Project Investments
First Nations are partnering with Coast Funds to invest in stewardship projects, Guardian programs, economic development initiatives, and renewable energy transitions.
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First Nation |
Applicant |
Project |
Description | Links | Type |
Year |
Funding |
‘Na̲mg̲is Nation | 'Namgis First Nation | Floating Fish Fence on Nimpkish River | To install floating panels for the fish fence on the Nimpkish River, enabling increased accuracy of escapement numbers for multiple species of returning salmon (chinook, chum, pink, and sockeye). | Conservation Fund | 2025 | $ 17,993 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Haisla Coastal Patrol Vessel 2025 | To contribute to the Haisla Nation's purchase of a patrol vessel to enable aquatic research, conservation and protection projects, youth and cultural programs, environmental response, and search and rescue applications. | Conservation Fund | 2025 | $ 250,000 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Stewardship Office – 2025/26 Operations | To support operations of the stewardship office, undertake research and management planning projects, enhance the guardian watchmen program, and provide related equipment and training. | Conservation Fund | 2025 | $ 800,000 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Kitasoo Stewardship Authority – 2024/25 Operations | To support operations of the Stewardship Authority, including: referral and data management, science and research, Guardian Watchmen compliance monitoring and outreach, the Supporting Emerging Aboriginal Stewards program, and general resource stewardship including land use planning, forestry, and ecosystems-based management. | Conservation Fund | 2024 | $ 330,000 | |
Metlakatla Nation | Metlakatla Governing Council | Development of Monitoring Plan for Metlakatla’s Regenerative Ocean Farm | To support the development and implementation of a holistic monitoring framework for the Nation's regenerative ocean farm that tracks the positive and negative impacts of regenerative ocean farming on their environment, economy, and community well-being. | Conservation Fund | 2024 | $ 250,000 | |
North Coast Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society | North Coast Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society | Governance and Strategic Plan Update 2024-25 | To update governance and strategic structures for the Society, which supports member Nations with technical and administrative support to engage in stewardship and resource management initiatives. | Economic Development Fund | 2024 | $ 68,125 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Band | Fishing Vessel Upgrades | To support Lax Kw'alaams Fishing Enterprise with upgrades to its wholly owned fishing vessels. | Economic Development Fund | 2024 | $ 70,486 | |
Haida Nation | Old Massett Village Council | Salmon Enhancement Program 2024-25 Operations | To support the 2024-25 operations of the Yakoun River Salmonid Enhancement Program that will enhance the conservation of Chinook and Coho salmon stocks in the Yakoun River, including raising sub-yearling smolts, releasing salmon into the lower Yakoun River, and providing hatchery space and crew to support incubation. | Conservation Fund | 2024 | $ 181,935 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Haisla Fisheries Commission – 2024/25 Operations | To support operations of the Haisla Fisheries Commission in 2024-25, including stock assessment activities for oolichan, Pacific salmon, and shellfish; the maintenance of resource-associated wa'wais cabins within marine conservancies; monitoring Haisla territory; and training in marine mammal response, with associated monitoring and tracking exercises. | Conservation Fund | 2024 | $ 200,000 | |
Da’naxda’xw Awaetlala Nation | Da'naxda'xw First Nation | Guardian Watchmen Program | To support Da'naxda'xw Guardian Watchman program activities, including hiring new Guardians to patrol and monitor the territory. | Conservation Fund | 2024 | $ 169,890 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. – 2024/25 Operations | To support the 2024-25 operations of the Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Department which includes: a focus on strengthening monitoring of fish farms and commercial fishers, enhancing efficiency in referral responses, carrying out updates to HIRMD’s referrals policy, continuing mapping and reporting advancements, managing research on commitments for forestry and aquatic sector work, and collaborating with partners to acquire and maintain data for resource management. | Conservation Fund | 2024 | $ 740,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Rediscovery T’aalan Stl’ang – Youth Culture Camp – 2024 Operations | To support the revitalization operations of Haida culture through the 2024 Rediscovery T’aalan Stl’ang program which offers youth camps focused on cultural, stewardship, and leadership experiences on the north end of Haida Gwaii, creating the next generation of leaders who understand how to care for and sustain the lands and waters of Haida Gwaii. | Conservation Fund | 2024 | $ 740,000 | |
Wei Wai Kum Nation | Wei Wai Kum First Nation | Guardian Program 2024/25 Operations | To support environmental management and monitoring capacity for the Wei Wai Kum Guardian Watchmen Program, including habitat remediation work, fish habitat mapping, cultural and ecological surveys, a kelp monitoring project with urchin removal, stream mapping, implementing salmon farm monitoring protocols, and clam garden restoration. | Conservation Fund | 2024 | $ 125,000 | |
Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis Nation | Kwikwasut'inuxw Haxwa'mis First Nation | Guardian Watchmen Program Start-up | To initiate a Guardian Watchmen program in Ḵwiḵwa̱sut'inux̱w Ha̱xwa’mis territory, including securing staff and equipment and implementing a monitoring program. | To initiate a Guardian Watchmen program in Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis Territory, including securing staff and equipment for the program and implementing a monitoring program. |
Conservation Fund | 2024 | $ 86,556 |
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation | Stewardship Program – 2024/25 Operations | To support the Guardian program, including managing and monitoring lands and marine resource activities in the territories, planning and referrals, and a wide variety of research projects aimed at protecting valuable fish, wildlife, and habitat resources for future generations. | Conservation Fund | 2024 | $ 175,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | L’aana Daganga.a (Swan Bay) Rediscovery – Culture Camps 2024 | To support the revitalization of Haida culture through the 2024 L'aana Daganga.a Swan Bay Rediscovery program that offers youth camps focused on cultural, stewardship, and leadership experiences on the south end of Haida Gwaii, creating the next generation of leaders who understand how to care for and sustain the lands and waters of Haida Gwaii. | Conservation Fund | 2024 | $ 65,000 | |
Gitxaała Nation | Gitxaała Nation | Crest Hotel – Room Improvements | To invest in capital, equipment, and guest service improvements in the recently acquired Crest Hotel. | Economic Development Fund | 2024 | $ 2,313,647 | |
Haida Nation | Haida Enterprise Corporation (HaiCo) | Taan Forest Incubator Project | To develop an industrial business park that provides communal wood manufacturing space and business incubator services to enable Haida entrepreneurs to participate in the value-add forestry sector. | Economic Development Fund | 2024 | $ 942,032 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisga'a Lisims Government | Nass River — Chinook Radiotelemetry Project | To conduct radio telemetry surveys that will enhance baseline data of Chinook salmon distribution and migration patterns, including mortality in the Nass River, to inform future management and conservation. | Conservation Fund | 2024 | $ 400,000 | |
Dzawada’enuxw Nation | Dzawada'enuxw Development GP Ltd | Water Taxi Business Start Up | To support Dzawada'enuxw in operating a water transportation business that will benefit the community through the purchasing of a water taxi, business planning, and the hiring of a transportation coordinator and water taxi drivers. | Economic Development Fund | 2024 | $ 318,417 | |
Gwawaenuk Tribe | Gwawaenuk Tribe | Gwawaenuk Tribe Salvage Company | To acquire the assets of WJ Cedar Projects and consolidate operations. | Economic Development Fund | 2024 | $ 301,362 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | 359 Haisla Avenue Upgrades and Improvements | To support development of a micro grocery store in Kitamaat village, to provide convenient access to fresh produce and create employment opportunities. | Economic Development Fund | 2024 | $ 255,645 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | HEDC – Management of Companies’ Capital & Improvement Projects | To support operations of the Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation and its seven subsidiary companies. | Economic Development Fund | 2024 | $ 261,437 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisga'a Village of Gitlaxt'aamiks | Interpretive Center and Lava Roc Restaurant | To support Gitlaxt'aamiks Village's vision of turning the Old Community Hall facility into an Interpretive Centre with the Lava Roc Restaurant. | Economic Development Fund | 2024 | $ 250,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Shearwater Resort & Marina | Shearwater Resort LLP: Shipyard Improvements | To purchase additional equipment to support the shipbuilding arm of Shearwater Marine LLP. | Economic Development Fund | 2024 | $ 200,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Protected Areas Dept. – 2023-24 Operations | To support the Haida Protected Areas Department's activities, including data collection and monitoring projects and contracts (such as fish, birds, wildlife, and environmental surveys); maintaining Guardian cabins; contributing to tourism policy and procedures; developing and maintaining management plans; operations and maintenance of campsites and trails; and monitoring of village sites by the Haida Gwaii Watchmen. | Conservation Fund | 2023 | $ 650,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Heritage and Natural Resources Dept. – 2023-24 Operations | To support the continued activities of the Heritage and Natural Resource Department (HNRD) to steward Haida lands and natural resources including fulfilling the Haida Gwaii Land Use Order commitments; joint decision making with the provincial government under the Kunst'aa guu - Kunst'aayah Reconciliation Protocol; forest stewardship monitoring; forest research and analysis projects; administration of resource development applications and referrals; environmental assessment, enforcement, and policy initiatives; and archaeological monitoring services. | Conservation Fund | 2023 | $ 400,000 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Expanding Stewardship Capacity | To hire a Stewardship Coordinator to support the development and expansion of the Nation’s stewardship and Guardian activities, broader Lands and Governance priorities, and commitment to protecting their territories, managing resources, and upholding their cultural and environmental values. | Conservation Fund | 2023 | $ 230,518 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Band | Lax Kw’alaams Fisheries Stewardship Program – 2023/24 Operations | To support core salaries and operations of the Fisheries Stewardship Program, including monitoring shellfish biotoxin levels and the associated community outreach program; undertaking eulachon surveys and herring assessment and monitoring of spawn on kelp activities; ongoing salmon monitoring and salmon stream enumeration; and developing an early detection and removal system for the invasive European Green Crab; and monitoring shellfish biotoxin levels. | Conservation Fund | 2023 | $ 100,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Commercial Property Interior Upgrades | To invest in capital improvements of the Prince Rupert commercial building to improve building system efficiencies and interior enhancements that would support local commercial leasing opportunities. | Economic Development Fund | 2023 | $ 209,209 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Lama Pass Fuel Co. Ltd. – Capital Upgrades & Maintenance | To invest in infrastructure and environmental improvements at Luma Pass Fuel LP to update marina float and area, streamline fueling services to achieve operational efficiencies. | Economic Development Fund | 2023 | $ 150,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Mapping Department 2023/24 Operations | To support the geographic information system (GIS) capacity of the Nation, specifically through expanding cultural (CFI) surveys in two Protected Areas: Duu Guusd and Nang Xaldangaas on the northern tip of Haida Gwaii, in addition to building departmental capacity by hiring and training employees. | Conservation Fund | 2023 | $ 350,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Stads K’un (Northern Goshawk) Ongoing Species Management | To continue to survey and monitor the endangered Stads K'un northern goshawk as per the adopted draft Islands-based recovery strategy, including population monitoring of known nests, inventories of potential habitat, habitat recruitment and restoration, introduced species mitigation (Norway rats, black rats, Sitka black-tailed deer, pine marten, blue grouse), and proper foraging habitat management. | Conservation Fund | 2023 | $ 185,000 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Haisla Fisheries Commission – 2023/24 Operations | To support operations of the Haisla Fisheries Commission 2023-24, including stock assessment activities for oolichan, Pacific salmon, and shellfish; the maintenance of resource-associated "wa'wais" cabins within marine conservancies; and monitoring Haisla territory; and training in Marine Mammal Response with associated monitoring and tracking exercises. | Conservation Fund | 2023 | $ 150,000 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Kitasoo Stewardship Authority 2023/24 | To support operations of the Stewardship Authority, including: land use planning and management (including forestry and protected areas planning and management), engagement and data management, science and research, Guardian Watchman and compliance monitoring, the Supporting Emerging Aboriginal Stewards (SEAS) program and youth development, and general resource stewardship. | Conservation Fund | 2023 | $ 460,000 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Stewardship Operations 2023/24 | To support continued regional monitoring operations and protection of important cultural sites in traditional territory, including IPCA collaborative management planning and activities, inventory initiatives and research projects such as dive surveys and eDNA sampling, cultural features inventory, monitoring of clam gardens and assessment of invasive blue mussels, recreational monitoring, and eel grass and kelp bed drone mapping. | Conservation Fund | 2023 | $ 100,000 | |
Wei Wai Kum Nation | Wei Wai Kum First Nation | Guardian Program 2023/24 Operations | To support operations of the Stewardship and Guardian Watchmen Program throughout Wei Wai Kum territories collecting environmental data and potential fish samples which will help inform goals of salmon enhancement and restoration; clam and kelp surveys to better inform food security planning; restoration activities in the Campbell River and Heydon bay estuaries; and planning for clam garden restoration initiatives. | Conservation Fund | 2023 | $ 20,000 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Marine Towing and Tugboat Services Start-up | To invest in rebuilding the Wuikinuxv owned 28-foot tugboat, Trans Fir 80, and to start-up tugboat services in Rivers Inlet creating a new business and employment and training opportunities for Wuikinuxv members. | Economic Development Fund | 2023 | $ 226,913 | |
Kwiakah Nation | Kwiakah First Nation | Kwiakah Centre for Excellence & Kelp Test Farm | To develop the Kwiakah Kelp Farm and Kwiakah Centre of (scientific) Excellence to study kelp farming and a diversity of related investigations. | Economic Development Fund | 2023 | $ 438,828 | |
Haida Nation | Old Masset Village Council | Predevelopment of Hiellen Longhouse Village Phase 2 | To complete the next phase of site design, cabin design and site preparation work in order to support the site for the expansion of the Hiellen Longhouse Village. | Economic Development Fund | 2023 | $ 310,400 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Rediscovery T’alaan Stl’ang – Culture Camps 2023 | To support the revitalization of Haida culture through the 2023 Rediscovery T’aalan Stl’ang program which offers youth camps focused on cultural, stewardship, and leadership experiences on the north end of Haida Gwaii, creating the next generation of leaders who understand how to care for and sustain the lands and waters of Haida Gwaii. | Conservation Fund | 2023 | $ 65,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | L’aana Daganga.a (Swan Bay) Rediscovery – Culture Camps 2023 | to support the revitalization of Haida culture through the 2023 L'aana Daganga.a Swan Bay Rediscovery program which offers youth camps focused on cultural, stewardship, and leadership experiences on the south end of Haida Gwaii, creating the next generation of leaders who understand how to care for and sustain the lands and waters of Haida Gwaii. | Conservation Fund | 2023 | $ 65,000 | |
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation | Stewardship Program – 2023/24 Operations | To support all aspects of the Lands and Resources Office, which includes coordinating, managing, and monitoring lands and resource activities in the territories, Guardian programming, land use planning, referrals assessment and evaluation, and a wide variety of research projects aimed at protecting valuable fish, wildlife, habitat, and cultural resources for future generations. | Conservation Fund | 2023 | $ 125,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. – 2023/24 Operations | To support operations of the Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Department, which undertakes activities to maintain and apply Heiltsuk knowledge for stewardship purposes, with a focus on strengthening the monitoring and auditing of all resource users in the Territory; continued involvement in land and marine stewardship through regional collaboration; identifying and prioritizing salmon systems for habitat restoration efforts; and processing referrals and enforcing laws and policies in traditional territory. | Conservation Fund | 2023 | $ 381,911 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Gitga’at Oceans and Lands Department – 2022/23 Operations | To support operations of the Gitga'at Oceans and Lands Department, including expanded archaeological research to inform community about their history and continuous tie to the territory; shellfish biotoxin monitoring to enable harvest openings; continuing with the Gitga'at Environmental Knowledge Project; implementing new shipping guidelines; and developing the case for support to pursue Gitga'at protected areas in Old Town and Kishkosh Inlet. | Conservation Fund | 2023 | $ 180,000 | |
We Wai Kai Nation | We Wai Kai Nation | Guardian Watchmen Program 2023/24 Operations | To support the second year of the Guardian Watchmen program’s operations, with a focus on territorial monitoring, archaeological monitoring, Guardian training, and watershed restoration. | Conservation Fund | 2023 | $ 15,000 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Longhouse Restaurant Start-up and Training | To start a new restaurant in Bella Coola that will showcase Nuxalk culture and provide employment and skills training for community members seeking employment in tourism and hospitality along the Central Coast. | Economic Development Fund | 2023 | $ 37,323 | |
Gitxaała Nation | Gitxaała Enterprises LP | Salt Water Bakery – 2022 Start-up | To invest in the start-up of a new community-owned and operated artisanal bakery business located in Prince Rupert; to acknowledge the Gitxaała people as the Git Lax M’oon, or the People of the Salt Water; and to create meaningful employment and professional development opportunities for Gitxaała members. | Economic Development Fund | 2022 | $ 357,000 | |
Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis Nation | Kwikwasut'inuxw Haxwa'mis First Nation | Gwa-yas-dums 200kW Smart-grid Solar Photovoltaics and Battery Hybrid | To construct a new PV/storage system to displace imported diesel fuel, reduce energy costs and avoid GHG emissions | Economic Development Fund | 2021 | $ 233,673 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | CT Marine Tug & Barge Start Up | To invest in a tug and barge operation to strengthen the value chain for the Lax Kw’alaams Business Development companies and ensure essential barge service to the Lax Kwa'alaams Nation. | Economic Development Fund | 2022 | $ 400,000 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Start-up of Laxyuup Guardian Program | To support the start-up of the Lax Kw'alaams Laxyuup Guardian Program, which will see the Guardians working within the Lands, Resources and Stewardship department to undertake several role and responsibilities related to conservation, research, land monitoring, and overall guardianship and stewardship. | Conservation Fund | 2022 | $ 278,800 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Kitasoo Stewardship Authority – 2022/23 Operations | To support operations of the Stewardship Authority program that includes: completing third year of baseline bear activity research; expanding the Guardian Watchmen program including hiring and Operations Manager and adding a new station in Khutze Inlet; continuing mountain goat and northern goshawk research projects; undertaking bio-cultural surveys to support land use planning; monitoring the marine environment as part of the Marine Planning Partnership; and finalizing various management plans. | Conservation Fund | 2022 | $ 600,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. – 2022/23 Operations | To support operations of the Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Department including contributing to Heiltsuk knowledge for stewardship via monitoring and research projects; strengthening the monitoring and auditing of all resource users through the Heiltsuk Guardian Watchmen Program; continued involvement in land and marine stewardship through the AFS monitoring program, MaPP implementation, and regional monitoring programs; as well as processing referrals and enforcing laws and policies in traditional territory. | Conservation Fund | 2022 | $ 618,260 | |
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation | Stewardship Program – 2022/23 Operations | To support all aspects of the Stewardship Program, which includes onsite inspections of commercial and recreational activities within Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw’s traditional territory; building baseline ecological data on priority species and their habitat including herring, abalone, clam, crab, and groundfish; assessing salmon returns and habitat health; monitoring aquaculture farms in the territory; and furthering collaborative territorial management and compliance enforcement. | Conservation Fund | 2022 | $ 125,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Rediscovery T’alaan Stl’ang – Culture Camps 2022 | To support the revitalization of Haida culture through the 2022 Rediscovery T’aalan Stl’ang program which offers youth camps focused on cultural, stewardship, and leadership experiences on the north end of Haida Gwaii, creating the next generation of leaders who understand how to care for and sustain the lands and waters of Haida Gwaii. | Conservation Fund | 2022 | $ 50,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | L’aana Daganga.a (Swan Bay) Rediscovery – Culture Camps 2022 | To support the revitalization of Haida culture through the 2022 L'aana Daganga.a (Swan Bay) Rediscovery program which offers youth camps focused on cultural, stewardship, and leadership experiences on the south end of Haida Gwaii, creating the next generation of leaders who understand how to care for and sustain the lands and waters of Haida Gwaii. | Conservation Fund | 2022 | $ 50,000 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Haisla Fisheries Commission – 2022/23 Operations | To support aquatic resources conservation efforts led by the Haisla Fisheries Commission, including eulachon and salmon stock assessments in Haisla watersheds; maintaining Haisla Nation assets (e.g. wa'wais cabins, trails and hot spring facilities); completing maintenance and upgrades at wa'wais; monitoring marine conservancies, parks and areas of concern; and following up on incident reports from community members, government, industry and/or the public; and paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) monitoring for bivalve shellfish. | Conservation Fund | 2022 | $ 200,000 | |
