Tow Hill Ecological Reserve
Tow Hill Ecological Reserve is located on Haida Gwaii in the traditional territory of the Haida Nation. The ecological reserve was created in 1971 and covers 514 hectares.

Tow Hill Ecological Reserve is a protected area on Haida Gwaii in BC.
Tow Hill Ecological Reserve
Ecological Reserves are areas in British Columbia selected to preserve representative and special natural ecosystems, plant and animal species, features, and phenomena. Ecological Reserves provide the highest level of protection for the maintenance of physical and biological diversity while allowing for research and educational activities. Tow Hill Ecological Reserve was established to protect a sand beach, dune ecosystems and inland moor bogs on the Queen Charlotte Lowland.
Sand-binding grasses and herbs grow in patches on the dunes, including several species that are rare in the province. In the lee of the beach and sand dunes, Sitka spruce and to a lesser extent western hemlock and western redcedar grow as closed coniferous forest. Further inland, level terrain with impeded drainage has created large open bogs containing much peat moss and many bonsai-like shore (lodgepole) pine. A broad beach of hard sand is present – a segment of the longest beach in the province.
Overview provided by BC Parks