K’ómoks Nation
The territory of the K’ómoks Nation encompasses the eastern portion of Vancouver Island, from the Salmon River in the north to the Englishman River in the south.

The main community of K’ómoks is located in Comox, on BC’s South Central Coast.
K’ómoks Nation
The territory of the K’ómoks Nation includes an area of the mainland of British Columbia, comprising Forward Harbour and Texada, Denman, and Hornby Islands.
Archeological evidence has shown K’ómoks villages were located throughout the territory, with significant settlements in the Salmon River watershed, Quadra Island and in the Courtney and Comox areas.
See Projects
A K’omoks origin story explains how a man named Shalhk’em and woman named Tisitl’a dropped down from the sky at kwaniwsam (Quinsam). They brought the mask and garments of the Xwayxway and together became the first ancestors of the Island Comox people.
The K’omoks people, as a cultural collective, call themselves the “Sathloot.” They refer to their territory as “the land of plenty,” with oral histories describing a rich and bountiful relationship between the nation and their land. The present day leaders of the K’ómoks Nation are working to reclaim their traditional cultural expressions and strengthen the community’s relationship with the land of plently.
K’ómoks Nation Projects
In partnership with Coast Funds, K’ómoks Nation has invested in:
First Nation | Applicant |
Project |
Description | Links | Type |
Year |
Funding |
K’ómoks Nation | K'ómoks First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program – 2017/18 Operations | To continue implementing the Guardian Watchman Program throughout K'ómoks territory that includes eel grass and salt marsh monitoring, seal and sea lion surveys, stabilization of a river bank to protect a midden and ancestral burial grounds, ongoing contribution to the Ha-ma-yas Stewardship Network, and Level 2 Stewardship Training for Guardian Watchmen with Vancouver Island University | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 11,550 | |
K’ómoks Nation | K'ómoks First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program – 2016/17 Operations | To continue implementing a the Nation's Guardian Watchman Program throughout K'omoks territory over a multi-year period, continue stewardship technician certification programs with Vancouver Island University, and conduct butter clam, crab, seal and sea lions surveys throughout the territory | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 9,962 | |
K’ómoks Nation | K'ómoks First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program Start-up – 2015 Pilot | To continue implementing a pilot Guardian Watchman Program throughout the Nation's territory over a multi-year period and to conduct butter clam, crab, seal and sea lions surveys throughout the territory | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 30,462 | |
K’ómoks Nation | K'ómoks First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program Start-up – 2014 Pilot | To initiate and pilot a Guardian Watchman Program throughout its territories over a multi-year period and to design and deliver a training curriculum for three members of the Nation to become Guardian Watchmen | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 72,650 | |
K’ómoks Nation | K'ómoks First Nation | Food Safety Training for Salish Seafoods LP | To provide Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) training for seafood processing staff employed by Salish Seafoods LP | Economic Development Fund | 2013 | $ 2,685 | |
K’ómoks Nation | K'ómoks First Nation | Acquisition of a Comox Valley Seafood Processing Company | To acquire an independent seafood processing company to be operated by the Nation as Salish Seafoods LP for processing shellfish, finfish, and value-added smoked products | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 402,735 |
Total Projects | 6 | Total Invested | $ 530,044 |
Total Projects: 6
Total Invested: $ 530,044
K’ómoks Organization and Resources
Online Resources
- Historic Agreement between governments and Komoks First Nation
A News Vancouver Island
- K'ómoks First Nation signs Agreement-in-Principle
Province of BC
- K’ómoks First Nation
Sasamans Society - Voices of Our Children
- K’ómoks First Nation Marine Planning
Na̲nwak̲olas Council Society
- K’ómoks Guardians
Ha-Ma-Yas Stewardship Network