Haida Nation | Old Massett Village Council | Salmonid Enhancement Program on the Yakoun and Mamin Rivers – 2022/23 Operations | To support the 2022/23 operations of the Yakoun River Salmonid Enhancement Program to support the conservation of Chinook and coho stocks in the Yakoun and Mamin Rivers, including broodstock capture and holding, eggtakes, incubation, and netpen rearing, in addition to public outreach about the enhancement program and local watershed health. | Conservation Fund | 2022 | $ 100,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Nass River Estuary — 2022 Juvenile Salmon Enumeration, Abundance, and Habitat Monitoring | To implement the juvenile salmon component of the Ecosystem Health and Fish Habitat Monitoring Plan for the Nass River Estuary for an increased understanding of juvenile salmon and their food web, specifically the distribution, relative abundance, growth, and condition of juvenile salmon, and the density and diversity of key zooplankton prey in the Nass River estuary. | Conservation Fund | 2022 | $ 25,000 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Stewardship Office – 2022/23 Operations | To revitalize Nuxalk Ancestral Governance under the 2019 Leadership Declaration with Stataltmc through potlatch decision-making as they relate to lands and waters; to develop a Stewardship section within Nuxalk website for community engagement, to recruit a Lands Manager, Referrals Technician, and new Guardians; to complete cultural monitoring and science-based research to inform decision-making; and to complete marine/terrestrial compliance duties. | Conservation Fund | 2022 | $ 400,000 | |
We Wai Kai Nation | We Wai Kai Nation | Guardian Watchmen Start-up – Planning and Development | To support the design and development of the We Wai Kai Guardian Watchmen, including the hiring of a Guardian Manager | Conservation Fund | 2022 | $ 15,000 | |
Kwiakah Nation | Kwiakah First Nation | Adaptive Strategies for Stewardship in Phillips Arm | To evolve strategies for the conservation of the Phillips Arm estuary and surrounding forests, including advancing a 100-year management plan that incorporates climate, salmon, kelp, and soil research; furthering field research that informs the management plan; and undertaking a pilot project that will enable the Nation to develop measures to preserve and regenerate old-growth. | Conservation Fund | 2022 | $ 20,000 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Old Town Off-Grid Cabin Pilot | To develop a business case and build 4 pilot pre-fabricated off-grid cabins along the Necleetsconnay (Bella Coola) River to capitalize on Nuxalk’s growing tourism industry, accelerating key Nation goals including to strengthen and diversify the local economy and enhance Nuxalk’s presence on their Ancestral Territory | Economic Development Fund | 2022 | $ 200,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Gitga’at Oceans and Lands Department – 2021/22 Operations | To support operations of the Gitga'at Oceans and Lands Department, including installing new remote monitoring instruments and communication equipment; developing a proposal for enhanced bear management; building a new monitoring cabin in Lax Galts'ap; initiating work for a Gitga’at Territory salmon management plan; completing a pilot creel survey; developing landscape reserve designs for several landscape units; securing additional staff and equipment to support the Oceans and Lands Department; and initiating the development of cumulative effects management plan for tourism | Conservation Fund | 2021 | $ 200,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Gámdas Tlagée Forest Restoration Project | To continue a collaborative multi-year reforestation project at Gámdas Tlagée Protected Area located within the Kumdis Bay estuary on Haida Gwaii that regenerates Western Red Cedars on successively clear-cut traditional lands, thereby promoting the health of salmon bearing streams and downstream estuary habitat and building transferable ecosystem restoration skills | Conservation Fund | 2021 | $ 203,120 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Acquisition of Shearwater Marine Resort | To acquire Widsten Holdings Inc., including a generational investment by the Haíɫzaqv Nation in the acquisition of Shearwater Marine Ltd., a prominent marina and resort encompassing 63 acres on Denny Island along with investments that develop Indigenous-led ecotourism as a key component of its business model going forward | Economic Development Fund | 2021 | $ 450,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. – 2021/22 Operations | To support operations of the Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Department including implementing the 2021-2024 Strategic Plan; increasing knowledge of local ecosystems via monitoring and research projects; working with the Central Coast Indigenous Resource Alliance (CCIRA), Coastal Stewardship Network (CSN) and Coastal First Nations (CFN) on land and marine stewardship through the AFS monitoring program, MaPP implementation, and regional monitoring; monitoring resource users and enforcing the policy positions of the Nation; and continuing to use collected data and knowledge to advance Heiltsuk Title and Rights. | Conservation Fund | 2021 | $ 650,000 | |
Dzawada’enuxw Nation | Dzawada'enuxw Development GP Ltd. | Start-up of Dzwada’enuxw Development GP Ltd. | To support operations of the Dzawada’enuxw Development GP Ltd. during its start-up period, hire a part-time General Manager, recruit a full complement of directors for the Board, and develop a long-term business plan for the development corporation and its future subsidiary operations | Economic Development Fund | 2021 | $ 70,000 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Haisla Fisheries Commission – 2021/22 Operations | To support aquatic resources conservation efforts led by the Haisla Fisheries Commission, including eulachon and salmon stock assessments in Haisla watersheds; upgrading damaged wa'wais cabins; integrating the Haisla Marine Plan values and priorities into existing regional plans and provincial/federal initiatives such as the Marine Planning Partnership, Marine Protected Area Planning, the Ocean Protection Plan, and the BC Parks’ Recreation Initiative; monitoring and assessing the impacts of recreational use of Haisla territory, providing support to the Haisla Youth Cultural Camps; assessing mountain goat stocks; Paralytic Shellfish monitoring; and maintaining collaborative planning and networking partnerships. | Conservation Fund | 2021 | $ 200,000 | |
Kwiakah Nation | Kwiakah First Nation | Research and Strategic Plan to Acquire TFL 39 Block 5 | To develop the necessary strategic plan to facilitate fundraising and negotiations to acquire Tree Farm License (TFL) 39 Block 5 at the Phillips River watershed so the Nation can eventually exercise their inherent rights and apply regenerative forestry practices in their territory, and to understand the needs to develop a 100-yr Management Plan for the TFL once acquired. | Conservation Fund | 2021 | $ 10,000 | |
North Coast Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society | North Coast Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society | Strategic Planning Update | to strengthen governance practices by engaging member First Nations to identify strategic priorities for regional resource management and sustainable economic development | Economic Development Fund | 2021 | $ 13,069 | |
Ulkatcho Nation | West Chilcotin Forest Products Ltd | Predevelopment for Ulkatcho Mercantile Ltd. Store Relocation and Expansion | To complete predevelopment work for the relocation and expansion of Ulkatcho Mercantile Ltd. that will enable Ulkatcho Band Council and West Chilcotin Forest Products Ltd. to raise significant infrastructure investment to relocate the existing grocery store and expand their services to include fuel and accommodations to a high traffic location, providing increased profits to Ulkatcho First Nation, and additional employment opportunities and fuel cost savings to community members | Economic Development Fund | 2021 | $ 51,549 | |
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation | Stewardship Program – 2021/22 Operations | To support all aspects of the Stewardship Program and resources management programs which including monitoring commercial and recreational activities within Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw’s traditional territory; building baseline ecological data on priority species and their habitat including salmon, herring, shellfish, and groundfish; undertaking a Dungeness crab population assessment; monitoring forestry sites and adjacent streams to understand the impact of logging on the ecosystem; undertaking stream restoration activities to protect and improve salmon habitat; monitoring aquaculture farms in the territory; and undertaking a traditional knowledge and use study. | Conservation Fund | 2021 | $ 125,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Rediscovery T’alaan Stl’ang – Culture Camps 2021 | To revitalize Haida culture through the 2021 Rediscovery T’aalan Stl’ang program which offers summer family and youth camps focused on cultural, stewardship, and leadership experience, facilitating care and understanding of how to sustain the lands and waters of Haida Gwaii and responsibly building kinship to combat isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic | Conservation Fund | 2021 | $ 36,538 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Lax Kw’alaams Fisheries Stewardship Program – 2021/22 Operations | To support core salaries and operations of the Fisheries Stewardship Program, including monitoring key marine resources in Lax Kw’alaams territory to inform stewardship strategies; continuing subtidal abalone abundance surveys and habitat assessment in Lax Kwaxl Conservancy; continuing the juvenile abalone settlement condos program to promote safe settlement for the species; assessing the abundance of the invasive European Green Crab including at traditional harvest locations; undertaking seaweed composition and biomass assessments; monitoring shellfish biotoxin levels; enumerating spawning salmon; and continuing community marine harvest outreach programs. | Conservation Fund | 2021 | $ 160,000 | |
Wei Wai Kum Nation | Wei Wai Kum First Nation | Stewardship Program – 2021/22 Operations | To support operations of the Stewardship and Guardian Watchmen Program throughout Wei Wai Kum territories including data collection on plant and animal presence and activity; conducting Environmental DNA (eDNA) water sampling to estimate aquatic biodiversity in the Heydon Creek watershed; inventorying archeological data and cultural resources including Large Cultural Cedar; undertaking ecological restoration projects in the Campbell River and Heydon Bay estuaries; monitoring commercial fish farm activities and habitat quality through benthic and sulphide monitoring; surveying bull kelp; assessing Dungeness crab stocks; cultivating the productivity of ancestral clam gardens; and continued participation in the BearID project | Conservation Fund | 2021 | $ 50,000 | |
Haida Nation | Old Massett Village Council | Northern Haida Gwaii Hospital and Health Centre – Biomass Energy System | To supply the Northern Haida Gwaii Hospital and Health Centre with renewable biomass heat to displace propane consumption and a portion of the electrical demand load from BC Hydro’s diesel-powered generation facility in Masset with thermal energy generated from wood waste produced on Haida Gwaii under a long-term energy purchase agreement with Northern Health Authority, thus providing Old Massett Village Council with a revenue stream, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and creating employment opportunities for Haida citizens. | Economic Development Fund | 2021 | $ 150,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | L’aana Daganga.a (Swan Bay) Rediscovery – Culture Camps 2021 | To revitalize Haida culture through the 2021 L'aana Daganga.a (Swan Bay) Rediscovery program which offers summer youth camps focused on cultural, stewardship, and leadership experience, facilitating care and understanding of how to sustain the lands and waters of Haida Gwaii and responsibly building kinship to combat isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic | Conservation Fund | 2021 | $ 36,000 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Store Ltd. | Kitasoo Band Store Construction and Expansion | To construct a new, expanded, and modernized retail store to service the community of Klemtu, providing a larger selection of goods, increased sales, and additional employment opportunities to Klemtu community members | Economic Development Fund | 2021 | $ 460,953 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program – 2021-22 Operations | To support the increased presence of the Guardians throughout Homalco territory as they monitor water quality; assist in spill response efforts and planning; monitor the overall territory including the Chinook catch; lead stock assessment efforts in Southgate, Homathko, and Olford Rivers; contribute to public education videos that highlight Traditional Ecological Knowledge, and gathering data to inform a marine use plan to help guide future management decisions. | Conservation Fund | 2021 | $ 115,000 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Sustaining Salmon Populations – Orford Hatchery Operations 2021-22 | To support the operations of the salmon enhancement program in Orford Bay rivers (Orford, Southgate, and Homathko) to re-stock the coho and chum salmon populations for future generations, including identifying potential fish habitat restoration priorities and stock potential; maintaining salmon stocks in the Southgate and Elliot River while restoration plans are implemented; restoring the hatchery's incubation and rearing infrastructure; and to secure facilities from wildlife to address the ongoing predation issue. | Conservation Fund | 2021 | $ 119,883 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. – 2020/21 Operations | To support operations of the Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Department including the renewal of a three-year strategic plan, continuation a collaborative policy for the Reconciliation Protocol Agreement as it relates to the Great Bear Rainforest (Forest Management) Act, building integrated stewardship management capacity through one part time equivalent position to support senior management, and drafting a policy to guide collaborative efforts to implement conservation management plans. | Conservation Fund | 2020 | $ 650,000 | |
Dzawada’enuxw Nation | Dzawada'enuxw First Nation | Padakus Creek 350kW Hydropower Facility Development | To replace the existing fossil fuel-dependent electrification facility serving the 95 residents of the village of U'kwanalis with a new 350kW hydroelectric project on Padakus Creek, a tributary to Gwa'yi (Kingcome River); this will supply 97% of the community’s electricity needs and is expected to displace over 265,000 liters of imported diesel fuel annually, reducing the cumulative greenhouse gases by approximately 30,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions over the project life, while also providing employment and training opportunities for community members during the construction and operation of the new facility. | Sustainable Energy | 2020 | $ 3,300,000 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Klemtu Hydropower Facility – 1.7MW Modernization and Expansion | To upgrade and modernize the existing Baron Lake hydroelectric power facility serving the 300 residents of the community of Klemtu; this will supply 100% of the communities electricity needs and is expected to displace over 1,300,000 liters of imported diesel fuel annually, reducing the cumulative greenhouse gases by approximately 145,966 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent over the project life, while also providing employment and training opportunities for community members during the construction and operation of the expanded facility. | Sustainable Energy | 2020 | $ 4,600,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Gitga’at Oceans and Lands Department – 2020/21 Operations | To support operations of the Gitga'at Oceans and Lands Department, including completion of traditional use studies; proactive engagement in several environmental assessment processes; furthering the development of key management plans in Gitga’at territory including a marine response plan; acoustic monitoring of whales to inform shipping management; biotoxin research in shellfish; Dungeness and salmon stock assessments; whale and abalone abundance surveys; ecological monitoring to determine baseline conditions and food security in traditional territories; expanded archeological research and ethnodata collection; initiating two new wildlife monitoring projects, and the continued development and implementation of the Gitga’at Community Knowledge project. | Conservation Fund | 2020 | $ 300,000 | |
Haida Nation | Skidegate Band Council | Skidegate Commercial Park Expansion and Improvements – Phase 2 | To improve the new Skidegate commercial park for future lease opportunities and to provide additional benefits to the new grocery co-op including better lighting, garbage disposal, Haida language signage, and prepare the site for future expansion. | Economic Development Fund | 2020 | $ 30,800 | |
Haida Nation | Old Massett Village Council | Salmonid Enhancement Program on the Yakoun and Mamin Rivers 2020/21 Operations | To support the operations of the Salmonid Enhancement Program to rebuild Chinook and coho stocks in the Yakoun and Mamin Rivers, including broodstock capture and holding, eggtakes, incubation and netpen rearing, DNA sampling, and public outreach including hatchery tours and assistance with Salmonids in the Classroom program for increased public awareness about the Yakoun River Hatchery program and local watershed interests. | Conservation Fund | 2020 | $ 100,000 | |
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation | Stewardship Program – 2020/21 Operations | To support all aspects of the Stewardship Program and resources management programs including territorial monitoring; data collection on priority species and their habitat (salmon, herring, clam, abalone, geoduck, crab, rockfish, ling cod, halibut); habitat monitoring and restoration in forestry areas; continuation of the Nekite Estuary West Biodiversity Area grizzly bear project; Guardian Watchman cabin upkeep; and compliance enforcement. | Conservation Fund | 2020 | $ 250,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Rediscovery T’aalang Stl’ang Safety Upgrades & Infrastructure Renewal | To revitalize Haida culture and develop the next generation of Haida leaders who understand how to care for and sustain the lands and waters of Haida Gwaii via the T’aalan Stl’ang culture camp through investing in critical camp infrastructure and safety training for staff. | Conservation Fund | 2020 | $ 80,000 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Lax Kw’alaams Fisheries Stewardship Program – 2020/21 Operations | To support core salaries and operations of the Fisheries Stewardship program, including monitoring key marine resources in Lax Kw’alaams territory; continuing the subtidal abalone abundance surveys and habitat assessment in Lax Kwaxl Conservancy; placing settlement condos to promote safe settlement for juvenile abalone; undertaking an assessment of the abundance of invasive tunicates; undertaking a marine habitat use survey; continuing monitoring programs for shellfish biotoxins; installing a modified fish trap on the Lower Skeena River; and continuing ongoing community outreach programs. | Conservation Fund | 2020 | $ 160,000 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program – 2020 Operations | To support continued regional monitoring operations and protection of important cultural sites in traditional territory, with an infrastructure enhancement on Compton Island for future Guardian support, development of a language immersion project including additional signage on Village Island, as well as continued monitoring of clam gardens, continued assessment of invasive blue mussels at Port Elizabeth, maintenance of a tourism visitor record to better understand the impact of recreation in the territory, baseline assessments at Larson Island Fish Farm, and continued eel grass and kelp bed drone mapping. | Conservation Fund | 2020 | $ 110,000 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Spirit Bear Adventures Ltd. | Spirit Bear Lodge – Great Room and Guest Accommodation Expansion | To invest in an infrastructure expansion at Spirit Bear Lodge including four additional guest accommodations and an extended great room to accommodate the increased guest capacity while providing additional employment opportunities for Kitasoo/Xai’xais members and opportunities to increase the profits earned by the lodge | Economic Development Fund | 2020 | $ 470,000 | |
Gitxaała Nation | Gitxaała Nation | Predevelopment for Gitxaała Community Fishery Enterprise | To complete pre-development work for the expansion of Gitxaala’s community fishery that will be supported by the Fisheries Reconciliation Agreement including hiring a new Fisheries Business Manager and designing and assessing a site for a new habour facility close to the village of Lach Klan; this work will assist in providing the foundation for more fishing employment opportunities to community members | Economic Development Fund | 2020 | $ 355,000 | |
Gitxaała Nation | Gitxaała Nation | Gitxaała Fisheries and Marine Programs – 2020/21 Operations | To support operations and the expansion of the Gitxaała Fisheries and Marine Programs to hire a Forestry and Land Use Planner; update and harmonize the Gitxaała Land Use Plan; hire, train, and integrate three guardians; draft priority conservancy management plans for the Hecate Strait Sponge Reef Protected Area, Monckton Nii Luutiksm, and Gitxaała Nii Luutiksm; further refine the Marine Protected Area Strategy and participate in the Marine Protect Area Network for the Northern Bioshelf Region; and develop a Gitxaała Geographic Response Plan. | Conservation Fund | 2020 | $ 220,000 | |
Haida Nation | Old Massett Village Council | Predevelopment for Hiellen Longhouse Village Expansion | To complete pre-development work for the expansion of Hiellen Longhouse Village, a unique Haida operated tourist accommodations business that has operated for 5 years, including design, survey, and site preparation for the planned construction of seven new eco-tourism cabins located on the ancestral Haida village site of Tlielang at Taaw in Naikoon Park which is co-managed by the Haida Nation and the Province of B.C. | Economic Development Fund | 2020 | $ 189,600 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | L’aana Daganga.a (Swan Bay) Rediscovery Camp – Critical Infrastructure Renewal | To provide Haida youth with a cultural, stewardship, and leadership experience via the L'aana Daganga.a (Swan Bay) Rediscovery camp through investing in upgrades to critical camp infrastructure. | Conservation Fund | 2020 | $ 78,900 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Haisla Fisheries Commission – 2020/21 Operations | To support aquatic resources conservation efforts led by the Haisla Fisheries Commission, including enhanced eulachon and salmon stock assessments in Haisla watersheds; upgrading wa'wais cabins at Monkey Beach, Wahoo River, and Fishtrap; integrating the Haisla Marine Plan values and priorities into existing regional plans and provincial/federal initiatives such as the Marine Planning Partnership, Marine Protected Area Planning, the Ocean Protection Plan, and the BC Parks’ Recreation Initiative; and providing logistical support to maintain the Haisla Youth Cultural Camps in 2020. | Conservation Fund | 2020 | $ 200,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Infrastructure Upgrades for Lama Pass Fuel Co LP | To invest in the infrastructure of Lama Pass Fuel Co. Limited Partnership in Bella Bella that will support the business to partner with Pacific Coastal Airlines Limited and expand their product line to jet fuel, increasing their net income and improving inventory and cash flow management | Economic Development Fund | 2020 | $ 150,000 | |
