Nisg̲a’a Nation
Nass Valley
The Nisg̲a'a territory encompasses 200,000 hectares of the Nass Valley, reaching from the mouth of the K’alii Aksim Lisims (the Nass River) to the Hazelton Mountains.

The Nisg̲a’a Nation’s main communities are located in the Nass Valley, in the villages of Ging̲olx, Gitlaxt’aamiks, Gitwinksihlkw and Laxgalts’ap, on BC’s North Coast
Nisg̲a’a Nation
The Nisga’a people have lived in the Nass Valley since time immemorial, thriving in an area rich with forests, inlets, and sleeping volcanoes.
Today there are four main village sites along the Nass River: Gingolx, Laxgalts’ap, Gitwinksihlkw, and Gitlaxt’aamiks.
See Projects
Historically the Nass River supported many permanent Nisga’a settlements all along its route, stretching the length of the Northwest Coast and deep in to the interior. The bountiful resources of the Nisga’a territory allowed the Nisga’a people to develop one of the most unique and sophisticated cultures in North America.
Nisga’a legend tells us that as the Wil Ksi-Baxhl Mihl (volcano) erupted in the 1700s:
Gwaaxts’agat (a powerful supernatural being) suddenly emerged to block the lava’s flow. For days, Gwaaxts’agat blew on the lava with its great nose. Finally, the lava cooled and Gwaaxts’agat retreated into the mountain where it remains to this day.
Anhluut’ukwsim Laxmihl Angwinga’asanskwhl Nisga’a – the Nisga’a Memorial Lava Bed park, located within the Nisga’a territory, serves as a memorial to the thousands of Nisga’a who lost their lives and also as a reminder “of the importance of kwhlixhoosa’anskw (respect)—for both the natural world and the wisdom of the elders.”

Nisg̲a’a Nation Projects
In partnership with Coast Funds, Nisg̲a’a Nation has invested in:
First Nation | Applicant |
Project |
Description | Links | Type |
Year |
Funding |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisga'a Village of Gitlaxt'aamiks | Interpretive Center and Lava Roc Restaurant | To support Gitlaxt'aamiks Village's vision of turning the Old Community Hall facility into an Interpretive Centre with the Lava Roc Restaurant. | Economic Development Fund | 2024 | $ 250,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisga'a Lisims Government | Nass River — Chinook Radiotelemetry Project | To conduct radio telemetry surveys that will enhance baseline data of Chinook salmon distribution and migration patterns, including mortality in the Nass River, to inform future management and conservation. | Conservation Fund | 2024 | $ 400,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Nass River Estuary — 2022 Juvenile Salmon Enumeration, Abundance, and Habitat Monitoring | To implement the juvenile salmon component of the Ecosystem Health and Fish Habitat Monitoring Plan for the Nass River Estuary for an increased understanding of juvenile salmon and their food web, specifically the distribution, relative abundance, growth, and condition of juvenile salmon, and the density and diversity of key zooplankton prey in the Nass River estuary. | Conservation Fund | 2022 | $ 25,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Assessment and Baseline Data Collection of Coastal Chinook to the Ishkheenickh and Kwinamass Rivers | To conduct aerial surveys to assess escapement of Chinook Salmon to the Ishkheenickh and Kwinamass Rivers, and collect DNA from spawning or juvenile Chinook for the purpose of enhancing baseline estimates which support commercial and recreational harvests. | Conservation Fund | 2020 | $ 28,600 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Gitmaxmak'ay Nisga'a PR/PE Society | Wilp-Sihoon Commercial Smokehouse Start-up — Phase 2 | To complete the Nisga'a Nation's investment in the start-up of a commercial smokehouse facility for sustainably harvested Nisga’a seafood products in Prince Rupert, including completion of all regulatory requirements and investment in training of new staff to operationalize the business in 2019 | Economic Development Fund | 2019 | $ 86,713 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Start-up of Nisga’a Tourism Corporation | To invest in the start-up of Nisga'a Tourism Corporation to serve as a destination marketing organization for the Nass Valley that operates pre-packaged Indigenous cultural tourism experiences marketed to an international audience; the new company's Circle Tours are designed to drive business for local entrepreneurs, Hli Goothl Wilp-Adokshl Nisga'a (the Nisga'a Museum), the community-owned Vetter Falls Lodge, and more | Economic Development Fund | 2019 | $ 200,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Mountain Goat Population Inventories in the Nass Wildlife Area | To undertake an aerial-based survey of mountain goat escape terrain throughout the Nass Wildlife Area in order to establish new inventory data on the distribution and numbers of mountain goats, in order to update a twenty-year old data set that is used by the Nass Wildlife Committee (Nisga'a, BC and Canada) to set the Total