Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation
Bute Inlet
The Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation’s territory runs from Dent Island to Raza Passage, including all of Bute Inlet.

The Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation’s main community is located in Campbell River on Vancouver Island
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) means “people of the fast running waters.”
Their main village sites were located on the Homathko River, Southgate River, Orford Bay, and the areas at the mouth of Bute Inlet including Muushkin (Old Church House) and Aupe (Church House).
See Projects

As a result of Christian contact and federal government policies regarding First Nations’ culture, language, and youth education; the Homalco people were scattered from their main community site and almost lost their connection to their cultural heritage.

Today the Homalco Nation is committed to a program of cultural regeneration and conservation within their territory.
Through cultural and wildlife tours, the Homalco are re-educating their people in their cultural heritage as well as protecting and restoring their territory.

Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation Projects
In partnership with Coast Funds, Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation has invested in:
First Nation | Applicant |
Project |
Description | Links | Type |
Year |
Funding |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Expanding Stewardship Capacity | To hire a Stewardship Coordinator to support the development and expansion of the Nation’s stewardship and Guardian activities, broader Lands and Governance priorities, and commitment to protecting their territories, managing resources, and upholding their cultural and environmental values. | Conservation Fund | 2023 | $ 230,518 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Sustaining Salmon Populations – Orford Hatchery Operations 2021-22 | To support the operations of the salmon enhancement program in Orford Bay rivers (Orford, Southgate, and Homathko) to re-stock the coho and chum salmon populations for future generations, including identifying potential fish habitat restoration priorities and stock potential; maintaining salmon stocks in the Southgate and Elliot River while restoration plans are implemented; restoring the hatchery's incubation and rearing infrastructure; and to secure facilities from wildlife to address the ongoing predation issue. | Conservation Fund | 2021 | $ 119,883 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Guardian Watchman Program – 2021-22 Operations | To support the increased presence of the Guardians throughout Homalco territory as they monitor water quality; assist in spill response efforts and planning; monitor the overall territory including the Chinook catch; lead stock assessment efforts in Southgate, Homathko, and Olford Rivers; contribute to public education videos that highlight Traditional Ecological Knowledge, and gathering data to inform a marine use plan to help guide future management decisions. | Conservation Fund | 2021 | $ 115,000 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Restructuring of Homalco Wildlife Tours | To restructure the cultural tourism program of Homalco Wildlife Tours to improve its revenues and create a more economically sustainable program while supporting employment for Homalco community members. | Economic Development Fund | 2018 | $ 16,045 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Orford River and Algard Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration – Initial Study | To undertake a geomorphic investigation and fish habitat restoration plan for the Algard River in order to increase salmon abundance for grizzly and black bear populations while also preventing future loss of current salmon spawning habitat | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 30,800 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco Wildlife Tours Inc. | Investment in Wildlife Viewing and Cultural Tourism Infrastructure | To invest in infrastructure that will support and expand the Nation's new aboriginal cultural tourism program in Bute lnlet that operates in partnership with Sonora Resorts, I'hos Tours, and a number of whale watching operators that expanded the community-owned company's tourism season from 73 days to over 166 days in 2015 | Economic Development Fund | 2016 | $ 110,000 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Grizzly and Black Bear Habitat and Family Relationship Study – 2016 Research | To continue field research and DNA analyses on grizzly and black bear populations in the Nation's territory surrounding Bute Inlet and to build conservation-related research capacity within the Nation that ensures its ecotourism and forestry operations adhere to ecosystem-based management | Conservation Fund | 2016 | $ 70,000 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Grizzly and Black Bear Habitat and Family Relationship Study – 2015 Research | To conduct field research and DNA analyses on grizzly and black bear populations in the Nation's territory surrounding Bute Inlet and to build conservation-related research capacity within the Nation that ensures its ecotourism and forestry operations adhere to ecosystem-based management | Conservation Fund | 2015 | $ 50,000 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco Wildlife Tours Inc. | Spring/Summer Cultural Tourism Expansion | To launch an aboriginal cultural tourism program in Bute lnlet in partnership with Sonora Resorts and I'hos Tours that will double the length of the community-owned company's tourism season | Economic Development Fund | 2015 | $ 364,100 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Strategic Plan for Bute Inlet Hydro Energy | To develop a strategic plan for renewable energy development within the Nation’s traditional territory surrounding Bute Inlet | Economic Development Fund | 2014 | $ 88,582 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Youth Stewardship Training – 2014 | To deliver an ecosystem-based management and wildlife protection training program for youth that includes traditional territory stewardship, essential fisheries field skills certification, first aid certification, and bear aware training | Conservation Fund | 2014 | $ 52,500 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Homalco Wildlife Tours Inc. – Ecotourism Expansion | To expand the Nation's seasonal grizzly bear viewing operations in Bute Inlet by purchasing and branding a new 24 passenger bus, developing marketing materials, and investing in the Orford Orientation Center | Economic Development Fund | 2012 | $ 95,000 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Development of a Comprehensive Community Plan | To develop the Nation's comprehensive community plan with a deep level of engagement with community members including elders and youth | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 25,000 | |
Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) Nation | Homalco First Nation | Ecotourism Program and Orford Bay Hatchery Development | To redevelop the Orford Bay salmon hatchery facility and to develop safety guidelines and tour protocols for the Nation's grizzly bear viewing business in Bute Inlet | Economic Development Fund | 2009 | $ 166,000 |
Total Projects | 14 | Total Invested | $ 1,533,428 |
Total Projects: 14
Total Invested: $ 1,533,428
Homalco Organizations and Resources
Online Resources
- Bears of Bute - Grizzly Bear Homalco Wildlife Tours
Grizzly and Black Bears on the world famous Homalco Wildlife Tour deep inside the Traditional Territory of the Homalco Nation and Bute Inlet, British Columbia Canada.
- Homalco First Nation
Short documentary on the Homalco Nation
Related Protected Areas
- ƛəx̌əᵂəyəm / Forward Harbour Conservancy
- ᕈNacinuxᵂ/Phillips Estuary Conservancy
- Cetan/Thurston Bay Conservancy
- Hənʎəmdᶻi Məkola/Yorke Island Conservancy
- Qudǝs/Gillard-Jimmy Judd Island Conservancy
- Pałəmin/Estero Basin Conservancy
- Thurston Bay Marine Provincial Park
- Xᵂakᵂəᕈnaxdəᕈma/Stafford Estuary Conservancy