Mamalilikulla First Nation
Village and Compton Islands
The Mamalilikulla First Nation’s territory encompasses the islands off the north east coast of Vancouver Island between Alert Bay and Knight Inlet, including Compton, Village, and Gilford Islands.

The Mamalilikulla First Nation’s territory encompasses Village and Compton Islands on BC’s South Central Coast
Mamalilikulla First Nation
The Mamalilikulla First Nation’s territory encompasses the islands off the north east coast of Vancouver Island between Alert Bay and Knight Inlet, including Compton, Village, and Gilford Islands.
The village on the northwest side of Village Island belongs to the Mamalilikulla First Nation people. The actual name of the village is ‘Mimkwa̱mlis, and the name means “village with rocks and island out front”. Eliot Passage, the marine waterway between Village and Pearl Islands in the Johnstone Strait region of the Central Coast of British Columbia, lay southwest of the opening of Knight Inlet.
See Projects
The Mamalilikulla people speak the Kwak’wala language. In recent years, the Nation has developed a unique ecotourism business, Adventures Village Island, that operates in tandem with the Nation’s new guardian watchman program that is part of the Ha-ma-yas Stewardship Network.
The Mamalilikulla First Nation practice “maya’xa̱la,” meaning respect. They have been taught by their ancestors to “refrain from over exploiting the abundance and diversity of life within [their] territory.”
Mamalilikulla First Nation Projects
In partnership with Coast Funds, Mamalilikulla First Nation has invested in:
First Nation | Applicant |
Project |
Description | Links | Type |
Year |
Funding |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Stewardship Operations 2023/24 | To support continued regional monitoring operations and protection of important cultural sites in traditional territory, including IPCA collaborative management planning and activities, inventory initiatives and research projects such as dive surveys and eDNA sampling, cultural features inventory, monitoring of clam gardens and assessment of invasive blue mussels, recreational monitoring, and eel grass and kelp bed drone mapping. | Conservation Fund | 2023 | $ 100,000 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program – 2020 Operations | To support continued regional monitoring operations and protection of important cultural sites in traditional territory, with an infrastructure enhancement on Compton Island for future Guardian support, development of a language immersion project including additional signage on Village Island, as well as continued monitoring of clam gardens, continued assessment of invasive blue mussels at Port Elizabeth, maintenance of a tourism visitor record to better understand the impact of recreation in the territory, baseline assessments at Larson Island Fish Farm, and continued eel grass and kelp bed drone mapping. | Conservation Fund | 2020 | $ 110,000 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program – 2019 Operations | To support continued regional monitoring operations in the Broughton Archipelago with ongoing investment in new Guardian Watchman infrastructure on Village Island as well as continued aquaculture related intertidal assessments specifically for butter clams, little necks and cockles, research at Port Elizabeth on invasive blue mussels, water chemistry analysis throughout the territory in partnership with Hakai Research Institute, continued kelp and eelgrass surveys, and ongoing contribution to the Ha-ma-yas Stewardship Network. | Conservation Fund | 2019 | $ 110,000 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program – 2018 Operations | To support continued regional monitoring operations in the Broughton Archipelago with new investment in dedicated Guardian Watchmen infrastructure on Village Island, continued aquaculture-related intertidal assessments, research at Port Elizabeth on invasive blue mussels, water chemistry analysis throughout the territory in partnership with Hakai Research Institute, kelp and eelgrass surveys, and ongoing contribution to the Ha-ma-yas Stewardship Network. | Conservation Fund | 2018 | $ 110,000 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Homalco First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program – 2015/16 Operations | To support continued regional monitoring operations in the Broughton Archipelago via an expansion of its conservation program that will lead guardian watchman activities as well as performing aquaculture-related intertidal assessments, dungeness crab and eelgrass surveys, and ongoing contribution to the Ha-ma-yas Stewardship Network | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 30,000 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Expansion of Adventures Village Island – Season 3 | To support core operations of Qwe’Qwa’Sot’Em Tourism Ltd. as the community-owned company completes its start-up phase, expanding its cultural and eco-tour operations based on Compton and Village Island | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 125,269 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program Start-up | To initiate and operate a Guardian Watchman Program throughout its territories for seven months, leveraging ecotourism infrastructure developed on Compton Island | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 109,041 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Ecotourism Vessel Upgrade | To invest in a critical marine transportation upgrade that will improve clients’ experience and the overall safety and reliability of Adventures Village Island operations | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 61,500 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Start-up of Adventures Village Island – Season 2 | To enhance visitor accommodations, purchase equipment for cultural and eco-tours, and to enhance sales and marketing efforts for the business based on Compton and Village Island | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 175,500 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Start-up of Adventures Village Island | To commence operations and establish a governance structure for a new Nation owned and operated cultural and ecotourism company with traditional cabins on Compton Island | Economic Development Fund | 2013 | $ 170,000 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Mamalilikulla First Nation | Tourism Infrastructure Construction on Compton Island | To construct a Kwakwaka’wakw culturally themed base camp of six small big house for the start-up of eco‐friendly aboriginal cultural tourism operations | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 143,433 | |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Da'naxda'xw-Mamalilikulla Territories Fisheries Society | Traditional Clam Garden Rejuvenation (Mamalilikulla-Que’Qwa’Sot’Em Contribution) | To restore traditional Aboriginal clam gardens and to assess the feasibility of cultivating the clam gardens for commercial-scale mariculture | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 143,600 |
Total Projects | 12 | Total Invested | $ 1,388,343 |
Total Projects: 12
Total Invested: $ 1,388,343
Mamalilikulla First Nation's Organizations and Resources
Online Resources
- The Ghosts of Village Island
Hakai Magazine
- Mamalilikulla First Nation Marine Planning
Na̲nwak̲olas Council Society
- Mamalilikulla First Nation Guardians
Ha-Ma-Yas Stewardship Network