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Gitga’at Guardians Aid in Whale Rescue

The monitoring work of the Gitga’at Guardians enables them to be quick responders to any human or environmental situation that requires swift action. This ability proved to be very useful in July 2015 when an orca whale became stranded in their territory.
Gitga’at Guardian George Fisher (picture above) received a call from a passing sail boat that an Orca whale had been left stranded by the receding tide on some rocks in the the remote territory.
See the dramatic rescue and George’s interview with the National:
The active presence of the Guardians in their territory means they can swiftly react to any emerging situation which requires skilled technicians out on the water, whether it is a boater in distress, a trapped animal or an illegal poaching activity. You can read more about the Gitga’at Guardians here.