Biodiversity, Mining and Tourism Areas
Biodiversity, Mining and Tourism Areas (BMTA) are established for the preservation and maintenance of social, ceremonial and cultural uses by First Nations who claim aboriginal rights or title, have treaty rights to some or all of the BMTA.

Biodiversity, Mining and Tourism Areas (BMTAs) are also created to preserve biological diversity and the natural environment. BMTAs allow mineral exploration and mining, tourism and recreational activities as well as limited power developments.
Biodiversity, Mining and Tourism Areas are established under Central and North Coast Biodiversity, Mining and Tourism Area Order
Currently there are 21 BMTAs in the Great Bear Rainforest and Haida Gwaii regions.
Download the following maps for more information on the BMTAs, courtesy of the BC Geographical System.
Adeane Point Biodiversity Area
Banks / Principe Biodiversity Area
Bentinck Estuaries Biodiversity Area
Inland Cape Caution Biodiversity Area
K’waal – Ecstall Biodiversity Area
Ksi Galsgiist Biodiversity Area
Kunsoot River Biodiversity Area
Nekite Estuary West Biodiversity Area
Rachael Islands Biodiversity Area
South Bentinck Biodiversity Area