‘Na̲mg̲is Nation | 'Na̲mg̲is First Nation | Guardian Vessel and 2020-21 Ecosystem Monitoring and Restoration Operations | To invest in a research and monitoring vessel that will enable 'Namgis First Nation to conduct patrols across the Broughton Archipelago, undertake ecosystem health monitoring and restoration activities as part of the Broughton Solutions for Finfish Aquaculture Program, perform water quality research and sea-lice counts, undertake salmon escapement counts in watersheds, and complete salmon habitat assessments to inform high-priority restoration sites. | Conservation Fund | 2020 | $ 49,177 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | H'aiagal'ath Grizzly Bear Tours Inc. | Wuikinuxv Bear Viewing Start-up | To invest in the infrastructure and business start-up of a new Grizzly bear viewing operation based in the Gelbala (Kilbella Estuary Conservancy) in the Wuikinuxv territory; the business will provide employment and training opportunities to Wuikinuxv community members and contribute to building a tourism-based economy while conserving and protecting Grizzly bears | Economic Development Fund | 2020 | $ 240,000 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Eagles' Nest Store (Operated as Eagle's Nest Bed & Breakfast) | Expansion of Eagle’s Nest Bed & Breakfast | To invest in the expansion of a Wuikinuxv hospitality business increasing the capacity from three to ten rooms with the acquisition and renovation of two new modular trailers providing additional accommodation as well as expanding the fishing charter operations offered to visitors of Wuikinuxv (Rivers Inlet) | Economic Development Fund | 2020 | $ 224,357 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Kitasoo Stewardship Authority – 2020/21 Operations | To support operations of the Stewardship Authority program that includes: estimating baselines of bear activity in the near absence of humans as part of a multi-year investigation into the impacts of bear viewing ecotourism; restructuring the Guardian Watchmen program for year-round monitoring as well as certification in partnership with BC Parks; continuing mountain goat and northern goshawks research projects as well as various wildlife monitoring via wildlife cameras; processing tourism referrals and archaeology permit applications; monitoring the marine environment as part of the Marine Planning Partnership; and implementing the Mussel Inlet management plan. | Conservation Fund | 2020 | $ 400,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Assessment and Baseline Data Collection of Coastal Chinook to the Ishkheenickh and Kwinamass Rivers | To conduct aerial surveys to assess escapement of Chinook Salmon to the Ishkheenickh and Kwinamass Rivers, and collect DNA from spawning or juvenile Chinook for the purpose of enhancing baseline estimates which support commercial and recreational harvests. | Conservation Fund | 2020 | $ 28,600 | |
Wei Wai Kum Nation | Wei Wai Kum First Nation | Stewardship Program – 2020/21 Operations | To support operations of the Stewardship and Guardian Watchmen Program throughout Wei Wai Kum territories that includes: detailed data collection of human, plant, and wildlife activities and water quality in Heydon Creek and Bay; ecological restoration in the Campbell River and Heydon Bay Estuary to support endangered plant species; monitoring the removal of bull kelp for commercial use; monitoring fish farms within the territory; surveying bull kelp, Dungeness crab, and cultural heritage sites; as well as installing a salmon enumeration fence. | Conservation Fund | 2020 | $ 50,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Haida Tourism LP – Restructuring and Infrastructure Investment | To transition Haida Tourism LP to a land based eco-tourism operation and to offer health and wellness services to Haida citizens during the tourism off-season providing full-time employment opportunities to community members and aligning the operations with Haida values | Economic Development Fund | 2019 | $ 1,200,000 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Coast Tsimshian Fish Plant – Infrastructure Improvements | To invest in infrastructure improvements of the Coast Tsimshian Fish Plant to support local fishers and seafood processing employees in the community and to save costs on annual maintenance | Economic Development Fund | 2019 | $ 578,279 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. – 2019/20 Operations | To support operations of the Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Department (HIRMD) in 2018 including continuing work on five conservancy management plans as identified in the Heiltsuk Land Use Plan in partnership with Qqs Projects Society; continuing implementation of the Coastal Reconciliation Protocol as it relates to the Great Bear Rainforest Act; monitoring the ecological integrity of the Gale Creek area as a result of the Nathan E. Stewart oil spill; developing a process for responding to Fisheries and Oceans Canada plans; undertaking a third year of research focusing on Yagia (kelp) reproduction and growth; implementing the new HIRMD Strategic Plan; and continuing partnerships with Hakai Beach Institute and Simon Fraser University. | Conservation Fund | 2019 | $ 490,000 | |
Gitxaała Nation | Gitxaała Nation | Gitxaała Fisheries and Marine Program – Monitoring Vessel and 2019-22 Operations | To invest in a state-of-the-art research and monitoring vessel that will enable Gitxaała Fisheries and Marine Program to conduct patrols across Gitxaała territory; undertake specific marine mammal (humpback, orca, sea lion) surveys; implement marine use plans; and improve safety for employees, Elders, and youth. | Conservation Fund | 2019 | $ 800,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Heritage and Natural Resources Dept. – 2019/20 Operations | To support core operations of the department and support joint land and resource decision making with the provincial government under the Kunst'aa guu - Kunst'aayah Reconciliation Protocol, increase the extent of monitoring of forest practices and auditing of cultural feature identification surveys, develop an Islands-based recovery strategy for the endangered Stads K'un (northern goshawk) which is the national bird of Haida Gwaii, enhance the Yakoun River Hatchery and associated monitoring efforts including Adaptive Resolution Imaging Sonar enumeration of chinook and sockeye salmon and improved estimates of coho and pink salmon escapement, initiate a process to research the possibility of a Haida-led biosphere reserve being established, work towards abolishment of all Taan (black bear) hunting on the islands, undertake forest enhancement efforts, increase Monumental Cedar monitoring efforts, work towards new protection of the sacred Haida Gwaii headwaters to be formally identified/designated as special protected areas based on Haida cultural history with the Haida peoples' supernatural beings, conduct surveys of Cedar Stewardship Areas designated across 25,000 hectares of the islands, implement a Haida permitting process for off-island mushroom pickers to adhere to, and undertake a range of related stewardship initiatives such as GIS mapping services, environmental assessments, and archaeological monitoring services. | Conservation Fund | 2019 | $ 1,865,713 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation- 2019/20 Operations | To support operations of the Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation (HEDC) and its seven subsidiary companies to complete updated business plans for each operating entity; establish a new local economic development fund; streamline the operations and associated overhead of HEDC; to spur new developments including airport terminal improvements, expanded fish plant operations, jet fuel supply and delivery to air transportation companies; and to secure opportunities for sustainable development through active participation in the Haíɫcístut Reconciliation Process. | Economic Development Fund | 2019 | $ 196,700 | |
Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis Nation | Kwikwasut'inuxw Haxwa'mis First Nation | Predevelopment of Nawalakw Experience Centre and Lodge – Phase 2 | To complete pre-development work to secure necessary tenure and permit requirements for the planned construction and operation of a new cultural experience centre and lodge to be located within Hunwadi/Ahnuhati-Bald Conservancy in Bond Sound | Economic Development Fund | 2019 | $ 45,000 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Fisheries Stewardship Program – 2019/20 Operations | To support core salaries and operations of the Fisheries Stewardship program, continue juvenile salmonid habitat monitoring in the Skeena River estuary and Chatham Sound; protection of sockeye salmon in the heavily exploited fishing sub-areas 4-12 and 4-15 through enhanced oceans monitoring; conduct dungeness crab biosampling to determine the effect that commercial harvest has on food and ceremonial harvest in Stumaun Bay and Big Bay; continue abalone abundance surveys in Lax Kwaxl Conservancy; and continue shellfish biotoxin monitoring, and community outreach efforts. | Conservation Fund | 2019 | $ 160,000 | |
Ulkatcho Nation | West Chilcotin Forest Products Ltd | Wild Mushroom Processing and Distribution Start-up | To create and start-up a new non-timber forest products business operating in the West Chilcotin region focusing on sourcing sustainably harvested pine and morel mushrooms from independent harvesters licensed to operate in Ulkatcho territory; adding value to the product through branding, processing and packaging; and centrally managing all aspects of sales and shipping to wholesale and retail distributors in domestic and international markets. | Economic Development Fund | 2019 | $ 150,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | G̲aaysiigang Sding – An Oceans Forum for Haida Gwaii | To convene an ocean forum for Haida Gwaii marking ten years since the first Gaaysiigang forum to convene Haida citizens, local residents, local and international experts, and government and non-governmental organizations to dialogue on the current state and future trends of the Islands' culture, ecosystem health and a changing economy in the context of implementing Haida Gwaii marine and integrated plans | Conservation Fund | 2019 | $ 10,000 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program – 2019 Operations | To support continued regional monitoring operations in the Broughton Archipelago with ongoing investment in new Guardian Watchman infrastructure on Village Island as well as continued aquaculture related intertidal assessments specifically for butter clams, little necks and cockles, research at Port Elizabeth on invasive blue mussels, water chemistry analysis throughout the territory in partnership with Hakai Research Institute, continued kelp and eelgrass surveys, and ongoing contribution to the Ha-ma-yas Stewardship Network. | Conservation Fund | 2019 | $ 110,000 | |
Metlakatla Nation | Metlakatla Development Corporation | Coastal Shellfish Corporation – Scallop Farm Infrastructure Expansion | To further Metlakatla First Nation's development of a shellfish aquaculture industry on the North Coast through Coastal Shellfish LP by acquiring and refitting a specialized vessel for working on subsurface scallops longlines, seeding juvenile scallops, sorting and harvesting mature scallops in order to expand the farming operations, provide additional employment opportunities, and increase scallop sales revenue | Economic Development Fund | 2019 | $ 175,044 | |
Metlakatla Nation | Metlakatla Governing Council | Conservancy Management and Lands Guardian Program – 2019/20 Operations | To continue operations of the newly formed Environmental Stewardship Initiatives Department, establishing Metlakatla's Lands-based Guardian program, focusing its conservancy management efforts on Ksgaxl/Stephens Island, Lucy Island, Khtada Lake, and Kyex Conservancy and consultation with other First Nations for at least four other plans drafted in 2018 | Conservation Fund | 2019 | $ 200,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Gitmaxmak'ay Nisga'a PR/PE Society | Wilp-Sihoon Commercial Smokehouse Start-up — Phase 2 | To complete the Nisga'a Nation's investment in the start-up of a commercial smokehouse facility for sustainably harvested Nisga’a seafood products in Prince Rupert, including completion of all regulatory requirements and investment in training of new staff to operationalize the business in 2019 | Economic Development Fund | 2019 | $ 86,713 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Start-up of Nisga’a Tourism Corporation | To invest in the start-up of Nisga'a Tourism Corporation to serve as a destination marketing organization for the Nass Valley that operates pre-packaged Indigenous cultural tourism experiences marketed to an international audience; the new company's Circle Tours are designed to drive business for local entrepreneurs, Hli Goothl Wilp-Adokshl Nisga'a (the Nisga'a Museum), the community-owned Vetter Falls Lodge, and more | Economic Development Fund | 2019 | $ 200,000 | |
Ulkatcho Nation | West Chilcotin Forest Products Ltd | Residual Wood Fibre Recovery Business Start-up | To create a new line of business that recovers wood fibre residues that are otherwise left in the forest from commercial logging operations and burned, and instead harvest this unused wood fibre and supplying it to commercial pulp and paper facilities, diversifying the company's revenue streams and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Ulkatcho territory | Economic Development Fund | 2019 | $ 300,000 | |
We Wai Kai Nation | We Wai Kai Nation | Geoduck Tenure Acquisition and Shellfish Aquaculture Development | To create a plan for investment in scallop, seaweed and geoduck aquaculture, to acquire geoduck tenures that support future investments and commercial partnerships for We Wai Kai, and to trial oyster and abalone shellfish aquaculture in We Wai Kai territory | Economic Development Fund | 2019 | $ 10,109 | |
Wei Wai Kum Nation | Wei Wai Kum First Nation | Stewardship Program Start-up | To initiate and operate a Stewardship and Guardian Watchman Program throughout Wei Wai Kum territories for seven months, to staff the new program, expanding monitoring research in the Heydon Bay Lake watershed in Loughborough Inlet with a particular focus on salmon enumeration, data collection, and habitat restoration initiatives | Conservation Fund | 2019 | $ 100,000 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Economic Development Corporation | Waanukv Silver Sockeye Economic Opportunity Fishery Business Start-up | To invest in the start-up Waanukv Silver LP, under the management of Wuikinuxv Economic Development Corporation, to establish a community-based fishery with two economic opportunity fishing licenses for four families in Rivers Inlet, targeting up to 15% of the sockeye salmon return on the Waanukv River, and supporting the community-based fishery as a broker and processor supporting the families that will lease-to-own their vessels | Economic Development Fund | 2019 | $ 438,320 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Gitga’at Oceans and Lands Department – 2019/20 Operations | To support operations of the Gitga'at Oceans and Lands Department, including hiring technical staff and focusing on improving stewardship skills and resource management through training; completing conservancy plans for K’ootz, Racey Inlet, and Bishop Bay/Monkey Beach; preparing and reviewing a draft marine protected area scenario with community and leadership; continuing to apply Gitga'at adaawx and ayaalk (Indigenous knowledge) to resource management; developing reference guides for Vessel Operations; stock assessment projects for varying marine species; ecological monitoring to determine baseline conditions and food security in traditional territories; constructing a new Guardian Watchmen cabin at K’yel; inventorying traditional use and archaeological resources; refining the Gitga’at Community Knowledge project and transferring leadership to a recruited community member. | Conservation Fund | 2019 | $ 300,000 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Redevelopment of the Kitlope Lodge in Xesdu’wäxw (Huschduwaschdu) | To restore and redevelop the Kitlope Lodge that was originally constructed by the Haisla Watchmen and Nanakila Institute in the 1990s following establishment of the Huchsduwachsdu Nuyem Jees / Kitlope Heritage Conservancy in 1994; the Kitlope Lodge serves as the sole base for Guardian, stewardship, research, public safety or recreational infrastructure in the homelands of the Xenaksiala peoples | Conservation Fund | 2019 | $ 150,000 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Kitasoo Stewardship Authority – 2019/20 Operations | To support operations of the Resource Stewardship program that includes: research on population dynamics and spatio-temporal distribution of mountain goats and northern goshawks across the Nation's territory; monitoring human use to inform a tourism and recreation strategy; continuation of cultural feature identification surveys, updating the Forestry Strategy and developing a timber supply and harvest management framework that includes landscape reserve designs; complete conservancy management and operational plans in Mussel and Khutz inlet alongside a protected area model for Green Inlet; and continued funding of youth stewardship development via the Supporting Emerging Aboriginal Stewards (SEAS) program. | Conservation Fund | 2019 | $ 315,000 | |
Kwiakah Nation | Kwiakah First Nation | Assessment of Seaweed Abundance and Spatial Distribution – 2019/20 Projects | To undertake the second phase of a comprehensive research assessment of Kwiakah First Nation's marine environment that endeavours to determine the biomass and abundance for seaweed species, to uphold Kwiakah's ban on the wild harvest of ocean plants in Kwiakah's core territory, to development of a research protocol in partnership with North Island College for evaluating the amount of carbon sequestered by kelp (i.e. blue carbon value), and to ensure strong community participation in research projects and input into stewardship-related engagements with the provincial government and commercial harvesters operating in the region. | Conservation Fund | 2019 | $ 10,000 | |
Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis Nation | Kwikwasut'inuxw Haxwa'mis First Nation | Predevelopemnt for Nawalakw Experience Centre and Lodge | To continue pre-development work initiated in 2018 towards securing necessary tenure and permit requirements for the planned construction and operation of a new wellness, cultural experience centre, and lodge to be operated by the newly formed Nawalakw Healing Society within Hunwadi/Ahnuhati- Bald Conservancy in Bond Sound. | Economic Development Fund | 2018 | $ 36,500 | |
Dzawada’enuxw Nation | Dzawada'enuxw First Nation | Planning for Acquisition of Pierre’s Marina and Lodge at Echo Bay | To plan the acquisition for the largest full service marina in the Broughton Archipelago located on Gilford Island including an operational and training plan that was subsequently acquired by the Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation with the support of Dzawada'enuxw First Nation. | Economic Development Fund | 2018 | $ 50,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Development of a Haida National Plan and Recovery Strategy for Stads K’un (Northern Goshawk) | To develop an Islands-based recovery strategy for the endangered Stads K'un (northern goshawk), the national bird of Haida Gwaii, including population monitoring of known nests, inventories of potential habitat, habitat recruitment and restoration, introduced species mitigation (Norway rats, black rats, Sitka black-tailed deer, pine marten, blue grouse), and proper foraging habitat management. | Conservation Fund | 2018 | $ 185,325 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Village of Ging̲olx | Improvements to Boat Launch and Wharf Infrastructure | To invest in infrastructure to improve the primary boat launch and wharf with access to Portland Inlet and to establish a new fee structure for moorage and improved dock services that will maintain and expand commercial activity from fishing charter operators, ecotourism guides and retail businesses in Gingolx Village. | Economic Development Fund | 2018 | $ 125,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Mountain Goat Population Inventories in the Nass Wildlife Area | To undertake an aerial-based survey of mountain goat escape terrain throughout the Nass Wildlife Area in order to establish new inventory data on the distribution and numbers of mountain goats, in order to update a twenty-year old data set that is used by the Nass Wildlife Committee (Nisga'a, BC and Canada) to set the Total Allowable Harvest and resulting Food, Social, and Ceremonial allocation for Nisga'a citizen and other First Nations. | Conservation Fund | 2018 | $ 203,166 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Haisla Fisheries Commission – 2018/19 Operations | To support operations of the Fisheries Commission including doubling cultural camp capacity at Weewanie Wa'wais to provide opportunities for 40 Haisla youth this summer; completing site monitoring throughout the territory including salmon stock assessments and monitoring of outfitter activities in the Huchsduwachsdu Nuyem Jees (Kitlope Heritage Conservancy); undertaking an eelgrass research project in the Douglas Channel to explore possible regeneration sites; and ensuring Nuyems (Haisla traditional laws) are incorporated into all resource management and development decision-making. | Conservation Fund | 2018 | $ 150,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation – 2018/19 Operations | To support operations of the Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation and its seven subsidiary companies including providing skills development for the First Nations Business Advisory Services team, recruiting senior management positions, and having an active role in the reconciliation process as it relates to economic development. | Economic Development Fund | 2018 | $ 221,050 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Resource Stewardship Program – 2018/19 Operations | To support operations of the Resource Stewardship program that includes: research on population dynamics and spatio-temporal distribution of bears across the Nation's territory; salmon enumeration in 23 watersheds and non-invasive salmon DNA collection/analysis to inform marine resources management decisions; research into new forms of protected area governance; cultural feature identification surveys; new protocol agreements with forestry and tourism operators; and continued funding of youth stewardship development via the Supporting Emerging Aboriginal Stewards (SEAS) program. | Conservation Fund | 2018 | $ 335,000 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Longhouse Restaurant and Gift House Construction – Phase 2 | To complete the second phase of construction for the new restaurant that is located in the centre of Bella Coola that will be leased to a local entrepreneur and will also showcase Nuxalk culture, attract tourism, and provide employment and training opportunities to Nuxalk community members | Economic Development Fund | 2018 | $ 249,280 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Concrete Batching Plant Infrastructure & Start-up | To invest in the infrastructure and start-up of a new concrete batching plant in Bella Coola that will provide cost savings on construction projects and employment and training opportunities to Nuxalk community members. | Economic Development Fund | 2018 | $ 490,000 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Restructuring of Homalco Wildlife Tours | To restructure the cultural tourism program of Homalco Wildlife Tours to improve its revenues and create a more economically sustainable program while supporting employment for Homalco community members. | Economic Development Fund | 2018 | $ 16,045 | |