Allowable Harvest and resulting Food, Social, and Ceremonial allocation for Nisga'a citizen and other First Nations. | Conservation Fund | 2018 | $ 203,166 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Village of Ging̲olx | Improvements to Boat Launch and Wharf Infrastructure | To invest in infrastructure to improve the primary boat launch and wharf with access to Portland Inlet and to establish a new fee structure for moorage and improved dock services that will maintain and expand commercial activity from fishing charter operators, ecotourism guides and retail businesses in Gingolx Village. | Economic Development Fund | 2018 | $ 125,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Non-Meziadin River Sockeye Salmon Radio Telemetry Distribution and Abundance Study | To sustain and improve the stock status of smaller sockeye salmon runs in the Nass River watershed that do not return to the Meziadin River system by assessing the distribution and abundance of sockeye salmon using radio tags, fixed-monitoring radio-telemetry stations, and aerial tracking along the Ishkheenickh, Ginlulak, Grease Harbour, Cranberry, Meziadin, Bell-Irving/Nass, Bell-Irving/Snowbank, Bowser Lake, Kwinageese/Nass, and Damdochax systems | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 153,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Coho Salmon Abundance Surveys Across Lower and Coastal Nass Systems | To improve management and conservation of coho salmon in the Nass River watershed by determining coho escapement in the Portland Canal and Observatory Inlet (Crag and Salmon Cove Creek) ands in three systems within the Lower Nass (Ansedagan, Diskangieq, and Zolzap Creek), and combining stream walking and snorkelling surveys while also measuring water property characteristics and spawning habitat quality for each system | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 20,452 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Marbled Murrelet and Northern Goshawk Habitat and Nesting Site Studies – 2017 Phase | To conduct ground-based surveys, aerial photo interpretation and aerial-based surveys to detect the presence of Marbled Murrelet and Northern Goshawk liangi subspecies breeding areas in tributary valleys throughout the Lower Nass River Valley to confirm the presence of nesting sites, thus informing long-term conservation initiatives as well as planning sustainable timber harvesting on Nisg̲a'a Lands | Conservation Fund | 2017 | $ 186,041 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Nass River Eulachon – 2016 Spawning Stock Biomass Research | To determine multi-year Nass River Eulachon abundance by conducting laboratory analyses of samples collected via in-river larval plankton tows in 2015 and 2016. The project will use statistical modelling to develop a standard sample collection methodology for annual analysis of Eulachon larvae, enabling Nisga'a Fisheries and Wildlife Dept. to accurately monitor Spawning Stock Biomass (the stock population capable of reproducing) of Eulachon over time. | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 91,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | H̲lgu Isgwit Hot Springs Development | To invest in the development of Hlgu Isgwit Hot Springs that will support tourism in the Nass Valley and provide visitors with a cultural and social experience of the territory | Economic Development Fund | 2016 | $ 100,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Grizzly and Black Bear Habitat Study and DNA Analyses in Sgawban, Mylor Peninsula, and Ashington Range | To conduct a comprehensive study of grizzly and black bear abundance in the Mylor Peninsula, Sgawban, and the eastern shore of the peninsula separating Observatory Inlet from Portland Canal. The study will include transects for bear sign, DNA sampling from hair snares, genetics analyses, and remote camera monitoring. Fieldwork will involve Nisga'a Nation technicians working alongside professional biologists to develop new capacity focusing on environmental monitoring. | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 94,150 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Northern Goshawk Habitat and Nesting Site Study in the Lower Nass River Valley | To conduct surveys of Northern Goshawk laingi subspecies habitat and breeding areas in old growth forests in the lower Nass River valley, to confirm the presence of nesting sites and inform Nisga’a Fish and Wildlife and Lands Department in planning long-term conservation initiatives | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 53,350 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Steller Sea Lion Reconnaissance Tissue Sampling and Contaminant Analyses | To undertake reconnaissance sampling of Steller Sea Lion muscle tissue harvested by Nisga'a citizens during the 2015 eulachon migration and to analyze these tissue samples for persistent organic pollutants and mercury contamination | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 