Duu Guusd Conservancy
Duu Guusd Conservancy is located on Haida Gwaii in the traditional territory of the Haida Nation. The conservancy was created in 2008 and covers 227,712 hectares.

Duu Guusd Conservancy is a protected area on Haida Gwaii in BC.
Duu Guusd Conservancy
Duu Guusd Heritage Site/Conservancy is the only protected area on Haida Gwaii with a significant representation of all of Haida Gwaii’s three terrestrial physiographic ecosections (Windward Queen Charlotte Mountains, Skidegate Plateau and Queen Charlotte Lowlands). Some unusual geological features include Pillar Rock, Beehive Hill and Celestial Bluff.
Naden Harbour and Henslung Cove on Langara Island are the centres for fishing lodge resorts and are popular destinations for guided and non-guided saltwater fishing vacations. The Rennell Sound area on the southern end of the heritage site/conservancy is the only west coast area on Graham Island that is accessible by vehicle and is a popular area for fishing.
Overview provided by BC Parks