Na̲nwak̲olas Council
An alliance of First Nations on BC’s South Central Coast and northern Vancouver Island
Na̲nwak̲olas Council is comprised of six member Nations: Mamalilikulla First Nation; Tlowitsis Nation; Da'naxda'xw Awaetlatla Nation; Wei Wai Kum Nation; We Wai Kai Nation; and K'ómoks Nation.

Na̲nwak̲olas Council member Nations belong to the Kwakwaka’wakw group of Nations and are located on northern Vancouver Island and the neighbouring southern Central Coast region. Na̲nwak̲olas, which means “a place we go to find agreement” in Kwak’wala, advocates for the recognition, protection, and promotion of its member Nations’ Aboriginal rights and interests in land and marine resource planning and management decisions.
Na̲nwak̲olas Council was created in 2007 to provide member Nations with the resources needed to implement their 2006 Land Use Plan Agreement-in-Principle. Since its creation in 2007, Na̲nwak̲olas Council has expanded the areas in which it works with and supports its member Nations.
Currently Na̲nwak̲olas assists its members in regulating commercial activities taking place in their territories through the Na̲nwak̲olas Referrals Office. It also works closely with Nations on community marine planning and regional economic development initiatives.
Na̲nwak̲olas seeks to address community level issues through a regional dialogue and coordination, thereby maximizing the voice with which the member First Nations speak with and achieving the maximum economy of scale given limited resources.
Na̲nwak̲olas Council Projects
In partnership with Coast Funds, Na̲nwak̲olas Council has invested in:
First Nation | Applicant |
Project |
Description | Links | Type |
Year |
Funding |
Na̲nwak̲olas Council | Na̲nwak̲olas Council Society | Regional Ecosystem-based Management and Marine Planning – 2012/13 | to complete sixteen conservancy management plans, complete strategic and detailed landscape level spatial reserve plans, develop marine plans for each member Nation, engage in the Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area (PNCIMA) process, and operate the regional referrals office | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 272,150 | |
Na̲nwak̲olas Council | Na̲nwak̲olas Council Society | Regional Economic Development Implementation | to work closely with member First Nations to implement the completed regional economic development strategy by focusing on specific sector opportunities that are priorities for development | Economic Development Fund | 2011 | $ 239,637 | |
Na̲nwak̲olas Council | Na̲nwak̲olas Council Society | Regional Economic Development Strategy – Priority Sector Analysis | to expand the scope of economic research and analysis focusing on forestry, tourism and energy for a multi-sector regional economic development strategy | Economic Development Fund | 2010 | $ 44,621 | |
Na̲nwak̲olas Council | Na̲nwak̲olas Council Society | Regional Ecosystem-based Management and Marine Planning – 2010/11 | to develop sixteen conservancy management plans, develop strategic and detailed landscape level spatial reserve plans, initiate draft marine plans for each member Nation, engage in the Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area (PNCIMA) process, and operate the regional referrals office | Conservation Fund | 2010 | $ 178,309 | |
Na̲nwak̲olas Council | Na̲nwak̲olas Council Society | Regional Economic Development Strategy – Planning | to develop a comprehensive multi-sector economic development strategy to increase its member First Nations' economic share of commercial activities in the region | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 140,894 |
Total Projects | 5 | Total Invested | $ 875,611 |
Total Projects: 5
Total Invested: $ 875,611
Na̲nwak̲olas Council Organizations and Resources
Online Resources
- Searching the Forest for the Trees
Article and video about Nanwakolas Council's Large Cedar Strategy
- Sustainably Engaging Stakeholders
Nanwakolas Council President, Dallas Smith provides some practical solutions on ocean planning
Nanwakolas Council President, Dallas Smith provides some practical solutions on ocean planning
- Flexibility in Ocean Planning
Marine Planning Coordinator for Nanwakolas Council on being creative and flexible in ocean planning