17,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Vetter Falls Lodge Infrastructure Investment and Start-up | To invest in significant infrastructure upgrades and to provide initial operating capital for the revitalization and start-up of Vetter Falls Lodge in order to provide a base for the Nisga'a Nation to develop cultural and eco-tourism experiences in the Nass Region as well as to add accommodation in the region for contractors and business travellers | Economic Development Fund | 2016 | $ 541,695 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Ging̲olx Enterprises Limited | Start-up of Ging̲olx Enterprises Ltd. | To commence operations and support the start-up of the Village of Ging̲olx's new development corporation, Ging̲olx Enterprises Ltd. (GEL), and to develop a strategic plan that is aligns with the community's long-term vision for sustainable economic development | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 100,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Village of Gitwinksihlkw | Welcome House Construction & Start-Up | To construct a Welcome House Café and to enter into a multi-year lease agreement with a Nisga’a entrepreneur, Nyce Creations and Gifts, to operate the new restaurant and retail business | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 250,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Nisga’a Cultural Journey Marketing Initiative | To invest in the development of a cultural journey tourism marketing and infrastructure project that will provide visitors to the Nass Valley with cultural, social, and geographic interpretation of the Nisga’a Nation and its territories | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 37,860 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Predevelopment for Vetter Falls Lodge | To complete an environmental assessment for a proposed transmission line connecting Vetter Falls Lodge to the provincial power grid in Gitlaxt’aamiks | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 38,335 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Gitmaxmak'ay Nisga'a PR/PE Society | Wilp-Sihoon Commercial Smokehouse Start-up | To expand operations in Prince Rupert by constructing and operating a commercial smokehouse facility for sustainably harvested Nisga’a seafood products | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 177,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Marine Surveys for Nass River Salmonid Stocks | To pilot a research program to improve knowledge of juvenile salmon ecology in the Nass River system, focusing on juvenile salmonids in the nearshore marine area | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 76,040 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Moose Recovery Plan for the Nass Wildlife Area | To examine the factors that contributed to a decline in the moose population in the Nass Wildlife Area and to develop a list of conservation measures, via engagement with the region's hunting community, that lead to restoring the moose population to a level that is consistent with the social and ecological values of moose in northwest British Columbia | Conservation Fund | 2012 | $ 64,900 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisga'a Village of Laxgalts'ap | Reorganization of Laxgalts’ap Forest Company | To undertake a number of economic development capacity building initiatives including reorganization of the community-owned forestry company, preparation for the Northwest Transmission Line, and a human resources development plan | Economic Development Fund | 2011 | $ 250,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Bonnie Stanley | Seafood Restaurant Start-up | To startup a seafood restaurant in Gingolx and expand an existing catering business | Economic Development Fund | 2011 | $ 25,000 | |
Nisg̲a’a Nation | Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government | Development of a Long-Term Economic Development Strategy | To develop a long-term year economic development strategy for the Nisga'a Nation including implementing the plan in conjunction with a new capacity building platform | Economic Development Fund | 2010 | $ 56,125 |
Total Projects | 27 | Total Invested | $ 3,650,427 |
Total Projects: 27
Total Invested: $ 3,650,427
Nisg̲a'a Organizations and Resources
- Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government
- Nisg̲a'a Village of Gingolx
- Nisg̲a'a Village of Gitlaxt'aamiks
- Nisg̲a'a Village of Laxgalts'ap
- Nisga'a Pacific Ventures
- Nass Area Properties
- Lisims Communications
- Lisims Forest Resources
- Nisga'a Fisheries
- Lisims Backcountry Adventures
- Hli Goothl Wilp Adokshl Nisga'a - Nisga'a Museum
- Nisg̲a'a Facebook
- Nisg̲a'a Twitter
- Nisg̲a'a YouTube
Online Resources
- Nisg̲a'a Museum Programs
Nisg̲a'a Museum - Hli Goothl Wilp-Adokshl Nisg̲a'a
- Nisg̲a'a Treaty Implementation
Nisg̲a'a Final Agreement - Nisg̲a'a Lisims Government, Canada and the Province of British Columbia