Da’naxda’xw Awaetlala Nation | Da'naxda'xw First Nation | Construction of Guardian Watchman Cabins in Knight Inlet | To construct three Guardian Watchman cabins at Hunwatti, Sim Creek and Tousum Island in order to improve regional monitoring efforts, research projects, and the safety of Da'naxda'xw/Awaetlala stewardship operations throughout Knight Inlet | Conservation Fund | 2018 | $ 41,300 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Yakoun River Chinook and Sockeye Salmon Sonar-based Escapement Monitoring Project | To purchase and operate Adaptive Resolution Imaging Sonar (ARIS) to enumerate chinook and sockeye salmon and to improve estimates of coho and pink salmon escapement on the Yakoun River, Haida Gwaii. | Conservation Fund | 2018 | $ 160,000 | |
Metlakatla Nation | Metlakatla Governing Council | Conservancy Management Planning and Start-up of a Lands Guardian Program | To establish a new Environmental Stewardship Initiatives Department that will establish a new Lands-based Guardian program in Metlakatla territory, focusing its conservancy management efforts on Khtada Lake and Kyex Conservancy in the first year of its operations. | Conservation Fund | 2018 | $ 200,000 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Longhouse Cabins on the Bella Coola River – Construction and Start-up | To expand the recently acquired Bella Coola Motel by building 10 unique, longhouse inspired cabins along the Bella Coola River; the cabins will capitalize on Nuxalk Nation's expanding hospitality industry - including the nearby longhouse restaurant, and capture the increase in visitor traffic expected from the return of ferry service in Bella Coola. | Economic Development Fund | 2018 | $ 490,000 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Hamatsa Reforestation Ltd. | Silviculture Business Start-up | To acquire equipment and begin operations for a new silviculture business based in Rivers Inlet; the business will provide employment and training opportunities to members of the Wuikinuxv community while helping to sustainably manage forests in Wuikinuxv territory. | Economic Development Fund | 2018 | $ 150,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. – 2018/19 Operations | To support operations of the Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Department (HIRMD) in 2018 including continuing work on five conservancy management plans as identified in the Heiltsuk Land Use Plan; continuing implementation of the Coastal Reconciliation Protocol as it relates to the Great Bear Rainforest Act; completing the first Heiltsuk law as it relates to the ocean; developing a process for responding to Fisheries and Oceans Canada plans; undertaking a second year of research focusing on Yagia (kelp) reproduction and growth; implementing the new HIRMD Strategic Plan; and continuing partnerships with Hakai Beach Institute and Simon Fraser University. | Conservation Fund | 2018 | $ 474,000 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program – 2018 Operations | To support continued regional monitoring operations in the Broughton Archipelago with new investment in dedicated Guardian Watchmen infrastructure on Village Island, continued aquaculture-related intertidal assessments, research at Port Elizabeth on invasive blue mussels, water chemistry analysis throughout the territory in partnership with Hakai Research Institute, kelp and eelgrass surveys, and ongoing contribution to the Ha-ma-yas Stewardship Network. | Conservation Fund | 2018 | $ 110,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at Development Corporation | Start-up of Gitga’at Laundromat Services in Prince Rupert | To revitalize and renovate a commercial unit to support the success of the Gitga'at Development Corporation-owned building in Prince Rupert by establishing a laundromat business that will generate income and employment for Gitga'at First Nation members. | Economic Development Fund | 2018 | $ 300,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Gitga’at Oceans and Lands Department – 2018/19 Operations | To support operations of the Gitga'at Oceans and Lands Department including applying Gitga'at adaawx and ayaalk (Indigenous knowledge) to resource management; working collaboratively with First Nations in the Northern Shelf Bioregion to engage with Canada and BC to finalize government-to-government agreements related to marine protected area planning and more; continuing implementation of existing land use planning agreements including conservancy management planning for Bishop Bay/Monkey Beach, K'Waal, Alty, and K'tii/Racey; preparing landscape reserve plans with BC Timber Sales and private forest companies; constructing a new Guardian Watchmen cabin at K'yel; upgrading the Hartley Bay salmon hatchery facility, and maintaining regular watch at Lax Galts'ap (Old Town) by housing seasonal technicians at the Watchmen cabin. | Conservation Fund | 2018 | $ 125,000 | |
Kwiakah Nation | Kwiakah First Nation | Assessment of Seaweed Abundance and Spatial Distribution | To undertake a comprehensive research assessment of Kwiakah First Nation's marine environment to determine biomass and abundance for seaweed species, a project that will inform regulatory decisions related to commercial harvesting operations in the territory; spatially map seaweed resources; and identify locations ideal for Kwiakah to culture marine seaweeds in the future. | Conservation Fund | 2018 | $ 10,000 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Fisheries Stewardship Program – 2018/19 Operations | To support operations of the Fisheries Stewardship program, continue juvenile salmonid habitat monitoring in the Skeena River estuary and Chatham Sound; monitor and conduct eulachon enumeration in the Kw'aal-Estall Biodiversity Area and Estall Sparkling Conservancy; continue abalone abundance surveys in Lax Kwaxl Conservancy; and continue crab monitoring, shellfish biotoxin monitoring, and community outreach efforts. | Conservation Fund | 2018 | $ 160,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. – 2017 Operations | To support operations of the Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Department including continued implementation of the Coastal Reconciliation Protocol, a new research initiative focusing on Yagia (kelp) reproduction and growth, research partnerships with Hakai Beach Institute and Simon Fraser University, remediation planning for the 2016 diesel spill in Seaforth Channel, and implementation of new land use orders established under the Great Bear Rainforest Act | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 584,079 | |
Da’naxda’xw Awaetlala Nation | Da'naxda'xw First Nation | Acquisition of Knight Inlet Lodge | To invest in an ownership position of Knight Inlet Lodge—Canada’s premier grizzly bear viewing destination—that will support Da'naxda'xw members by providing employment opportunities and skills training, and introduce a cultural component to the business while continuing Knight Inlet Lodge’s long tradition of funding environmental initiatives and grizzly bear research | Economic Development Fund | 2017 | $ 856,453 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Resource Stewardship Program – 2017/18 Operations | To support operations of the Resource Stewardship program that includes: research on population dynamics and spatio-temporal distribution of bears across the Nation's territory; a focus on completing protected area management plans for K'ootz, Fiordland, and Smithers Island; expansion of the program with four new positions for referrals management, anthropology, and research projects; and continued funding of youth stewardship development via the Supporting Emerging Aboriginal Stewards (SEAS) program | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 650,000 | |
Kwiakah Nation | Kwiakah First Nation | Phillips River Watershed – Grizzly Bear Population Inventory | To continue stewardship initiatives through a scientific survey to develop a population inventory of grizzly bears in the Phillips River watershed based on DNA evidence and remote camera use, thus supporting the Nation's efforts to mitigate further ecological damage within the watershed to prevent extirpation of grizzly bears from Kwiakah territory | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 10,000 | |
Gitanyow Nation | Gitanyow Huwilp Society | Gitanyow Commercial Fishery Asset Purchase | To invest in capital assets for the Gitanyow sockeye salmon commercial fishery that will support the 12 seasonal fishers in the community by lowering their fixed start-up costs | Economic Development Fund | 2017 | $ 6,573 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Klemtu Hydropower Plant Expansion Plan | To assess the viability of increasing the generation capacity of the existing hydropower facility on Baron Lake in order to meet the community's increasing energy demand and curb the use of diesel in power generation | Economic Development Fund | 2017 | $ 34,365 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Fisheries Stewardship Program – 2017/18 Operations | To support operations of the Fisheries Stewardship program, continue juvenile salmonid habitat monitoring in the Skeena estuary and Chatham Sound, monitor and conduct salmonid enumeration in the Toon, Denise, and Stumaun Creek watersheds, continue larval eulachon distribution surveys in Chatham Sound, and initiate an abalone abundance research pilot in Lax Kwaxl Conservancy | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 270,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Coho Salmon Abundance Surveys Across Lower and Coastal Nass Systems | To improve management and conservation of coho salmon in the Nass River watershed by determining coho escapement in the Portland Canal and Observatory Inlet (Crag and Salmon Cove Creek) ands in three systems within the Lower Nass (Ansedagan, Diskangieq, and Zolzap Creek), and combining stream walking and snorkelling surveys while also measuring water property characteristics and spawning habitat quality for each system | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 20,452 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Non-Meziadin River Sockeye Salmon Radio Telemetry Distribution and Abundance Study | To sustain and improve the stock status of smaller sockeye salmon runs in the Nass River watershed that do not return to the Meziadin River system by assessing the distribution and abundance of sockeye salmon using radio tags, fixed-monitoring radio-telemetry stations, and aerial tracking along the Ishkheenickh, Ginlulak, Grease Harbour, Cranberry, Meziadin, Bell-Irving/Nass, Bell-Irving/Snowbank, Bowser Lake, Kwinageese/Nass, and Damdochax systems | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 153,000 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Rivers Inlet Ground and Freight Transportation Investment | To acquire two 12-passenger vehicles to provide freight service and safe passenger transportation to and from the airstrip and water landing location for community members, visitors, and local businesses in Rivers Inlet | Economic Development Fund | 2017 | $ 25,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Acquisition of Prince Rupert Office Building | To acquire and renovate a 10,000 square foot commercial space in Prince Rupert to house the Gitga'at First Nation's Development Corporation, Treaty Office, Employment and Training Centre, and a new elder's centre that will provide greater support for the community members living in the area | Economic Development Fund | 2017 | $ 370,000 | |
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation | Stewardship Program – 2017 Operations | To support all aspects of the Guardian Watchman Program and resource management programs including juvenile sockeye salmon research in the Docee River and Long Lake, abalone abundance surveys in Smith Inlet, grizzly bear research in the Nekite watershed and Seymour Inlet, and steelhead and chum salmon monitoring in the Nekite watershed | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 334,756 | |
Haida Nation | Skidegate Band Council | Construction of Skidegate Commercial Park and Haida Gwaii Co-op Expansion | To service and construct a new, larger grocery co-op at the existing Skidegate quarry site - a site near the BC Ferries terminal with great visibility from the highway - providing additional employment opportunities to Skidegate community members and further leasing opportunities in the future | Economic Development Fund | 2017 | $ 469,200 | |
Kitselas Nation | Kitselas Band Council | Capital Improvements at Kitselas Canyon National Historic Site | To improve the revenue of the Kitselas Canyon National Historic Site by making infrastructure upgrades and aligning these upgrades with a new marketing initiative connected to Canada's 150th anniversary | Economic Development Fund | 2017 | $ 9,355 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Marbled Murrelet and Northern Goshawk Habitat and Nesting Site Studies – 2017 Phase | To conduct ground-based surveys, aerial photo interpretation and aerial-based surveys to detect the presence of Marbled Murrelet and Northern Goshawk liangi subspecies breeding areas in tributary valleys throughout the Lower Nass River Valley to confirm the presence of nesting sites, thus informing long-term conservation initiatives as well as planning sustainable timber harvesting on Nisg̲a'a Lands | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 186,041 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Longhouse Restaurant Start-up and Training | To start a new restaurant in Bella Coola that will showcase Nuxalk culture, invest in a local entrepreneur and provide employment and skills training for community members seeking employment in tourism and hospitality | Economic Development Fund | 2017 | $ 53,425 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Fisheries and Bear Field Research Infrastructure | To construct a new field station for bear and eulachon research programs, complete renovations on the stewardship office equipment storage facility, and repower the Nuxalk fisheries research jet boat | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 200,000 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Guardian Watchman Monitoring and Research Vessel | To invest in a new Guardian Watchman research and monitoring vessel that will enable Nuxalk Stewardship Office staff to increase patrols, implement marine use plans, and improve safety for employees, Elders, and youth | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 250,000 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Commercial Fishing Vessel Upgrades | To invest in replacing aging critical infrastructure for the Western Bounty, a 62-foot aluminum commercial fishing vessel that currently supports 12 seasonal jobs and will foster growth of the community-owned commercial fishery | Economic Development Fund | 2017 | $ 167,850 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Fisheries, Guardian Watchmen & Lands and Marine Programs – 2017/18 Operations | To support operations of the Fisheries, Guardian Watchmen, and Lands and Marine program including applying Gitga'at adaawx and ayaalk (Indigenous knowledge) to resource management, engaging in the Provincial Environmental Stewardship Initiative, commencing a community knowledge project that captures harvesters' observations of environmental conditions, initiate re-charting of forestry operating areas, renew strategic planning for Gitga'at Lands and Marine Department, and engaging with the Government of Canada and other north coast First Nations on marine protected area discussions | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 300,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | K’yuusda Watchman Cabin Redevelopment | To invest in the development of a new Haida Watchman cabin at K'yuusda, located in Duu Guusd Heritage Site/Conservancy, a key base of Haida stewardship efforts that: monitor commercial recreational fisheries surrounding Langara Island, undertake peregrine falcon and northern goshawk research projects, support the Haida Nation's cultural features identification research, and further conservation initiatives in northwest Haida Gwaii | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 177,742 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Haisla Fisheries Commission – 2017/18 Operations | To support operations of the Fisheries Commission to convene the first cultural summer camp in recent years for 20 Haisla youth at Weewanie Wa'wais; complete infrastructure projects in a number of wa'waises and conservancies including continued development of the new Kemano Bay Research Station; complete ecological restoration projects including riparian recovery planting, removal of man-made barriers to fish migration, and fish habitat complexing; and ensuring Nuyems (Haisla traditional laws) are incorporated into all resource management and development decision-making | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 230,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Bella Bella Ice House Capital Improvements | To invest in capital improvements of the Bella Bella Ice House to attract fishing vessels to the Bella Bella Fish Plant and support local fishers and seafood processing employees in the community | Economic Development Fund | 2017 | $ 110,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation – 2017/18 Operations | To support operations of the Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation and its seven subsidiary companies including securing long-term funding for the operations of the Bella Bella Fish Plant, to improve access to capital for entrepreneurs and increase capacity for business managers in Bella Bella | Economic Development Fund | 2017 | $ 280,000 | |
K’ómoks Nation | K'ómoks First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program – 2017/18 Operations | To continue implementing the Guardian Watchman Program throughout K'ómoks territory that includes eel grass and salt marsh monitoring, seal and sea lion surveys, stabilization of a river bank to protect a midden and ancestral burial grounds, ongoing contribution to the Ha-ma-yas Stewardship Network, and Level 2 Stewardship Training for Guardian Watchmen with Vancouver Island University | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 11,550 | |
Kitselas Nation | Kitselas Band Council | Tsmdimaas Forest Restoration and Workforce Development Project – 2017/18 Phase | To continue a multi-year conservation workforce development project at Tsmdimaas along the Skeena River that restores successively clear-cut traditional lands and will improve cedar and berry bush growing capability while also building transferable ecosystem restoration skills that will position the Nation to initiate future reclamation projects in northwestern BC | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 34,283 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Wáglísla Commercial Complex Construction and Start-up | To revitalize the community center of Bella Bella by constructing and operating a new retail commercial complex that provides community services, including a new grocery store with a bakery and post office | Economic Development Fund | 2016 | $ 2,000,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. – 2016/17 Operations | To support operations of the Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Department in 2016/17 including continued implementation of the Coastal Reconciliation Protocol, continued research partnerships including with Hakai Beach Institute and Simon Fraser University, collaborative development of four conservancy management plans, and continued development of the HIRMD forest, referrals, and culture and heritage policies | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 584,079 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Vetter Falls Lodge Infrastructure Investment and Start-up | To invest in significant infrastructure upgrades and to provide initial operating capital for the revitalization and start-up of Vetter Falls Lodge in order to provide a base for the Nisga'a Nation to develop cultural and eco-tourism experiences in the Nass Region as well as to add accommodation in the region for contractors and business travellers | Economic Development Fund | 2016 | $ 541,695 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Longhouse Restaurant and Gift House Construction and Start-up | To construct major new infrastructure in the center of Bella Coola that will create two Nuxalk-owned and -operated businesses that will focus on attracting tourists, showcasing Nuxalk culture, and investing in employment and skills training for community members | Economic Development Fund | 2016 | $ 1,550,010 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Stewardship Office and Accommodations Complex – Construction and Start-up | To construct a new commercial office and accommodations facility in Klemtu that will be leased to Kitasoo/Xai'xais Integrated Resource Authority, Spirit Bear Lodge, and Kitasoo Forestry Ltd., supporting conservation, ecotourism, research, and resource management initiatives throughout the Nation's territory | Economic Development Fund | 2016 | $ 1,250,000 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Stewardship Office and Accommodations Complex – Construction and Start-up | To construct a new commercial office and accommodations facility in Klemtu that will be leased to Kitasoo/Xai'xais Integrated Resource Authority, Spirit Bear Lodge, and Kitasoo Forestry Ltd., supporting conservation, ecotourism, research, and resource management initiatives throughout the Nation's territory | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 250,000 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Resource Stewardship Program – 2016/17 Operations | To support operations of the program, research on population dynamics and spatio-temporal distribution of bears across the Nation's territory, a focus on completing protected area management plans for K'ootz, Fiordland, Smithers Island, expansion of the Guardian program with two new positions for marine use plan implementation and research, and continued funding of the Supporting Emerging Aboriginal Stewards (SEAS) program | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 665,000 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Fisheries Stewardship Program – 2016/17 Operations | To support operations of the program, continue juvenile salmonid habitat monitoring in the Skeena estuary and Chatham Sound, to monitor and conduct salmonid enumeration across four systems in Lax Kwaxl (Dundas and Melville Islands) Conservancy, and to integrate traditional use studies and traditional ecological knowledge data with new research and monitoring data to form responses to provincial resource development referrals | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 422,625 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco Wildlife Tours Inc. | Investment in Wildlife Viewing and Cultural Tourism Infrastructure | To invest in infrastructure that will support and expand the Nation's new aboriginal cultural tourism program in Bute lnlet that operates in partnership with Sonora Resorts, I'hos Tours, and a number of whale watching operators that expanded the community-owned company's tourism season from 73 days to over 166 days in 2015 | Economic Development Fund | 2016 | $ 110,000 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Grizzly and Black Bear Habitat and Family Relationship Study – 2016 Research | To continue field research and DNA analyses on grizzly and black bear populations in the Nation's territory surrounding Bute Inlet and to build conservation-related research capacity within the Nation that ensures its ecotourism and forestry operations adhere to ecosystem-based management | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 70,000 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Orford River and Algard Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration – Initial Study | To undertake a geomorphic investigation and fish habitat restoration plan for the Algard River in order to increase salmon abundance for grizzly and black bear populations while also preventing future loss of current salmon spawning habitat | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 30,800 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Fisheries, Guardian Watchmen & Lands and Marine Programs – 2016/17 Operations | To support operations of the program including applying Gitga'at adaawx and ayaalk (indigenous knowledge) to resource management, documenting cultural and ecological values at Laxgal'tsap (Old Town) in partnership with Simon Fraser University, a new Guardian outpost in Squally Channel, and engaging the new Tsimshian Environmental Stewardship Authority on Skeena management | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 400,000 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Haisla Fisheries Commission – 2016/17 Operations | To support operations of the Fisheries Commission; complete infrastructure projects in a number of wa'waises and conservancies including a preparing a new research station in Kemano Bay; ecological restoration projects including riparian recovery planting, removal of man-made barriers to fish migration, and fish habitat complexing; and ensuring Nuyems (Haisla traditional laws) are incorporated into all resource management and development decision-making | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 214,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corp. – 2016/17 Operations | To support operations of the Development Corporation, develop new tourism businesses in partnership with entrepreneurs in Bella Bella, continue research and development of aquaculture initiatives, develop capacity in silviculture, and oversee major capital projects including the Waglisla Commercial Complex and the Bella Bella airport terminal expansion | Economic Development Fund | 2016 | $ 280,000 | |
