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State of the Gitga’at Ocean Report
The State of the Gitga’at Ocean Report aims to present Gitga’at members, leaders and research partners with the outcomes of key monitoring activities that have been occurring in the territory in recent years.

The State of the Gitga’at Ocean Report aims to present Gitga’at members, leaders and partners with the outcomes of key monitoring activities that have been occurring in the territory in recent years. All of these have been carried out in partnership or in full by the Gitga’at Guardian Program. Further, it paints a picture of the health of the marine and coastal environments in Gitga’at territory during the decade leading to and including 2016. By compiling data collected by the Guardian Program as well as the results of research carried out in partnership with the Gitga’at First Nation, we hope to provide a present day baseline upon which future monitoring, research, and local marine resource use can build.
This first annual State of the Gitga’at Ocean Report is not comprehensive. Rather, it is a local and specific complement to external research occurring in and around Gitga’at Territory . We hope that the scope of future reports increase as Gitga’at-partnered scientific and cultural monitoring and research extends into other components of the marine and coastal ecosystem.