Pooley Island Conservancy
Pooley (Island) Conservancy is located on the Central Coast in the traditional territories of the Heiltsuk and Kitasoo/Xai'xais Nations. The conservancy was created in 2006 and covers 3,269 hectares.

Pooley Island Conservancy is a protected area on BC’s Central Coast.
Pooley Island Conservancy
Pooley Island Conservancy features a number of small watersheds and lakes draining directly into the ocean along with scenic old growth forested hills and sub-alpine areas. The elusive white Spirit Bear frequents the estuaries of Pooley Island while salmon use the main creeks at James and Windy Bays. Windy and James Bays hold high cultural, heritage and fisheries values for the Kitasoo/XaiXais First Nation.
The Kitasoo people have traditionally used Pooley Island for berry picking, collecting medicines, and gathering wood for crafts and housing. The area is also a traditional hunting and fishing area and is co-managed under an agreement between the Kitasoo Nation and the Province of British Columbia. This co-operative management agreement will allow the Kitasoo Nation to access land and resources for their use within the Conservancy while achieving conservation and recreation objectives for the area.
Overview provided by BC Parks