Wuikinuxv Nation
Rivers Inlet
The Wuikinuxv Nation’s territory covers 7,200 hectares and is characterized by significant lake networks, deep temperate forested valleys, and the glacial peaks of the Pacific Coast Range Mountains.

The Wuikinuxv Nation’s main community is located in Rivers Inlet on BC’s Central Coast
Wuikinuxv Nation
The Wuikinuxv Nation’s territory extends from Koeye River to Cranston Point to the head of Wuikinuxv Lake.
The Wuikinuxv people believe their lands and resources are as important as the air they breathe.
Their ancestors taught them that the land is their responsibility, a belief that remains instilled in their culture today.
See Projects
The Wuikinuxv have witnessed the effects of overharvesting and global warming first hand, including the impacts of collapsed fish stocks on their territory and community.
To help protect and restore their territory, the Wuikinuxv have established a community-based Wuikinuxv Guardian Watchmen program.
These watchmen “monitor and protect important cultural and ecological resources that are critical to the health and well-being of the Wuikinuxv people.”

Wuikinuxv Nation Projects
In partnership with Coast Funds, Wuikinuxv Nation has invested in:
First Nation | Applicant |
Project |
Description | Links | Type |
Year |
Funding |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Marine Towing and Tugboat Services Start-up | To invest in rebuilding the Wuikinuxv owned 28-foot tugboat, Trans Fir 80, and to start-up tugboat services in Rivers Inlet creating a new business and employment and training opportunities for Wuikinuxv members. | Economic Development Fund | 2023 | $ 226,913 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Eagles' Nest Store (Operated as Eagle's Nest Bed & Breakfast) | Expansion of Eagle’s Nest Bed & Breakfast | To invest in the expansion of a Wuikinuxv hospitality business increasing the capacity from three to ten rooms with the acquisition and renovation of two new modular trailers providing additional accommodation as well as expanding the fishing charter operations offered to visitors of Wuikinuxv (Rivers Inlet) | Economic Development Fund | 2020 | $ 224,357 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | H'aiagal'ath Grizzly Bear Tours Inc. | Wuikinuxv Bear Viewing Start-up | To invest in the infrastructure and business start-up of a new Grizzly bear viewing operation based in the Gelbala (Kilbella Estuary Conservancy) in the Wuikinuxv territory; the business will provide employment and training opportunities to Wuikinuxv community members and contribute to building a tourism-based economy while conserving and protecting Grizzly bears | Economic Development Fund | 2020 | $ 240,000 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Economic Development Corporation | Waanukv Silver Sockeye Economic Opportunity Fishery Business Start-up | To invest in the start-up Waanukv Silver LP, under the management of Wuikinuxv Economic Development Corporation, to establish a community-based fishery with two economic opportunity fishing licenses for four families in Rivers Inlet, targeting up to 15% of the sockeye salmon return on the Waanukv River, and supporting the community-based fishery as a broker and processor supporting the families that will lease-to-own their vessels | Economic Development Fund | 2019 | $ 438,320 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Hamatsa Reforestation Ltd. | Silviculture Business Start-up | To acquire equipment and begin operations for a new silviculture business based in Rivers Inlet; the business will provide employment and training opportunities to members of the Wuikinuxv community while helping to sustainably manage forests in Wuikinuxv territory. | Economic Development Fund | 2018 | $ 150,000 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Commercial Fishing Vessel Upgrades | To invest in replacing aging critical infrastructure for the Western Bounty, a 62-foot aluminum commercial fishing vessel that currently supports 12 seasonal jobs and will foster growth of the community-owned commercial fishery | Economic Development Fund | 2017 | $ 167,850 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Rivers Inlet Ground and Freight Transportation Investment | To acquire two 12-passenger vehicles to provide freight service and safe passenger transportation to and from the airstrip and water landing location for community members, visitors, and local businesses in Rivers Inlet | Economic Development Fund | 2017 | $ 25,000 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Louisa and Budgets Shop | Rivers Inlet Grocery and Bakery Expansion | To invest in modern energy-efficient equipment, remodel the facility, and provide working capital for the continued operations of Rivers Inlet's sole grocery store and bakery under new ownership | Economic Development Fund | 2016 | $ 65,686 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | West Sea Otter Water Taxi | Rivers Inlet Water Taxi Start-up | To acquire a Transport Canada certified small freight and passenger vessel and to commence operations of a new marine transportation company servicing the Wui'kinuxv community and businesses in Rivers Inlet | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 150,000 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Stewardship Office – 2015/16 Operations | To support operations of the stewardship office, undertake scientific projects, integrate traditional knowledge in stewardship activities, and provide conservation-related training for the 2015/16 fiscal year | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 486,172 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Timber Supply Analysis and Strategic Planning | To undertake a timber supply analysis of its Territory and the Wui’kinuxv Forestry Area, enabling the Nation to develop and adopt a strategic plan for forestry economic development | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 29,150 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Stewardship Office – 2013/14 Operations | To support operations of the stewardship office including resource development referrals, research partnerships that focus on grizzly bear, black bear, sockeye, chum, chinook, rockfish and crab species, climate change research in partnership with the Hakai Beach Institute and SFU, and regional monitoring | Conservation Fund | 2013 | $ 172,650 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Fisheries-Related Financial Management Training | To build the financial management capacity of the Nation's stewardship and fisheries programs by holding a financial management workshop for thirteen Wui'kinuxv members including staff, management, trustees, and community leaders in Port Hardy | Conservation Fund | 2013 | $ 8,000 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Establish a Strategic Economic Development Plan | To develop the Nation's long-term vision for economic development and make specific recommendations for the governance and priorities of Wui'kinuxv Economic Development Corporation | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 80,864 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Stewardship Office – 2012/13 Start-up | To expand the guardian watchman program to an integrated resource stewardship program including conservation research projects, such as Chinook salmon enumeration on the Kilbella River, with partners including Hakai Beach Institute, SFU, UVic, UNBC and UBC | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 287,725 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Guardian Watchmen Program Start-up | To establish and commence operations of the program including hiring and training three guardian watchmen, developing a Wui'kinuxv monitoring schedule to guide patrols and field research or monitoring activities, and to develop an integrated resource stewardship plan by engaging the community in Rivers Inlet | Conservation Fund | 2009 | $ 95,173 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Collaborative Due Diligence for an Area-Based Forestry Tenure | To collaborate with three other Nations to jointly conduct negotiations with the Province of BC for a large area-based forestry tenure and to undertake comprehensive due diligence for the acquisition of a major tree farm license supply block | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 105,000 |
Total Projects | 17 | Total Invested | $ 2,952,860 |
Total Projects: 17
Total Invested: $ 2,952,860
Wuikinuxv Organizations and Resources
Online Resources
- Wuikinuxv Nation
Central Coast Indigenous Resource Alliance
- Wuikinuxv Guardian Watchmen
Coastal Stewardship Network
- Beyond the walls of the academy: engaging with communities in collaborative scientific research
Applied Conservation Science Lab - University of Victoria
Related Protected Areas
- Calvert Island Conservancy
- Clyak Estuary Conservancy
- Cranstown Point Conservancy
- Goosebay Conservancy
- Hakai Lúxvbálís Conservancy
- Kilbella Estuary Conservancy
- Koeye Conservancy
- Lockhart – Gordon Conservancy
- Machmell Conservancy
- Owikeno Conservancy
- Penrose Island Marine Provincial Park
- Penrose-Ripon Conservancy
- Sheemahant Conservancy
- Biodiversity, Mining and Tourism Areas