Coast Funds offers a straightforward process to collaboratively form your stewardship vision and design strategies to increase sustainable finance. Working closely with your staff and leadership we can create a tailored fundraising strategy for your First Nation to build its endowed funds and provide self-determined revenue for future generations.

Coast Funds is committed to working directly with your staff and leadership to form your stewardship vision, from establishing a new stewardship program, to envisioning the next decade of stewardship across the lands and waters of your territories. This 10-year vision guides your fundraising efforts and provides a stable foundation from which to build your endowed stewardship funds.
In a close working partnership, we can reflect on current and past stewardship activities, exploring how those efforts can be scaled up to meet your long-term vision for stewardship.
Since 2008, Coast Funds has worked in close partnership with First Nations to leverage their endowed funds, securing annual funding for their stewardship operations (more than $53 million has been leveraged to date, and growing).
Working in partnership with your staff and leadership, we embrace a ‘dream big’ philosophy to explore the future of your stewardship authority. We ask a key question: “If you weren’t limited by today’s revenues, how would you invest in fulfilling your First Nation’s stewardship responsibilities?”
Together, we consider your human resources, organizational structure, infrastructure and equipment, training, and programming requirements as we build your vision together.
In partnership, we determine timelines for scaling your stewardship authority or Guardian program over a ten-year period, working within the broader context of your unique path to sovereignty.

Using your current operating expenses and revenues as a baseline, we’ll work with you to forecast the operating costs required to scale-up and sustain your long-term vision. We can also explore opportunities to build and diversify your revenue sources. You plan the revenues sources to focus on, and these priorities direct us in determining the fundraising goal(s) that will provide the financial sustainability to achieve your vision.
Following formation of the stewardship vision, your First Nation’s hereditary and/or governing councils reviews the 10-year stewardship vision. This provides an opportunity for governance oversight in setting the vision. Typically Elders and Chiefs will have been engaged throughout the process, as determined by your leadership, but convening a council review enables the First Nation to formally endorse the vision, setting the goals for building and sustaining stewardship efforts for the next decade. With this consensus, your First Nation will have a mandate to initiate fundraising, knowing that your efforts are directly aligned with a consensus long-term vision from your leadership.
Working on stewardship finance alongside each First Nation uniquely positions Coast Funds to collaboratively assess the financial sustainability of stewardship revenues. This information can inform your plan to secure new revenues to fulfill your long-term goals for stewardship across your territories.