Kunxalas Conservancy
Kunxalas Conservancy is located on Haida Gwaii in the traditional territory of the Haida Nation. The conservancy was created in 2008 and covers 15,718 hectares.

Kunxalas Conservancy. Photo courtesy of Panoramio (Flavienm).
Kunxalas Conservancy is a protected area on Haida Gwaii in BC.
Kunxalas Conservancy
The people of the Haida Nation have occupied and collected food and materials from Kunxalas since time immemorial. This heritage site/conservancy protects cultural values associated with the Cumshewa Peninsula. There are five historic villages or seasonal camps within the area: La’naiya, Kundji, Cumshewas, Koga (Qa’gal) and Kunhalas.
Overview provided by BC Parks