K’ómoks Nation | K'ómoks First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program – 2016/17 Operations | To continue implementing a the Nation's Guardian Watchman Program throughout K'omoks territory over a multi-year period, continue stewardship technician certification programs with Vancouver Island University, and conduct butter clam, crab, seal and sea lions surveys throughout the territory | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 9,962 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Grizzly and Black Bear Habitat Study and DNA Analyses in Sgawban, Mylor Peninsula, and Ashington Range | To conduct a comprehensive study of grizzly and black bear abundance in the Mylor Peninsula, Sgawban, and the eastern shore of the peninsula separating Observatory Inlet from Portland Canal. The study will include transects for bear sign, DNA sampling from hair snares, genetics analyses, and remote camera monitoring. Fieldwork will involve Nisga'a Nation technicians working alongside professional biologists to develop new capacity focusing on environmental monitoring. | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 94,150 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Northern Goshawk Habitat and Nesting Site Study in the Lower Nass River Valley | To conduct surveys of Northern Goshawk laingi subspecies habitat and breeding areas in old growth forests in the lower Nass River valley, to confirm the presence of nesting sites and inform Nisga’a Fish and Wildlife and Lands Department in planning long-term conservation initiatives | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 53,350 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Steller Sea Lion Reconnaissance Tissue Sampling and Contaminant Analyses | To undertake reconnaissance sampling of Steller Sea Lion muscle tissue harvested by Nisga'a citizens during the 2015 eulachon migration and to analyze these tissue samples for persistent organic pollutants and mercury contamination | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 17,000 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Louisa and Budgets Shop | Rivers Inlet Grocery and Bakery Expansion | To invest in modern energy-efficient equipment, remodel the facility, and provide working capital for the continued operations of Rivers Inlet's sole grocery store and bakery under new ownership | Economic Development Fund | 2016 | $ 65,686 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Bella Guest Cabins | Expansion of Bella Guest Cabins | To invest in the expansion of Bella Guest Cabins from two to three cabins to support tourism in Bella Bella and provide visitors with additional accommodation | Economic Development Fund | 2016 | $ 50,000 | |
Kwiakah Nation | Kwiakah First Nation | Phillips River Watershed – Grizzly Bear Recovery Strategy | To continue the Nation's stewardship initiatives in the Phillips River watershed by developing a comprehensive grizzly bear recovery strategy that will assist the Nation in mitigating further ecological damage within the watershed to prevent extirpation of grizzly bears from Kwiakah territory | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 15,000 | |
Kwiakah Nation | Kwiakah First Nation | Phillips River Watershed – Salmon Data Analysis and Industrial Impact Assessment | To continue the Nation's research that seeks to determine if a potential correlation exists between salmon productivity/survival and forestry harvests in the Phillips River watershed in order to inform the Nation in developing measures to mitigate future impacts on Chum and Pink salmon species | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 25,000 | |
Metlakatla Nation | Metlakatla Governing Council | 2016/17 Stewardship Operations and IT Infrastructure | To support operations of the stewardship society and to implement the current phase of Metlakatla First Nation's Strategic Plan for Information Technology that supports conservation science, fisheries, marine use planning, non-timber forest product and ecotourism social enterprises, and Metlakatla's financial management of stewardship programs | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 143,703 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | H̲lgu Isgwit Hot Springs Development | To invest in the development of Hlgu Isgwit Hot Springs that will support tourism in the Nass Valley and provide visitors with a cultural and social experience of the territory | Economic Development Fund | 2016 | $ 100,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Nass River Eulachon – 2016 Spawning Stock Biomass Research | To determine multi-year Nass River Eulachon abundance by conducting laboratory analyses of samples collected via in-river larval plankton tows in 2015 and 2016. The project will use statistical modelling to develop a standard sample collection methodology for annual analysis of Eulachon larvae, enabling Nisga'a Fisheries and Wildlife Dept. to accurately monitor Spawning Stock Biomass (the stock population capable of reproducing) of Eulachon over time. | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 91,000 | |
Wei Wai Kum Nation | Wei Wai Kum First Nation | Development of Cabin Accommodations on Tyee Spit – Phase 2 | To expand the Thunderbird RV Park and Campground through servicing 20 additional RV sites on Tyee Spit | Economic Development Fund | 2016 | $ 141,613 | |
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation | Stewardship Program – 2015 Operations | To support operations with a change in emphasis from developing the Nation's regional monitoring strategy to implementation of marine and conservancy management plans, to continue the junior guardian program, and to partner with universities on stewardship training and a bear identification pilot program | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 250,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Kunst’aa guu – Kunst’aayah Reconciliation Protocol – 2015/16 Solutions Table | To support Haida's stewardship efforts related to the Solutions Table that ensures all applications on Haida Gwaii meet or exceed the Land Use Objectives Order and ecosystem-based management objectives and to participate in technical working groups with the Province of British Columbia | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 111,548 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | T’aalan Stl’ang and L’aana Daganga.a Culture Camps – 2015 | To provide Haida youth with cultural, stewardship, and leadership experience via the T'aalan Stl'ang and L'aana Daganga.a culture camps that build the Nation’s human resource capacity for long-term stewardship management | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 60,000 | |
K’ómoks Nation | K'ómoks First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program Start-up – 2015 Pilot | To continue implementing a pilot Guardian Watchman Program throughout the Nation's territory over a multi-year period and to conduct butter clam, crab, seal and sea lions surveys throughout the territory | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 30,462 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Spirit Bear Adventures Ltd. | Spirit Bear Lodge – Commercial Kitchen Expansion and Youth Guide Training | To invest in infrastructure improvements at Spirit Bear Lodge including a commercial kitchen expansion, transportation equipment upgrades, and culinary, small vessel operator, hospitality and bear viewing guide training for Kitasoo/Xai'xais youth | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 327,000 | |
Kwiakah Nation | Kwiakah First Nation | Phillips Arm/ᕈNacinuxᵂ Conservancy – Clam and Eelgrass Research | To expand on the Nation's field research in the Phillips Arm estuary and watershed to determine the presence, distribution, and production of Eelgrass and bivalves that will enable the Nation to develop measures to mitigate industrial impacts on these species | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 25,000 | |
Metlakatla Nation | Metlakatla Governing Council | Commercial-Scale Conifer Essential Oils Manufacturing Facility | To establish the first commercial partnership between the Tsimshian and Nisga'a Nations to manufacture conifer essential oils at a new commercial-scale facility in Prince Rupert | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 100,000 | |
‘Na̲mg̲is Nation | 'Na̲mg̲is First Nation | Operating Capital for Commercialization of Kuterra | To support the commercialization phase of Kuterra LP to prove the technical and commercial feasibility of rearing Atlantic salmon to market size in a land-based recirculating aquaculture system facility | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 177,316 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | West Sea Otter Water Taxi | Rivers Inlet Water Taxi Start-up | To acquire a Transport Canada certified small freight and passenger vessel and to commence operations of a new marine transportation company servicing the Wui'kinuxv community and businesses in Rivers Inlet | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 150,000 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Grizzly and Black Bear Habitat and Family Relationship Study – 2015 Research | To conduct field research and DNA analyses on grizzly and black bear populations in the Nation's territory surrounding Bute Inlet and to build conservation-related research capacity within the Nation that ensures its ecotourism and forestry operations adhere to ecosystem-based management | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 50,000 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Haisla Town Centre – Commercial Office Complex Development | To prepare detailed design drawings and to complete associated work to bring a development permit to the approval stage for a commercial office complex at Haisla Town Centre in downtown Kitimat | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 100,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corp. – 2015/16 Restructuring | To finalize a major restructuring of the Nation's group of companies under a new holdings board with three operating boards, to continue operations of the development corporation, and to develop a number of new forestry, commercial, transportation, aquaculture and tourism business opportunities | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 300,000 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Expansion of Adventures Village Island – Season 3 | To support core operations of Qwe’Qwa’Sot’Em Tourism Ltd. as the community-owned company completes its start-up phase, expanding its cultural and eco-tour operations based on Compton and Village Island | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 125,269 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Ging̲olx Enterprises Limited | Start-up of Ging̲olx Enterprises Ltd. | To commence operations and support the start-up of the Village of Ging̲olx's new development corporation, Ging̲olx Enterprises Ltd. (GEL), and to develop a strategic plan that is aligns with the community's long-term vision for sustainable economic development | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 100,000 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Bella Coola Motel – Facility and Equipment Improvements | To invest in capital, equipment, and guest service improvements for the recently acquired Bella Coola Motel | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 60,000 | |
Da’naxda’xw Awaetlala Nation | Da'naxda'xw First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program Start-up | To initiate and operate a Guardian Watchman Program throughout its territories for eight months and to construct three cabins at strategic locations in Knight Inlet | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 92,490 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Capital and Operating Plan for a Public-Private Partnership | To finalize capital planning for a cultural tourism facility, to identify a local entrepreneur partner through a competitive process, and to finalize a long-term lease agreement for operations | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 29,750 | |
Tlowitsis Nation | Tlowitsis First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program Start-up | To initiate and operate a Guardian Watchman Program throughout its territories for eight months and to conduct salmon enumeration in streams in Port Neville | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 67,742 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco Wildlife Tours Inc. | Spring/Summer Cultural Tourism Expansion | To launch an aboriginal cultural tourism program in Bute lnlet in partnership with Sonora Resorts and I'hos Tours that will double the length of the community-owned company's tourism season | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 364,100 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at Development Corporation | Gitga’at Development Corporation – 2015/16 Start-up | To support operations of the Gitga'at Development Corporation during its start-up period, hire a Chief Executive Officer, recruit a full compliment of directors for the Board, develop a long-term business plan for the development corporation and its future subsidiary operations, and initiate legal transfer of the Nation's businesses to the development corporation | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 229,295 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Bella Bella Airport Terminal – Retail and Amenity Improvements and Establishing an Airport Improvement Fee | To increase commercial retail space for local entrepreneurs within the airport terminal and to establish an airport improvement fee that creates a stable revenue stream for future improvements, and modernize the facility that is relied on by community members, commercial operators, and government agencies for accessing BC's central coast region | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 115,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corp. – 2015/16 Executive Recruitment | As a key element of finalizing a major restructuring of the Nation's development corporation, to recruit and staff a new Chief Operating Officer position that will be responsible for managing and expanding the Nation's forestry, commercial, transportation, aquaculture and tourism business operations | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 50,000 | |
Kitselas Nation | Kitselas Band Council | Tsmdimaas Forest Restoration and Workforce Development Project | To undertake a conservation workforce development project at Tsmdimaas that builds transferable ecosystem restoration skills that will position the Nation to lead future reclamation projects that are anticipated as a result of increased natural resource development that is planned in northwest BC | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 41,665 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Start-up of Nuxalk Innovative Landscaping | To purchase an excavator, loader, and related equipment, to train Nuxalk members in equipment operation, landscape design, horticulture, and small business management, and to commence operations of a new Nation owned and operated business in Bella Coola | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 159,529 | |
Tlowitsis Nation | Tlowitsis First Nation | Happy as a Clam Shellfish Ltd. – Twin Islands Oyster Farm Expansion | To expand Happy as a Clam Shellfish Ltd.'s operations and farm inventory based southeast of Cortes Island at Twin Islands by constructing and installing additional oyster farm grow-out rafts and constructing a new harvesting machine to enable more efficient oyster sorting and grading processes that increases the company's harvesting volumes | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 17,429 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Start-up of Gitga’at Freight Services | To establish a new community owned and operated transportation company that will provide cost effective freight service to Hartley Bay and surrounding coastal communities | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 860,014 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Fisheries, Guardian Watchmen & Lands and Marine Programs – 2015/16 Operations | To support operations of the program including completing management plans for three conservancies, conducting research including development of a cumulative impacts assessment and monitoring framework, performing marine mammal abundance and distribution surveys, and documenting traditional Gitga'at use and management of salmon resources | |
Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 400,000 |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Heritage and Natural Resources Dept. – 2015/16/17 Operations | To support operations of the department, deliver cultural features identification archaeological training to Haida Mapping Dept. staff, and to support joint land and resource decision making with the provincial government under the Kunst'aa guu - Kunst'aayah Reconciliation Protocol | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 451,077 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Haida Mapping Department – 2015/16 Operations | To complete Cultural Features Identification in the Nang Xaldangaas Heritage Site/Conservancy, to perform surveys in the Duu Guusd Heritage Site/Conservancy, and to hire two new field crew members and a GIS trainee | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 346,912 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. – 2015 Summer-Winter Operations | To support operations of the Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Department from June 2015 to March 2016 including completion of five conservancy management plans and collaboration with the Nuxalk and Wui'kinuxv Nations on three additional conservancies in the Central Coast region | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 800,000 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Resource Stewardship Program – 2015/16 Operations | To support operations of the program, research on population dynamics and spatio-temporal distribution of bears across the Nation's territory, completion of four conservancy management plans spanning 120 hectares, and the Supporting Emerging Aboriginal Stewards (SEAS) program | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 465,000 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Fisheries Stewardship Program – 2015/16 Operations | To support operations of the program, continue juvenile salmonid habitat monitoring in the Skeena estuary and Chatham Sound, to monitor and conduct research in Lax Kwaxl (Dundas and Melville Islands) Conservancy, and to conduct hydroacoustic surveys in Shawatlan Lake and Georgetown Lake to determine salmon related ecological restoration projects | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 271,200 | |
Wei Wai Kum Nation | Wei Wai Kum First Nation | Development of Cabin Accommodations on Tyee Spit | To expand the Thunderbird RV Park and Campground through construction of five cabins on Tyee Spit with views of the Campbell River estuary and Discovery Passage | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 730,000 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Development Corporation | Stewardship Office and Accommodations Complex – Predevelopment Planning | To undertake a comprehensive pre-development phase that will enable Kitasoo/Xai'xais to tender a request for proposals and raise funding to construct and commence operations of a new Kitasoo/Xai'xais Integrated Resource Authority stewardship office and accommodations complex in Klemtu | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 25,000 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Homalco First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program – 2015/16 Operations | To support continued regional monitoring operations in the Broughton Archipelago via an expansion of its conservation program that will lead guardian watchman activities as well as performing aquaculture-related intertidal assessments, dungeness crab and eelgrass surveys, and ongoing contribution to the Ha-ma-yas Stewardship Network | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 30,000 | |
North Coast Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society | Ecotrust Canada | Kitamaat Recreational Fishing Vessel Monitoring – 2017-19 DVR Camera Project | to support the conservation efforts of North Coast Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society member First Nations by generating more accurate estimates of recreational harvest of salmon, halibut, lingcod, rockfish, and shellfish from Pacific Fishery Management Areas 5 and 6 by installing and operating a digital video recorder at MK Bay Marina in Kitamaat that enables consistent monitoring of recreational vessel traffic accessing tidal waters | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 60,000 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Haisla Fisheries Commission – 2015/16 Operations | To support operations of the fisheries commission, complete infrastructure projects in a number of wa'waises and conservancies, stock assessment of eulachon and salmon across twenty watersheds, implementation of the new Haisla Marine Use Plan, and marine-based environmental monitoring in partnership with Ocean Networks Canada | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 334,900 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Humprys and Lone Wolf Creek Riparian Restoration – 2015/16 Projects | To undertake the 2015 phase of multi-year riparian restoration projects on Humprys Creek and Lone Wolf Creek that will restore stream bank integrity, to initiate a shift from shrub dominated to primarily conifer forest riparian ecosystems, and consequently improve fish habitat and salmon spawning grounds | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 334,900 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Smart Community High-Speed Broadband Infrastructure | To invest in high speed broadband internet connectivity throughout the community of Lax Kw'alaams (Port Simpson) to increase the productivity of business operations, improve the security of business information assets, and enable online workforce development training capability for community members | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 920,295 | |
