Coast Funds is proud to collaborate with outstanding organizations as we support First Nations to build healthy and resilient lands, waters, and economies.

The Circle on Philanthropy and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada
The Circle on Philanthropy and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada transforms philanthropy and contributes to positive change between Philanthropy and Indigenous communities by creating spaces of learning, innovation, relationship-building, co-creation, and activation. Coast Funds is Member Organization with The Circle, and a signatory to The Philanthropic Community’s Declaration of Action.
Conservation Finance Alliance
The Conservation Finance Alliance is the leading professional association for conservation finance experts and practitioners whose mission is to promote awareness, expertise, and innovation in conservation finance globally. Coast Funds is a Partner Organization with the Conservation Finance Alliance.
Environmental Funders Canada
Environment Funders Canada is a national network of philanthropic foundations and other organizations that support efforts to transition toward a more sustainable world. Coast Funds is a Member of Environmental Funders Canada.
First Nation Business Development Association
The First Nation Business Development Association is comprised of BC First Nation owned Development Corporations who work together to lift the collective strength and influence of all BC First Nation owned business organizations for the benefit of its membership.
Futurpreneur Canada
Futurpreneur Canada has been fueling the entrepreneurial passions of Canada’s young enterprise for two decades. They are the only national, non-profit organization that provides financing, mentoring and support tools to aspiring business owners aged 18-39.
International Funders for Indigenous People
International Funders for Indigenous Peoples is the only global donor affinity group dedicated solely to Indigenous peoples around the world. The organization seeks to transform the relationship between the funding world and Indigenous Peoples to one of mutual understanding and benefit.
National Aboriginal Trust Officers Association (NOTOA)
NATOA is a charity organization committed to providing Indigenous Peoples of Canada with the resources and information that will help them efficiently create, manage, and operate trusts for the benefit of future generations.
Reconciliation and Responsible Investment Initiative
The Reconciliation and Responsible Investment Initiative works with Canadian institutional investors to promote responsible investment policies and practices that include reconciliation goals.
Responsible Investment Association
The Responsible Investment Association is Canada’s industry association for responsible investment with a mandate of promoting responsible investment in Canada’s retail and institutional markets.
Shareholders Associations for Research & Education (SHARE)
SHARE is a leading not-for-profit organization in responsible investment services, research and education. The organization works with a growing network of institutional investors helping them to become active owners and develop and implement responsible investment policies and practices.