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First Nations’ Achievements Highlighted in Coast Funds’ 2020 Annual Report
Coast Funds’ 2020 annual report highlights First Nations’ investments in healthy and thriving communities and ecosystems throughout the Great Bear Rainforest and Haida Gwaii.
2020 will be a year marked forever in our memories. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our families and our livelihoods. It was a hard year, but also an inspiring one. At Coast Funds, we committed to supporting the First Nations we serve with flexibility, adaptability, and responsiveness.
We deployed funding at a time when it was greatly needed to create financial stability, job security, and stewardship continuity. In 2020, we approved the highest amount of funding since Coast Funds’ inception, while achieving our lowest operating cost of the last ten years.
In 2020, Coast Funds approved $13.1 million in funding, including:
- $2.4 million toward nine economic development projects;
- $2.8 million toward 15 stewardship and conservation projects; and
- $7.9 million toward two major clean energy infrastructure projects led by Dzawada’enuxw First Nation and Kitasoo/Xai’xais First Nation.
Each economic development and conservation project generates positive well-being outcomes for First Nations including from the projects funded in 2020:
- Eliminating 180,000 tonnes of greenhouse gasses;
- Reduction of over 66 million litres of diesel being transported through First Nations’ ecologically and culturally significant waterways;
- The expansion of ten stewardship authorities or Guardian programs;
- Research and habitat restoration projects focusing on 31 different species; and
- The start-up and expansion of businesses that provide 90 permanent jobs and stewardship and conservation projects that will create 21 permanent jobs.

Last year we worked towards our foundational goal of securing Coast Funds’ intergenerational sustainability. Throughout 2020, we continued taking steps, in close working partnership with First Nations and strategic philanthropic partners, to increase First Nations’ access to self-determined finance including:
Uplifting First Nations-led fundraising with new roles
We created and staffed two new positions dedicated to supporting First Nations-led fundraising. Trevor Loke joined Coast Funds as Director, Partnership Development and we welcomed Michelle Byers to Coast Funds as our Digital Engagement Specialist. Learn about the Coast Funds team here.
Partnering to develop stewardship visions
Coast Funds and Na̲nwak̲olas Council work in close partnership with elected leaders and staff of Na̲nwak̲olas member First Nations to form long-term visions for stewardship across their territories.
Prioritizing investment in renewable energy
In partnership with the Province of British Columbia, we launched the Renewable Energy for Remote Communities program to empower First Nations governments to transition from dependence on fossil fuel-powered electricity to sustainable, locally powered renewable energy systems, eliminating over 175,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.
Learn more about our 2020-2022 STRATEGIC PLAN.
DOWNLOAD THE 2020 ANNUAL REPORT to read about 2020 highlights. Explore all community well-being outcomes since Coast Funds’ inception HERE. You can also receive inspiring stories behind the numbers by SUBSCRIBING to receive the Talking Stick email.