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation | Hotel Acquisition and Redevelopment in Port Hardy | To purchase and redevelop an existing business in Port Hardy into a four star tourism-oriented hotel and conference centre | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 866,192 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Acquisition of the Kitimat Valley Institute Property and Facility | To acquire the land and training facility where Kitimat Valley Institute is located from Coast Mountain School District #82 | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 600,000 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Stewardship Office – 2015/16 Operations | To support operations of the stewardship office, undertake scientific projects, integrate traditional knowledge in stewardship activities, and provide conservation-related training for the 2015/16 fiscal year | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 486,172 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. – 2015 Spring Operations | To support operations of the Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Department for the first quarter of 2015/16 (April to June) | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 354,564 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Development of Haisla Town Centre | To undertake and complete the rezoning and subdivision process in order to secure necessary permits for development of the first condominium at the new Haisla Town Centre in Kitimat | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 1,200,000 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Acquisition of MK Bay Marina | To finalize a joint venture partnership and acquire MK Bay Marina from the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 882,705 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Guardian Program – 2014/15 Operations | To support operations of the program including producing a final Gitga'at Marine Use Plan, developing management plans for three conservancies, engaging in environmental assessments, and conducting regular patrols of the territory including a station in Caamano Sound | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 400,000 | |
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation | Start-up of k̓awat̕si Economic Development Corporation | To commence operations of the Nations' new development corporation, staff the organization, and develop operating business plans for the corporation and its subsidiaries | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 218,750 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Heritage and Natural Resources Dept. – 2014/15 Operations | To expand the department, further develop the cultural feature certification curriculum, and to support joint land and resource decision making with the provincial government under the Kunst'aa guu - Kunst'aayah Reconciliation Protocol | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 912,960 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Haida Mapping Department – 2014/15 Operations | To complete cultural surveys for the Nang Xaldangaas Heritage Site/Conservancy, to hire and train two GIS technicians, and to provide technical support land and marine use planning efforts | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 653,419 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Haida Gwaii Youth Stewardship Program and Culture Camps – 2014 | To provide Haida youth with cultural, stewardship, and leadership experience via the T'aalan Stl'ang and L'aana Daganga.a culture camps and a summer internship program that builds the Nation’s human resource capacity for long-term stewardship management | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 60,000 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Land Acquisition in Downtown Kitimat | To acquire a property from the Province of British Columbia that is located in the center of Kitimat and strategically located for future development | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 419,000 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Lands and Resources Department – 2014/15 Operations | To support operations of the department, complete the Haisla Marine Use Plan, Douglas Channel monitoring including fish escapement data collection, and participation in industrial development consultation processes | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 490,500 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corp. – 2014/15 Operations | To continue operations as the tribal council and development corporation implement legal and structural changes to the Nation’s governance of its companies | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 250,000 | |
K’ómoks Nation | K'ómoks First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program Start-up – 2014 Pilot | To initiate and pilot a Guardian Watchman Program throughout its territories over a multi-year period and to design and deliver a training curriculum for three members of the Nation to become Guardian Watchmen | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 72,650 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Resource Stewardship Program – 2014/15 Operations | To support operations of the program, field-based research projects, land use and conservancy management planning, and the Supporting Emerging Aboriginal Stewards (SEAS) program | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 530,000 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Fisheries Stewardship Program – 2014/15 Operations | To support operations of the program, continue juvenile salmonid habitat monitoring in the Skeena estuary and Chatham Sound, continue the salmonid harvest monitoring program, and engage in environmental assessment review processes | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 270,000 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Start-up of Adventures Village Island – Season 2 | To enhance visitor accommodations, purchase equipment for cultural and eco-tours, and to enhance sales and marketing efforts for the business based on Compton and Village Island | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 175,500 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Marine Surveys for Nass River Salmonid Stocks | To pilot a research program to improve knowledge of juvenile salmon ecology in the Nass River system, focusing on juvenile salmonids in the nearshore marine area | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 76,040 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Stewardship Office – 2014 Operations | To support operations of the program including stewardship, research and monitoring, and resource development referrals while also initiating a number of conservation-related projects | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 295,923 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Strategic Plan for Bute Inlet Hydro Energy | To develop a strategic plan for renewable energy development within the Nation’s traditional territory surrounding Bute Inlet | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 88,582 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Youth Stewardship Training – 2014 | To deliver an ecosystem-based management and wildlife protection training program for youth that includes traditional territory stewardship, essential fisheries field skills certification, first aid certification, and bear aware training | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 52,500 | |
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation | Stewardship Program – 2014 Operations | To support operations of the field program, continue the junior guardian program, create an adaptive approach to managing conservancies and protected areas, and partner with universities on stewardship training and a bear identification pilot program | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 250,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Business Planning for Operating Subsidiaries | To continue operations as management develops business plans for each subsidiary company and the Board develops a new five year strategic plan | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 125,000 | |
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation | k̓awat̕si Economic Development Corp. – 2014/15 Operations | To continue the start-up of operations for k̓awat̕si Economic Development Corporation through 2014/15 | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 193,250 | |
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation | Commercial Cold Storage Warehouse Start-up | To invest in the start-up of a new cold storage warehouse facility in Port Hardy in partnership with a commercial seafood processor | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 300,000 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Protecting and Registering the Spirit Bear Trademark | To assert the Kitasoo/Xaixais Nations as the sole holders of the Spirit Bear brand and to register the Spirit Bear trademark in Canada | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 45,000 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Fisheries Stewardship Program – Research Vessel Upgrade | To improve the field research capacity of the Lax Kw’alaams Fisheries Stewardship Program by upgrading critical research and transportation equipment | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 80,000 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program Start-up | To initiate and operate a Guardian Watchman Program throughout its territories for seven months, leveraging ecotourism infrastructure developed on Compton Island | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 109,041 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Village of Gitwinksihlkw | Welcome House Construction & Start-Up | To construct a Welcome House Café and to enter into a multi-year lease agreement with a Nisga’a entrepreneur, Nyce Creations and Gifts, to operate the new restaurant and retail business | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 250,000 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Acquisition of the Bella Coola Motel | To acquire the Bella Coola Motel, located in downtown Bella Coola and adjacent to the Nuxalk reserve | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 410,000 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Timber Supply Analysis and Strategic Planning | To undertake a timber supply analysis of its Territory and the Wui’kinuxv Forestry Area, enabling the Nation to develop and adopt a strategic plan for forestry economic development | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 29,150 | |
Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis Nation | Kwikwasut'inuxw Haxwa'mis First Nation | Gwa’yas’Dums Water Taxi Start-up | To finalize purchase of a marine transportation vessel to commence operations for a water taxi and tour business to Gwa’yas’dums on Gilford Island | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 54,653 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Hartley Bay High Speed Broadband | To invest in high speed broadband internet connectivity throughout the community of Hartley Bay to enable businesses to market and sell goods and services online and via point of sale systems | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 268,000 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Acquisition of Commercial Office Space in Kitamaat | To acquire a commercial office building in Kitamaat Village and invest in significant capital improvements | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 495,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Expansion of Waglisla Freight | To invest in capital upgrades, productivity enhancing equipment, and provide working capital for an expansion of Waglisla Freight Agency LP | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 65,000 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Cultural Resource Management and Research-Related Equipment | To expand the scope of the program in 2014/15 to develop a plan for management of cultural resources, create a cultural data catalogue, and to invest in research and monitoring related equipment | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 100,000 | |
Kwiakah Nation | Kwiakah First Nation | Phillips Arm/ᕈNacinuxᵂ Conservancy – Estuary and Watershed Research | To evaluate the abundance and habitat requirements of priority aquatic species, assess impacts of industrial activities, and recommend management practices to sustain priority species' populations in the Phillips Arm estuary and watershed | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 25,000 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Ecotourism Vessel Upgrade | To invest in a critical marine transportation upgrade that will improve clients’ experience and the overall safety and reliability of Adventures Village Island operations | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 61,500 | |
Metlakatla Nation | Metlakatla Governing Council | Cumulative Effects Assessment and Management – Phase 1 | To identify priority values, associated indicators, benchmarks and management targets to monitor Metlakatla's values in the context of current and proposed development throughout the Nation's territory | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 111,500 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Predevelopment for Vetter Falls Lodge | To complete an environmental assessment for a proposed transmission line connecting Vetter Falls Lodge to the provincial power grid in Gitlaxt’aamiks | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 38,335 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Gitmaxmak'ay Nisga'a PR/PE Society | Wilp-Sihoon Commercial Smokehouse Start-up | To expand operations in Prince Rupert by constructing and operating a commercial smokehouse facility for sustainably harvested Nisga’a seafood products | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 177,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Nisga’a Cultural Journey Marketing Initiative | To invest in the development of a cultural journey tourism marketing and infrastructure project that will provide visitors to the Nass Valley with cultural, social, and geographic interpretation of the Nisga’a Nation and its territories | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 37,860 | |
Ulkatcho Nation | Ulkatcho First Nation | Equity Financing for West Chilcotin Forest Products | To invest in capital equipment and to secure sufficient dry log timber supply that will maintain full production year-round of the West Chilcotin Forest Products sawmill in Anahim Lake | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 500,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. – 2014/15 Operations | To support operations of the department, contribute to ecosystem-based management review, develop forestry and herring management plans, and continue to respond to resource development referrals | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 1,220,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. – 2013/14 Fall-Winter Operations | To support operations of the department including seasonal patrols of the Nation's territory, management of resource development referrals, and development of conservancy management plans | Conservation Fund | 2013 | $ 509,501 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Operating Capital for Coast Tsimshian Seafoods | To provide working capital to bridge short-term funding requirements and facilitate bank financing during the start-up of the Nation's seafood processing facility in Port Simpson | Economic Development Fund | 2013 | $ 250,000 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Start-up of Adventures Village Island | To commence operations and establish a governance structure for a new Nation owned and operated cultural and ecotourism company with traditional cabins on Compton Island | Economic Development Fund | 2013 | $ 170,000 | |
Tlowitsis Nation | Tlowitsis First Nation | Acquisition of Happy as a Clam Ltd. | To acquire the lease for an oyster and clam producer, Happy as a Clam Ltd., and consolidate operations with Chief’s Pride Aquaculture Corp. | Economic Development Fund | 2013 | $ 316,000 | |
Coastal First Nations | Coastal First Nations (Great Bear Initiative Society) | Conifer Essential Oils Manufacturing Network – Phase 4 | To proceed with the fourth phase of commercializing a new regional conifer essential oils manufacturing network led by the Metlakatla and Heiltsuk Nations | Economic Development Fund | 2013 | $ 61,484 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Nationwide Economic Development Framework | To develop protocols for the Haida Nation's economic development between the Council of the Haida Nation, Old Massett Village Council, Skidegate Band Council, and the Haida Enterprise Corporation | Economic Development Fund | 2013 | $ 50,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Haida Gwaii Youth Stewardship Program and Culture Camps – 2013 | To provide Haida youth with cultural, stewardship, and leadership experience via the T'aalan Stl'ang and L'aana Daganga.a culture camps and a summer internship program that builds the Nation’s human resource capacity for long-term stewardship management | Conservation Fund | 2013 | $ 60,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corp. – 2013/14 Operations | To continue operations for six months while the tribal council and development corporation determine changes to the Nation's governance structure for economic development | Economic Development Fund | 2013 | $ 168,500 | |
K’ómoks Nation | K'ómoks First Nation | Food Safety Training for Salish Seafoods LP | To provide Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) training for seafood processing staff employed by Salish Seafoods LP | Economic Development Fund | 2013 | $ 2,685 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Resource Stewardship Program – 2013 Operations | To support operations and expand the program to function as a multi-disciplinary, multi-faceted resource stewardship program including regional monitoring, building a resource development referrals system, conducting grizzly and black bear research in partnership with academic partners, and completing conservancy management plans | Conservation Fund | 2013 | $ 115,285 | |
Kwiakah Nation | Kwiakah First Nation | Youth/Elders Culture and Language Camp – 2013 | To partner with We Wai Kai and We Wai Kum Nations for a one week language and culture camp for youth that is led by two elders, an archaeologist/anthropologist, and a cultural mentor | Conservation Fund | 2013 | $ 2,000 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Fisheries Stewardship Program – 2013/14 Operations | To support operations of the program including research in the Skeena estuary to determine patterns of habitat utilization for all species of juvenile salmonids, design and implementation of the Nation's FSC harvest monitoring program for salmonids, and to increase technical mapping capabilities | Conservation Fund | 2013 | $ 240,000 | |
Metlakatla Nation | Metlakatla Governing Council | Pilot-Scale Conifer Essential Oils Manufacturing Facility | To establish production methods and to produce high quality conifer essential oils for sale to local customers and distribution to an aromatherapy partner | Economic Development Fund | 2013 | $ 108,285 | |
Metlakatla Nation | Metlakatla Governing Council | Operations and Marketing for the Metlakatla Wilderness Trail | To support start-up and marketing costs over three years for this new wilderness tourism experience that follows the forested shoreline of the Tsimshian Peninsula from Metlakatla village | Economic Development Fund | 2013 | $ 148,302 | |
We Wai Kai Nation | We Wai Kai Nation | Youth/Elders Culture and Language Camp – 2013 | To partner with Kwiakah and We Wai Kum Nations for a one week language and culture camp for youth that is led by two elders, an archaeologist/anthropologist, and a cultural mentor | Conservation Fund | 2013 | $ 8,650 | |
Wei Wai Kum Nation | Wei Wai Kum First Nation | Youth/Elders Culture and Language Camp – 2013 | To partner with We Wai Kai and Kwiakah Nations for a one week language and culture camp for youth that is led by two elders, an archaeologist/anthropologist, and a cultural mentor | Conservation Fund | 2013 | $ 8,650 | |
Coastal First Nations | Coastal First Nations (Great Bear Initiative Society) | Heiltsuk Education, Training, and Capacity Building Project | To hire a coordinator for the Heiltsuk Education and Capacity Building Working Group to develop a training and education plan and to engage in a regional workforce development strategy | Conservation Fund | 2013 | $ 79,500 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Haida Wild Seafood Processing Plant Expansion | To double the processing capacity of Haida Wild Seafoods by extending seasonal operations and increase revenue from value-added processing of local seafood products | Economic Development Fund | 2013 | $ 400,000 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Development Corporation | Nuxalk Development Corporation – 2014 Operations | To support ongoing operations of the development corporation while focusing on value-added wood processing, integrated fisheries, and development of the agricultural sector in Bella Coola | Economic Development Fund | 2013 | $ 333,337 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Stewardship Office – 2013/14 Operations | To support operations of the stewardship office including resource development referrals, research partnerships that focus on grizzly bear, black bear, sockeye, chum, chinook, rockfish and crab species, climate change research in partnership with the Hakai Beach Institute and SFU, and regional monitoring | Conservation Fund | 2013 | $ 172,650 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. – 2013/14 Spring-Summer Operations | To support operations of the department including routine monitoring of the Nation's traditional territory, management of resource development referrals, and identify conservancy and tourism economic opportunities in partnership with the provincial government | Conservation Fund | 2013 | $ 578,000 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Watchman Program – 2013 Operations | To support seasonal operations of the program including monitoring patrols throughout the territory and maintaining a seasonal presence at Mussel River in the Fiordland Conservancy, accompanying all commercial, private and incidental bear viewing visits | Conservation Fund | 2013 | $ 306,167 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Fisheries-Related Financial Management Training | To build the financial management capacity of the Nation's stewardship and fisheries programs by holding a financial management workshop for thirteen Wui'kinuxv members including staff, management, trustees, and community leaders in Port Hardy | Conservation Fund | 2013 | $ 8,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Guardian Program – 2013/14 Operations | To support operations of the program including establishing a community advisory committee, developing a referral management system, and developing conservancy management plans for K’waal, Alty, Lax Kwil Dziidz/Fin, Bishop Bay-Monkey Beach Corridor, and K'nabiyaaxl/Ashdown | Conservation Fund | 2013 | $ 393,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Haida Enterprise Corp. – 2013/14 Operations | To continue the start-up of operations for Haida Enterprise Corporation (HaiCo) through 2012/13 including development of an entrepreneurial capacity building initiative and achieving sustainability certification for Haida tourism businesses | Economic Development Fund | 2013 | $ 650,000 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Coastal Resource Management Project – 2013/14 Phase | To establish a habitat monitoring system and to develop a database of high resolution geo-referenced photos and videos of the coastal zone with documentation from a marine biologist and an archaelogist | Conservation Fund | 2013 | $ 262,822 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Commercial Fisheries Business Retention and Expansion Pilot | To support local and regional commercial fishing operators under a one time business retention and expansion pilot program | Economic Development Fund | 2013 | $ 149,920 | |
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation | Stewardship Program – 2013 Operations | To support operations of the program including regional monitoring, staff training in partnership with Vancouver Island University and the Coastal Stewardship Network, and construction of watchmen stations in Smith and Seymour Inlets | Conservation Fund | 2013 | $ 225,000 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Stewardship Office – 2013/14 Operations | To support operations of the stewardship office including community engagement to implement a new governance structure, continue regional monitoring and patrols with four guardian watchmen, continue referrals coordination, and implement numerous government to government agreements | Conservation Fund | 2013 | $ 210,000 | |
