine Department, and engaging with the Government of Canada and other north coast First Nations on marine protected area discussions | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 300,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Acquisition of Prince Rupert Office Building | To acquire and renovate a 10,000 square foot commercial space in Prince Rupert to house the Gitga'at First Nation's Development Corporation, Treaty Office, Employment and Training Centre, and a new elder's centre that will provide greater support for the community members living in the area | Economic Development Fund | 2017 | $ 370,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Fisheries, Guardian Watchmen & Lands and Marine Programs – 2016/17 Operations | To support operations of the program including applying Gitga'at adaawx and ayaalk (indigenous knowledge) to resource management, documenting cultural and ecological values at Laxgal'tsap (Old Town) in partnership with Simon Fraser University, a new Guardian outpost in Squally Channel, and engaging the new Tsimshian Environmental Stewardship Authority on Skeena management | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 400,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at Development Corporation | Gitga’at Development Corporation – 2015/16 Start-up | To support operations of the Gitga'at Development Corporation during its start-up period, hire a Chief Executive Officer, recruit a full compliment of directors for the Board, develop a long-term business plan for the development corporation and its future subsidiary operations, and initiate legal transfer of the Nation's businesses to the development corporation | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 229,295 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Fisheries, Guardian Watchmen & Lands and Marine Programs – 2015/16 Operations | To support operations of the program including completing management plans for three conservancies, conducting research including development of a cumulative impacts assessment and monitoring framework, performing marine mammal abundance and distribution surveys, and documenting traditional Gitga'at use and management of salmon resources | |
Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 400,000 |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Start-up of Gitga’at Freight Services | To establish a new community owned and operated transportation company that will provide cost effective freight service to Hartley Bay and surrounding coastal communities | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 860,014 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Hartley Bay High Speed Broadband | To invest in high speed broadband internet connectivity throughout the community of Hartley Bay to enable businesses to market and sell goods and services online and via point of sale systems | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 268,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Guardian Program – 2014/15 Operations | To support operations of the program including producing a final Gitga'at Marine Use Plan, developing management plans for three conservancies, engaging in environmental assessments, and conducting regular patrols of the territory including a station in Caamano Sound | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 400,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Guardian Program – 2013/14 Operations | To support operations of the program including establishing a community advisory committee, developing a referral management system, and developing conservancy management plans for K’waal, Alty, Lax Kwil Dziidz/Fin, Bishop Bay-Monkey Beach Corridor, and K'nabiyaaxl/Ashdown | Conservation Fund | 2013 | $ 393,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Guardian Program – 2012/13 Operations | To support operations of the program including monitoring of sockeye salmon stocks in the Tsimtack Lake watershed, dungeness crab stock assessment in Kishkosk and Old Town, and providing recommendations to the Gitga’at Leadership Council on land and marine use planning | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 278,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Guardian Program – 2011/12 Operations | To support operations of the program including continued monitoring efforts related to the Queen of the North, tanker traffic, sport fishing, whale surveys, maintenance of stations at Kiel and Old Town, and compiling traditional knowledge and oral histories pertaining to land use, occupancy, and place names | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 141,570 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Guardian Program – Strategic Planning | To develop a strategic plan for the new Gitga’at Guardian Program that includes goals, objectives, and priorities developed with the involvement of the Nation’s elected council, hereditary chiefs, elders, and community members | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 67,078 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Establishment of Gitga’at Development Corporation | To establish the Gitga'at Development Corporation, recruit a board of directors, and commence operations | Economic Development Fund | 2011 | $ 219,300 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Gabion River Hydroelectric Generation Project | To negotiate an energy purchase agreement with BC Hydro and to complete development planning for a run-of-river hydroelectric generation project providing renewable energy to Hartley Bay | Economic Development Fund | 2011 | $ 475,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Start-up of the Guardian Program – 2010/11 Operations | To start-up the program including hiring and training six watchmen and two youth interns, conduct routine monitoring patrols throughout the territory, and establish a continuous shore-based monitoring station in Caamano Sound | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 150,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Five Year Community Economic Development Plan | To develop a comprehensive five year community economic development plan for the Nation that is produced with significant input from community engagement | Economic Development Fund | 2010 | $ 64,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Restructured Stewardship Program – 2009/10 Operations | To support operations of the program including the development and implementation of plans, policies, and strategies for effective stewardship of the lands, waters, and natural resources throughout Gitga’at Territory | Conservation Fund | 2009 | $ 134,000 |
Total Projects | 24 | Total Invested | $ 6,763,466 |
Total Projects: 24
Total Invested: $ 6,763,466
Gitga'at Organizations and Resources
Online Resources
- Gitga'at First Nation
State of the Gitga'at Ocean Report (2015/16)
- Gitga'at Guardian Watchmen
Coastal Stewardship Network
- Researcher moved by drama of killer whale rescue in BC
Marven Robinson in The Globe and Mail
- Gitga’at Marine Biologist Speaks about Whales and Tankers
CBC Daybreak North
- National Geographic Live! - Capturing the Spirit Bear
National Geographic
- Gitga'at First Nation
North Coast Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society
Related Protected Areas
- Alty Conservancy
- Bishop Bay – Monkey Beach Conservancy
- Bishop Bay – Monkey Beach Corridor Conservancy
- Byers / Conroy / Harvey / Sinnett Islands Ecological Reserve
- Foch-Gilttoyees Provincial Park and Protected Area
- Jesse Falls Protected Area
- K’distsausk/Turtle Point Conservancy
- K’lgaan/Klekane Conservancy
- K’mooda/Lowe-Gamble Conservancy
- K’nabiyaaxl / Ashdown Conservancy
- K’ootz/Khutze Conservancy
- K’waal Conservancy
- Kt’ii/Racey Conservancy
- Ktisgaidz/MacDonald Bay Conservancy
- Lax ka’Gass/Campania Conservancy
- Lax Kwil Dziidz/Fin Conservancy
- Lowe Inlet Marine Provincial Park
- Maxtaktsm’aa/Union Passage Conservancy
- Moksgm’ol/Chapple-Cornwall Conservancy
- Moore/Mckenney/Whitmore Islands Ecological Reserve
- Monckton Nii Luutiksm Conservancy
- Q’altanaas / Aaltanhas Conservancy
- Simpson Lake East Conservancy
- Stair Creek Conservancy
- Union Passage Marine Provincial Park