Yaaguun Gandlaay Conservancy
Yaaguun Gandlaay Conservancy is located on Haida Gwaii in the traditional territory of the Haida Nation. The conservancy was created in 2008 and covers 2689 hectares.

Yaaguun Gandlaay Conservancy is a protected area on Haida Gwaii in BC.
Yaaguun Gandlaay Conservancy
Yaaguun Gandlaay Heritage Site/Conservancy has been used since time immemorial by the people of the Haida Nation for cultural, social and spiritual purposes.
The villages and seasonal camps of Sahldungkun, Hlakeguns, Lanaslnagai, Yagunkun and Undlskadjuns were originally located at the outlet of Yakoun River and around the shoreline of Yakoun Bay. This area was considered as one of the most important food fish gathering locations on Haida Gwaii.
Twenty-five registered archaeological sites exist within the boundaries of the heritage site/conservancy and hundreds of culturally modified trees have been recorded within this area.

The heritage site/conservancy’s recommended near-shore marine component is an internationally significant estuary important for migratory and overwintering waterfowl. Additionally, high quality nesting and foraging habitat for Northern goshawks and suitable nesting habitat for marbled murrelets is present.
There are two other protected areas in the vicinity of Yaaguun Gandlaay Heritage Site/Conservancy. The southern edge of Kamdis Heritage Site/Conservancy is less than 10 kilometres to the northeast, and Yakoun Suu Heritage Site/Conservancy which protects the headwaters of the Yakoun River watershed, is located approximately 35 kilometres upstream to the south.
Overview provided by BC Parks