Metlakatla Nation | Metlakatla Development Corporation | Investment in and Restructuring of Coastal Shellfish Corp. | To take a majority interest in a shellfish corporation as part of a restructuring that will consolidate scallop hatchery and farm operations within a single, integrated business model located in Metlakatla territory | Economic Development Fund | 2013 | $ 1,500,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Investment in Coastal Shellfish Corporation | To invest in facility engineering design and major capital infrastructure to support scallop farm operations located on Haida Gwaii | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 200,000 | |
Metlakatla Nation | Metlakatla Development Corporation | Investment in Coastal Shellfish Corporation | To invest in scallop hatchery, nursery, and farm infrastructure to advance commercialization of Coastal Shellfish Corporation's operations in Metlakatla territory | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 200,000 | |
Da’naxda’xw Awaetlala Nation | Da'naxda'xw First Nation | Tsatsisnukwomi Cultural Eco-tourism Development – Phase 1 | To develop a strategic plan for tourism operations and construct a carving shed at Tsatsisnukwomi traditional village on Harbledown Island | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 22,935 | |
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation | Stewardship Program – 2012 Operations | To support operations of the program including expanding from four to five Guardian Watchmen, creating an additional Junior Guardian position for youth, and integrating the program with the Nations' Natural Resources Office | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 120,000 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Watchman Program – 2012 Operations | To support seasonal operations of the program including monitoring patrols throughout the territory and maintaining a seasonal presence at Mussel River in the Fiordland Conservancy, accompanying all commercial, private and incidental bear viewing visits | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 143,162 | |
Kwiakah Nation | Kwiakah First Nation | Phillips Arm/ᕈNacinuxᵂ Conservancy – Mudslide Remediation | To ensure continuation of the Nation's salmon enhancement initiatives, including biological monitoring of salmon stocks, by repairing the conservancy's single access road that had recently washed out | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 11,374 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Integrated Resource Office – 2012 Spring Operations | To support operations of the stewardship office for the first quarter of 2012/13 including a department review, strategic planning, and office restructuring to integrate stewardship initiatives under the new stewardship director | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 72,169 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corp. – 2012/13 Operations | To continue the start-up of operations for the development corporation through 2012/13 including management support for subsidiary companies and development of new business opportunities | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 250,000 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Tourism Infrastructure Construction on Compton Island | To construct a Kwakwaka’wakw culturally themed base camp of six small big house for the start-up of eco‐friendly aboriginal cultural tourism operations | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 143,433 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Establish a Strategic Economic Development Plan | To develop the Nation's long-term vision for economic development and make specific recommendations for the governance and priorities of Wui'kinuxv Economic Development Corporation | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 80,864 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Homalco Wildlife Tours Inc. – Ecotourism Expansion | To expand the Nation's seasonal grizzly bear viewing operations in Bute Inlet by purchasing and branding a new 24 passenger bus, developing marketing materials, and investing in the Orford Orientation Center | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 95,000 | |
Coastal First Nations | Coastal First Nations (Great Bear Initiative Society) | Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. – Start-up Evaluation | To review the vision, mandate and capacity of the Heiltsuk's stewardship program, provide recommendations to strengthen its capacity and governance, and share recommendations with other Nations | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 28,500 | |
Da’naxda’xw Awaetlala Nation | Da'naxda'xw First Nation | Tsatsisnukwomi Cultural Eco-tourism Development – Phase 2 | To invest in capital infrastructure improvements at Tsatsisnukwomi traditional village on Harbledown Island, complete totem pole projects, and launch a tourism marketing initiative | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 60,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Moose Recovery Plan for the Nass Wildlife Area | To examine the factors that contributed to a decline in the moose population in the Nass Wildlife Area and to develop a list of conservation measures, via engagement with the region's hunting community, that lead to restoring the moose population to a level that is consistent with the social and ecological values of moose in northwest British Columbia | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 64,900 | |
K’ómoks Nation | K'ómoks First Nation | Acquisition of a Comox Valley Seafood Processing Company | To acquire an independent seafood processing company to be operated by the Nation as Salish Seafoods LP for processing shellfish, finfish, and value-added smoked products | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 402,735 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Expansion of Kitasoo Seafoods Ltd. into Wild Fisheries | To expand the Nation's existing salmon processing facility in Klemtu to enable wild harvested seafood processing of herring, spawn on kelp, sea cucumbers, prawn, halibut and other species | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 660,000 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Development Corporation | Restructuring Nuxalk Development Corporation | To develop a comprehensive business plan for the development corporation, restructure the organization and recruit a board of directors, and to partner with UBC on forest sector research | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 418,713 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Kunst’aa guu – Kunst’aayah Reconciliation Protocol – 2012/13 Start-up | To undertake stewardship activities from 2012 to 2014 including timber and priority species inventories, identifying priority habitat restoration projects, completing the Haida Place Name Map, and costs for implementing the Kunst'aa guu - Kunst'aayah Reconciliation Protocol | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 1,244,420 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Haida Gwaii Youth Stewardship Program and Culture Camps – 2012 | To provide Haida youth with cultural, stewardship, and leadership experience via the T'aalan Stl'ang and L'aana Daganga.a culture camps and a summer internship program that builds the Nation’s human resource capacity for long-term stewardship management | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 60,000 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Lands and Resources Department – 2012/13 Operations | To support operations of the department including patrols of the territory to monitor all resource use, Coho and Pink salmon habitat restoration on a 600m section of Pine Creek, and salmon stock assessments in the Kitlope and Kemano watersheds | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 299,345 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Loan Loss Reserve Facility | To secure a commercial loan up to $3,000,000 in order to support ongoing capital investment and operations of the Bella Bella Fish Plant | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 350,000 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Fisheries Stewardship Program – 2012/13 Operations | To support operations of the program including clam bed biomass surveys, establish long term climate and plankton sampling to monitor juvenile salmonids survival in the Skeena River estuary, and increase science and GIS capacity of stewardship staff | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 183,250 | |
Metlakatla Nation | Metlakatla Governing Council | Start-up of the Metlakatla Stewardship Society | To commence operations of the new society's stewardship programs including land and marine use planning, monitoring resources and resource use, managing resource development referrals, and drafting a five year strategy for the program | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 200,000 | |
Na̲nwak̲olas Council | Na̲nwak̲olas Council Society | Regional Ecosystem-based Management and Marine Planning – 2012/13 | to complete sixteen conservancy management plans, complete strategic and detailed landscape level spatial reserve plans, develop marine plans for each member Nation, engage in the Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area (PNCIMA) process, and operate the regional referrals office | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 272,150 | |
Wei Wai Kum Nation | Wei Wai Kum First Nation | Heydon Bay Salmon Enumeration – 2012 | To conduct enumeration of six species of salmon in Heydon Creek, indicating salmon escapement trends for the surrounding area of Loughborough Inlet, and to assess Heydon Lake sockeye spawning areas | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 36,511 | |
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation | Small Vessel Operator Proficiency Training Course | To design and deliver a competency-based Small Vessel Operator Proficiency Training Course to ensure that Guardian Watchman staff have the necessary knowledge and skills to safely perform stewardship activities | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 70,000 | |
North Coast Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society | North Coast Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society | Establishment of the North Coast-Skeena Regional Monitoring Network | to establish a regional monitoring network that is a collaboration between the Gitga’at, Gitxaala, Metlakatla, Kitsumkalum, Kitselas, and Haisla Nations in order to implement the recently completed regional marine use plan for the north coast region | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 19,606 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Guardian Program – 2012/13 Operations | To support operations of the program including monitoring of sockeye salmon stocks in the Tsimtack Lake watershed, dungeness crab stock assessment in Kishkosk and Old Town, and providing recommendations to the Gitga’at Leadership Council on land and marine use planning | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 278,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. – 2012/13 Special Projects | To support operations of the department including completion of two conservancy management plans, continuation of traditional use studies, and archaeological work at Hauyet, a traditional gathering place, in partnership with Simon Fraser University | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 210,000 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Integrated Resource Office – 2012/13 Operations | To support operations of the stewardship office for nine months in 2012/13 including identifying and addressing wildlife habitat protection issues such as grizzly bear hunting, facilitating community and leadership adoption of Nuxalk Marine Use Plan, and evaluate establishing a Nuxalk steelhead hatchery at Tatsquan Creek | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 328,000 | |
Ulkatcho Nation | Ulkatcho First Nation | Restart of West Chilcotin Forest Products | To restart the dormant West Chilcotin Forest Products sawmill in Anahim Lake including significant capital improvements, install new equipment, and for workforce development | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 200,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Restructuring West Coast Resorts and Haida House at Tlaal | To invest in major capital improvements for recent acquisitions including West Coast Resorts, the Haida House at Tlaal, and the Inn at Sandspit under a new operating entity, Haida Tourism LP | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 1,000,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Haida Enterprise Corp. – 2012/13 Operations | To continue the start-up of operations for Haida Enterprise Corporation (HaiCo) through 2012/13 including completion of its governance model and management integration of recently acquired companies | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 750,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Power Transmission Pole Manufacturing Start-up | To start-up operations of a wood power pole manufacturing facility via a new partnership between Skidegate Band Council and Taan Forest LP | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 325,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. – 2012/13 Operations | To support operations of the department including seasonal patrols of the Nation's territory, management of resource development referrals, development of conservancy management plans, and green crab invasive species monitoring | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 500,000 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Spirit Bear Research Foundation – Grizzly and Black Bear Research Partnerships | To undertake research partnerships with the University of Victoria and the University of Cumbia to examine spatio-temporal impacts of both grizzly bears and tourism on black bears and Spirit Bears in Kitasoo territory and to enlarge the scope of a current longitudinal study in Heiltsuk territory on spatio-temporal distributions of grizzly bears to include their distributions in Kitasoo/Xaixais territory | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 222,450 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Redevelopment and Start-up of Coast Tsimshian Seafoods | To invest in major infrastructure improvements to restart operations of the Nation's seafood processing facility in Port Simpson | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 1,250,000 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Stewardship Office – 2012/13 Start-up | To expand the guardian watchman program to an integrated resource stewardship program including conservation research projects, such as Chinook salmon enumeration on the Kilbella River, with partners including Hakai Beach Institute, SFU, UVic, UNBC and UBC | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 287,725 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Investment in Resource Development Referral Systems | To establish an effective resource development referrals management process including hiring a Culture and Heritage Manager and a Policy Analyst, building a referrals tracking system, and creating response templates for each section of the integrated stewardship office | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 93,750 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisga'a Village of Laxgalts'ap | Reorganization of Laxgalts’ap Forest Company | To undertake a number of economic development capacity building initiatives including reorganization of the community-owned forestry company, preparation for the Northwest Transmission Line, and a human resources development plan | Economic Development Fund | 2011 | $ 250,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Start-up of the Heritage and Natural Resources Department | To support the department's start-up period through 2011/12 as the Haida Nation implements joint land and resource decision making with the provincial government under the Kunst'aa guu - Kunst'aayah Reconciliation Protocol | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 428,167 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. – 2011/12 Operations | To support operations of the department including seasonal patrols of the Nation's territory, management of resource development referrals, and development of conservancy management plans | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 374,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Gabion River Hydroelectric Generation Project | To negotiate an energy purchase agreement with BC Hydro and to complete development planning for a run-of-river hydroelectric generation project providing renewable energy to Hartley Bay | Economic Development Fund | 2011 | $ 475,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Establishment of Gitga’at Development Corporation | To establish the Gitga'at Development Corporation, recruit a board of directors, and commence operations | Economic Development Fund | 2011 | $ 219,300 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Lands and Resources Department – 2011/12 Operations | To support operations of the department including patrols of the territory to monitor all resource use and participating in the management of protected areas through a cooperative management agreement with the Ministry of Environment | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 201,805 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Recommissioning the Bella Bella Fish Plant | To recommence operations of a large scale seafood processing facility under Heiltsuk Fisheries Management Ltd. | Economic Development Fund | 2011 | $ 300,000 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Acquisition of Commercial Property in Prince Rupert | To purchase a centrally located commercial property in downtown Prince Rupert and to consolidate the Nation's operations at the facility | Economic Development Fund | 2011 | $ 447,000 | |
North Coast Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society | North Coast Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society | Strategic Planning and Organizational Development | to engage member First Nations to identify priorities for regional resource management and sustainable economic development in the north coast region, informing a new strategic plan for the organization | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 114,214 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Integrated Resource Office – 2011/12 Operations | To support operations of the new stewardship office including hiring the office's first stewardship director, establishing a food fish committee to oversee fisheries management issues, continuing regional eulachon stock assessments, and continuing the sockeye recovery project in the Atnarko watershed | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 252,683 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Bonnie Stanley | Seafood Restaurant Start-up | To startup a seafood restaurant in Gingolx and expand an existing catering business | Economic Development Fund | 2011 | $ 25,000 | |
Coastal First Nations | Coastal First Nations (Great Bear Initiative Society) | Conifer Essential Oils Manufacturing Network – Phase 3 | To proceed with the third phase of commercializing a new regional conifer essential oils manufacturing network led by the Haida, Haisla, Heiltsuk and Metlakatla Nations | Economic Development Fund | 2011 | $ 50,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Guardian Program – 2011/12 Operations | To support operations of the program including continued monitoring efforts related to the Queen of the North, tanker traffic, sport fishing, whale surveys, maintenance of stations at Kiel and Old Town, and compiling traditional knowledge and oral histories pertaining to land use, occupancy, and place names | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 141,570 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Haida Enterprise Corp. – 2011/12 Operations | To support the start-up of operations for Haida Enterprise Corporation (HaiCo) for five months while West Coast Resorts and other acquired assets are restructured | Economic Development Fund | 2011 | $ 250,000 | |
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation | Stewardship Program – 2011 Operations | To initiate and operate a new stewardship program in Smith and Seymour Inlets including the launch of a Junior Guardians program that engages the Nations' youth | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 125,553 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Hiellen Longhouse Village Construction and Start-up | To construct unique eco-tourism accommodations operated by Old Massett Development Corporation at Tow Hill in Naikoon Provincial Park | Economic Development Fund | 2011 | $ 350,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Renewable Energy Plan for Haida Gwaii | To create an energy development plan for Haida Gwaii that will result in an eventual shift to 100% renewable sources of energy, displacing the islands' current reliance on diesel-powered electricity | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 172,500 | |
Na̲nwak̲olas Council | Na̲nwak̲olas Council Society | Regional Economic Development Implementation | to work closely with member First Nations to implement the completed regional economic development strategy by focusing on specific sector opportunities that are priorities for development | Economic Development Fund | 2011 | $ 239,637 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Collaborative Due Diligence for an Area-Based Forestry Tenure | To collaborate with three other Nations to jointly conduct negotiations with the Province of BC for a large area-based forestry tenure and to undertake comprehensive due diligence for the acquisition of a major tree farm license supply block | Economic Development Fund | 2011 | $ 3,979 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Development of a Sustainable Forestry Sector Strategy | To develop the Nation's vision and long-term strategies for sustainable forestry operations in BC's central coast region | Economic Development Fund | 2011 | $ 239,246 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Start-up of the Guardian Program – 2010/11 Operations | To start-up the program including hiring and training six watchmen and two youth interns, conduct routine monitoring patrols throughout the territory, and establish a continuous shore-based monitoring station in Caamano Sound | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 150,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Haida Gwaii Place Names Research Project | To research and map place names throughout Haida Gwaii with GIS technology by interviewing elders to capture traditional knowledge in partnership with Skidegate Haida Immersion Program and Xaad Kihlgaa Hl Suu.u Society | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 116,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Haida Gwaii Youth Stewardship Program and Culture Camps – 2011 | To provide Haida youth with cultural, stewardship, and leadership experience via the T'aalan Stl'ang and L'aana Daganga.a culture camps and a summer internship program that builds the Nation’s human resource capacity for long-term stewardship management | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 60,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corp. – 2011/12 Operations | To continue the start-up of operations of the Nations' new development corporation, assess joint venture opportunities, and continue business development for subsidiary companies | Economic Development Fund | 2011 | $ 180,000 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Expansion of H2O Adventures Ltd. | To invest in equipment and marketing in order to expand the business operations of the Nation's whale, grizzly bear, and cultural ecotourism business | Economic Development Fund | 2011 | $ 90,000 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Collaborative North Coast Protected Area Management Planning | To collaborate with the Metlakatla Nation on protected area management planning including development of plans for the Lax Kwaxl/Dundas and Melville Islands Conservancy and the K'sgaxl/Stephens Island Conservancy | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 97,588 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Guardian Program – Strategic Planning | To develop a strategic plan for the new Gitga’at Guardian Program that includes goals, objectives, and priorities developed with the involvement of the Nation’s elected council, hereditary chiefs, elders, and community members | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 67,078 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Marine Resource Monitoring Program – Start-up | To commence operations of the program including patrolling the traditional territory and monitoring dive fisheries and other high-impact marine activities, developing an operations plan, hiring a training coordinator, and engaging leaders and community members on key resource issues | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 140,607 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Strategic Landscape Reserve Designs and Data Centre | To review maps, produced by third parties, of large landscape areas in Nuxalk territory that delineate old growth forest reserves and habitat reserves for species of priority concern, prepare the Nation's strategic landscape reserve designs for submission to the Province of BC, and to establish a data center for spatial information of Nuxalk interests and supporting documentation | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 49,500 | |
