Nang Xaldangaas Conservancy
Nang Xaldangaas Conservancy is located on Haida Gwaii in the traditional territory of the Haida Nation. The conservancy was created in 2008 and covers 16,695 hectares.

Nang Xaldangaas Conservancy is a protected area on Haida Gwaii in BC.
Nang Xaldangaas Conservancy
The people of the Haida Nation have occupied and collected food and materials from Nang Xaldangaas since time immemorial. Several Haida villages and seasonal camps exist within the heritage site/conservancy at Sa-ouchten, Yan, Astowa, Kunglelung, Tohlka, Mi-ah, Kung-oas, and Skaos. There are also two Haida Watchmen camps located on Reserves within this heritage site/conservancy; one at George Point (Skaos) and one at Seven-Mile (Wiah Point).
Important foraging habitat and potential nesting habitat can be found within this heritage site/conservancy for Northern goshawks, marbled murrelets, and common murres. The remote location of Nang Xaldangaas Heritage Site/Conservancy provides an excellent opportunity to maintain biological diversity and natural environment values. Of recent concern is the presence of introduced mammals of which black-tailed deer and raccoons pose a threat to local ecosystems and species.
Overview provided by BC Parks