Wei Wai Kum Nation | Wei Wai Kum First Nation | Heydon Bay Salmon Enumeration – 2011 | To conduct enumeration of six species of salmon in Heydon Creek, indicating salmon escapement trends for the surrounding area of Loughborough Inlet, and to assess Heydon Lake sockeye spawning areas | Conservation Fund | 2011 | $ 24,895 | |
Coastal First Nations | Coastal First Nations (Great Bear Initiative Society) | Conifer Essential Oils Manufacturing Network – Phase 2 | To proceed with the second phase of commercializing a new regional conifer essential oils manufacturing network led by the Haida, Haisla, and Heiltsuk Nations | Economic Development Fund | 2010 | $ 60,000 | |
Coastal First Nations | Coastal First Nations (Great Bear Initiative Society) | Regional Support for Establishing Integrated Stewardship Offices | To support establishment of integrated stewardship offices in each member Nation and to provide policy, technical and capacity building support in order to facilitate implementation of ecosystem-based management practices and the Coastal Reconciliation Protocol Agreements with the Province of BC | Conservation Fund | 2010 | $ 750,591 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Start-up of the Haisla Watchman Program | To initiate and operate the program including active monitoring and documentation of natural resource use activities throughout the Nation’s territory, monitoring and protection of sixteen conservancies, and maintenance of fifteen remote stations | Conservation Fund | 2010 | $ 228,368 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Watchman Program – 2010 Operations | To support seasonal operations of the program including monitoring and protection from Klemtu throughout the Nation's traditional territory, and installation of remote monitoring cameras on the Canoona River or Disju in partnership with Pacific Wild | Conservation Fund | 2010 | $ 75,000 | |
Haida Nation | Haida Enterprise Corporation (HaiCo) | Acquisition of the Tlell River Lodge | To purchase a tourism business, end the commercial black bear hunt on Haida Gwaii, and start-up a new business, the Haida House at Tlaal | Economic Development Fund | 2010 | $ 2,100,000 | |
Haida Nation | Haida Enterprise Corporation (HaiCo) | Start-up of Haida Enterprise Corporation (HaiCo) | To establish and support the start-up of the Haida Nation's new economic development corporation, Haida Enterprise Corporation (HaiCo) | Economic Development Fund | 2010 | $ 533,708 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corp. – 2010/11 Operations | To continue the start-up of operations of the Nations' new development corporation, implement the new strategic plan, and convene the new board of directors regularly | Economic Development Fund | 2010 | $ 250,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. – 2010/11 Start-up | To initiate and operate the department including hiring stewardship personnel, implementing governance and operating policies, and assuming a lead role in land and marine use planning as well as conservancy management | Conservation Fund | 2010 | $ 330,000 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Integrated Resource Office – 2010/11 Operations | To support operations of the new stewardship office including creating a new Referrals Coordinator position to develop efficient referral management policies, processes and data management system, vessel operator training, tourist and cultural site patrols, a sockeye enhancement project, and monitoring of the coho and steelhead sport fishery on the Dean River | Conservation Fund | 2010 | $ 150,753 | |
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation | Community Strategic Planning and Development Corporation Setup | To engage the community in the creation of a five year strategic plan for the Nations' economic development and to establish a development corporation | Economic Development Fund | 2010 | $ 328,815 | |
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation | Stewardship Program – 2010 Pilot-Stage | To pilot a three-month stewardship program in order to develop practical experience to launch the Nations' long-term Stewardship Program | Conservation Fund | 2010 | $ 114,000 | |
Haida Nation | Haida Enterprise Corporation (HaiCo) | Consolidation of Haida Scallop Farms to Cumshewa Inlet | To purchase the assets of two pilot-scale scallop farms and transfer existing infrastructure to establish a single commercial-scale operation | Economic Development Fund | 2010 | $ 631,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Expansion of Waglisla Shellfish LP | To invest in scallop farm infrastructure to operate a commercial-scale aquaculture business in Heiltsuk territory in partnership with Coastal Shellfish Corporation | Economic Development Fund | 2010 | $ 622,995 | |
Metlakatla Nation | Metlakatla Development Corporation | Pilot-Scale Scallop Farm Trials | To advance pilot-scale scallop farming trials for a future commercial-scale aquaculture business in Metlakatla territory in partnership with Coastal Shellfish Corporation | Economic Development Fund | 2010 | $ 462,000 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Five Year Community Economic Development Plan | To develop a comprehensive five year community economic development plan for the Nation that is produced with significant input from community engagement | Economic Development Fund | 2010 | $ 64,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Haida Cultural Feature Identification – Training and Certification Program Development | To develop a training and certification program that will establish a qualified workforce to survey every planned forestry cutblock on Haida Gwaii for Haida cultural values as required in the Haida Gwaii Land Use Objectives Order | Conservation Fund | 2010 | $ 35,970 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Haida Mapping Department – GIS Training and Program Development | To continue technical skill and professional development of the department's GIS employees, focusing on spatial analysis and cartography, and to document ancestral knowledge for place names in northern Haida Gwaii | Conservation Fund | 2010 | $ 103,911 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Marine Transportation Infrastructure Investment | To construct a new marine fuel facility and upgrade the existing fuel service operated by Lama Pass Fuel Company in Bella Bella | Economic Development Fund | 2010 | $ 350,000 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Development Corporation | Expansion of Spirit Bear Lodge | To double the available accommodations and expand guest services at Spirit Bear Lodge in Klemtu and to undertake a targeted marketing campaign offering high-end destination packages internationally | Economic Development Fund | 2010 | $ 727,000 | |
Kitselas Nation | Kitselas Band Council | Community-Based Land Use Planning | To undertake a community-based process to develop a land use plan for seven reserves, a majority of which are rural and undeveloped with important conservation-related opportunities | Conservation Fund | 2010 | $ 9,277 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Marine Resource Monitoring Program – Planning | To design a marine-based regional monitoring program, develop a multi-year program implementation plan, and develop a training plan for up to four guardians based on monitoring priorities and staff skill sets | Conservation Fund | 2010 | $ 65,000 | |
Metlakatla Nation | Metlakatla Governing Council | Establishing the Metlakatla Stewardship Society | To develop, establish and commence operations of the Nation's stewardship program including incorporation of the society, transfer of research equipment and assets, development of program governance and administrative policies, community engagement, and hiring of program staff | Conservation Fund | 2010 | $ 75,000 | |
Na̲nwak̲olas Council | Na̲nwak̲olas Council Society | Regional Economic Development Strategy – Priority Sector Analysis | to expand the scope of economic research and analysis focusing on forestry, tourism and energy for a multi-sector regional economic development strategy | Economic Development Fund | 2010 | $ 44,621 | |
Na̲nwak̲olas Council | Na̲nwak̲olas Council Society | Regional Ecosystem-based Management and Marine Planning – 2010/11 | to develop sixteen conservancy management plans, develop strategic and detailed landscape level spatial reserve plans, initiate draft marine plans for each member Nation, engage in the Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area (PNCIMA) process, and operate the regional referrals office | Conservation Fund | 2010 | $ 178,309 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Development of a Long-Term Economic Development Strategy | To develop a long-term year economic development strategy for the Nisga'a Nation including implementing the plan in conjunction with a new capacity building platform | Economic Development Fund | 2010 | $ 56,125 | |
Wei Wai Kum Nation | Wei Wai Kum First Nation | Heydon Bay Salmon Enumeration – 2010 | To conduct enumeration of six species of salmon in Heydon Creek, indicating salmon escapement trends for the surrounding area of Loughborough Inlet, and to stabilize a spawning channel in Heydon Creek | Conservation Fund | 2010 | $ 19,000 | |
Coastal First Nations | Coastal First Nations (Great Bear Initiative Society) | Coastal Shellfish Corporation Start-Up | To commence operations of the Coastal Shellfish Corporation, a regional shellfish initiative in the Central and North Coast region | Economic Development Fund | 2010 | $ 247,200 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Due Diligence for a Commercial Property Acquisition | To complete a market feasibility assessment for a commercial real estate investment opportunity in collaboration with the Metlakatla Nation | Economic Development Fund | 2010 | $ 7,600 | |
Metlakatla Nation | Metlakatla Development Corporation | Due Diligence for a Commercial Property Acquisition | To complete a market feasibility assessment for a commercial real estate investment opportunity in collaboration with the Lax Kw'alaams Nation | Economic Development Fund | 2010 | $ 7,600 | |
Coastal First Nations | Coastal First Nations (Great Bear Initiative Society) | Initiate a Conifer Essential Oils Manufacturing Network | To advance the commercialization of conifer essential oils manufacturing on a regional scale in collaboration with the Haida, Haisla, and Heiltsuk Nations | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 109,512 | |
Coastal First Nations | Coastal First Nations (Great Bear Initiative Society) | Coastal Guardian Watchman Network – Regional Program Development | To further develop, on a regional and integrated basis, community-based Guardian Watchman programs that implement and monitor coastal land use agreements, marine use plans, and other stewardship initiatives including ecosystem-based management | Conservation Fund | 2009 | $ 216,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Acquisition of an Area-Based Forestry Tenure | To conduct a feasibility study, negotiate the purchase of a large forestry tenure, and establish a Haida-owned forestry company (Taan Forest LP) | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 375,000 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Expansion of Haisla Contracting Services | To purchase heavy equipment in order to diversify and expand Haisla Contracting Service's existing business with local governments, manufacturing companies, and highway maintenance firms | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 148,738 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Watchman Program – 2009 Operations | To support operations of the program including weekly patrols of the Nation's entire territory, collecting standardized data on habitats, wildlife, and human use, undertake public outreach and education with visitors, and report illegal activities to designated authorities | Conservation Fund | 2009 | $ 79,000 | |
Metlakatla Nation | Metlakatla Development Corporation | Canoe Quest Cultural Tourism and Rediscovery Program | To design and build the world’s largest North Coast First Nation traditional-style canoe and to construct transportation infrastructure to operate canoe tours based in Prince Rupert | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 127,875 | |
Gitga’at Nation | Gitga'at First Nation | Restructured Stewardship Program – 2009/10 Operations | To support operations of the program including the development and implementation of plans, policies, and strategies for effective stewardship of the lands, waters, and natural resources throughout Gitga’at Territory | Conservation Fund | 2009 | $ 134,000 | |
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation | Establish a Conservancy Stewardship Program | To develop a new stewardship program in the conservancies and biodiversity areas located in the Nations’ homelands in Smith and Seymour Inlets | Conservation Fund | 2009 | $ 60,000 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Establishment of the Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Dept. | To establish the integrated stewardship office with accountability to the tribal council, hereditary council, and members for the management of resources including lands, water, fisheries, cultural heritage, and information services including GIS and resource development referrals | Conservation Fund | 2009 | $ 273,055 | |
Na̲nwak̲olas Council | Na̲nwak̲olas Council Society | Regional Economic Development Strategy – Planning | to develop a comprehensive multi-sector economic development strategy to increase its member First Nations' economic share of commercial activities in the region | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 140,894 | |
Nuxalk Nation | Nuxalk Nation | Establishment of the Nuxalk Integrated Resource Office | To establish and commence operations of the new stewardship office including training two new guardian watchmen, successfully raising and releasing 200,000 marked sockeye salmon fry in the Atnarko watershed, and to perform field and biology research to assess eulochon populations in the central coast region | Conservation Fund | 2009 | $ 112,623 | |
Tlowitsis Nation | Chief's Pride Aquaculture Corp. | Shellfish Farm Expansion | To expand an existing oyster farm that is operated by the Tlowitsis First Nation and to build floating accommodation and a workstation platform for aquaculture operations | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 100,000 | |
Wei Wai Kum Nation | Wei Wai Kum First Nation | Heydon Bay Salmon Enumeration – 2009 | To conduct enumeration of six species of salmon in Heydon Creek, indicating salmon escapement trends for the surrounding area of Loughborough Inlet, and to stabilize a spawning channel in Heydon Creek | Conservation Fund | 2009 | $ 16,409 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Development of a Comprehensive Community Plan | To develop the Nation's comprehensive community plan with a deep level of engagement with community members including elders and youth | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 25,000 | |
Coastal First Nations | Coastal First Nations (Great Bear Initiative Society) | Regional Small Business Support and Loan Program | To support local entrepreneurs by developing the framework for a regional small business support and loan program | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 6,750 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Start-up of Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | To transfer existing businesses under management of the tribal council to the new development corporation, to recruit a CEO, develop a strategic plan, and to commence operations | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 367,330 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Economic Development Corporation | Waglisla Shellfish LP – Pilot-Scale Aquaculture Trials | To continue pilot-scale scallop farming trials for a future commercial-scale aquaculture business in Heiltsuk territory in partnership with Coastal Shellfish Corporation | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 50,000 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Coast Tsimshian Mariculture Ltd. – Pilot-Scale Scallop Farm Trials | To continue pilot-scale scallop farming trials for a future commercial-scale aquaculture business in Lax Kw'alaams territory in partnership with Coastal Shellfish Corporation | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 50,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Haida Mapping Department – Establish a Data Warehouse | To provide GIS mapping training for the department's three employees and to design a database system to manage all referrals information related to archeology, forestry, land use, foreshore, and marine use | Conservation Fund | 2009 | $ 166,112 | |
Kitselas Nation | Kitselas Band Council | Development of Kitselas Canyon National Historic Site | To complete construction of major infrastructure that directly enables cultural interpretive tours at this national historic site in partnership with Parks Canada | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 226,089 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Acquisition of an Ecotourism Company | To acquire H2O Adventures Ltd. and to operate cultural tourism and whale and grizzly bear tours based from Prince Rupert | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 130,000 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Resource Management Office – 2009/10 Expansion | To support operations of the office including development of a strategic plan for the new office, development of conservancy management plans with the Province of British Columbia, and monitoring activities in the marine environment with a focus on the commercial kelp harvest | Conservation Fund | 2009 | $ 117,000 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Guardian Watchmen Program Start-up | To establish and commence operations of the program including hiring and training three guardian watchmen, developing a Wui'kinuxv monitoring schedule to guide patrols and field research or monitoring activities, and to develop an integrated resource stewardship plan by engaging the community in Rivers Inlet | Conservation Fund | 2009 | $ 95,173 | |
Da’naxda’xw Awaetlala Nation | Da'naxda'xw-Mamalilikulla Territories Fisheries Society | Traditional Clam Garden Rejuvenation (Da’naxda’xw Awaetlala Contribution) | To restore traditional aboriginal clam gardens and to assess the feasibility of cultivating the clam gardens for commercial-scale mariculture | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 143,600 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Old Massett Pilot-Scale Scallop Farm | To continue the pilot-scale scallop farm operated by the Old Massett Development Corporation, finalize the corporate structure of the regional shellfish initiative, and transition to full-scale operations by October 2009 | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 100,000 | |
Haida Nation | Council of the Haida Nation | Off-shore Wind Energy Project | To develop a comprehensive project proposal for BC Hydro's Clean Power Call that focuses on off-shore wind energy in partnership with an independent power producer | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 114,600 | |
Haisla Nation | Haisla Nation Council | Marine Stewardship Initiative | To hire a marine biologist and/or fisheries expert to participate in scientific assessments initiated by companies seeking to operate in Haisla territory, provide critical analyses of environmental reports, and initiate independent research on behalf of the Nation | Conservation Fund | 2009 | $ 64,250 | |
Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) Nation | Heiltsuk Tribal Council | Collaborative Due Diligence for an Area-Based Forestry Tenure | To collaborate with three other Nations to jointly conduct negotiations with the Province of BC for a large area-based forestry tenure and to undertake comprehensive due diligence for the acquisition of a major tree farm license supply block | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 117,000 | |
Kitasoo Xai’xais Nation | Kitasoo Band Council | Collaborative Due Diligence for an Area-Based Forestry Tenure | To collaborate with three other Nations to jointly conduct negotiations with the Province of BC for a large area-based forestry tenure and to undertake comprehensive due diligence for the acquisition of a major tree farm license supply block | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 78,000 | |
Lax Kw’alaams Band | Lax Kw'alaams Business Development Ltd. | Coast Tsimshian Mariculture Ltd. – Continued Pilot-Scale Trials | To continue the pilot-scale scallop farm, finalize the corporate structure of the regional shellfish initiative, and transition to full-scale operations by October 2009 | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 50,000 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Da'naxda'xw-Mamalilikulla Territories Fisheries Society | Traditional Clam Garden Rejuvenation (Mamalilikulla-Que’Qwa’Sot’Em Contribution) | To restore traditional Aboriginal clam gardens and to assess the feasibility of cultivating the clam gardens for commercial-scale mariculture | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 143,600 | |
We Wai Kai Nation | We Wai Kai Seafood Corporation | Commercialization of a Pilot-Scale Scallop Farm in Sutil Channel | To finalize tenures for several aquaculture sites, invest in commercial scallop farming infrastructure, purchase scallop seed, and to achieve commercially viable production levels | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 244,285 | |
Wuikinuxv Nation | Wuikinuxv Nation | Collaborative Due Diligence for an Area-Based Forestry Tenure | To collaborate with three other Nations to jointly conduct negotiations with the Province of BC for a large area-based forestry tenure and to undertake comprehensive due diligence for the acquisition of a major tree farm license supply block | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 105,000 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Ecotourism Program and Orford Bay Hatchery Development | To redevelop the Orford Bay salmon hatchery facility and to develop safety guidelines and tour protocols for the Nation's grizzly bear viewing business in Bute Inlet | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 166,000 | |
Coastal First Nations | Coastal First Nations (Great Bear Initiative Society) | Regional Shellfish Initiative | To complete the research and development needed to establish a network of regional commercial shellfish aquaculture production sites | Economic Development Fund | 2008 | $ 460,700 | |
Coastal First Nations | Coastal First Nations (Great Bear Initiative Society) | Evaluate Establishing a Regional Training Institute and Development Corporation | To support the development of new training and governance approaches that will enable First Nations to successfully implement their economic development initiatives | Economic Development Fund | 2008 | $ 271,791 | |
Coastal First Nations | Coastal First Nations (Great Bear Initiative Society) | Regional Planning for Community-Based Stewardship Programs | To develop a model for First Nations Land Stewardship Departments and to develop a strategic plan for the Great Bear Training Institute to ensure that Coastal First Nations have the capacity and support to implement key conservation initiatives | Conservation Fund | 2008 | $ 121,920 |