Daawuuxusda Conservancy
Daawuuxusda Conservancy is located on Haida Gwaii in the traditional territory of the Haida Nation. The conservancy was created in 2008 and covers 116, 275 hectares.

Daawuuxusda Conservancy is a protected area on Haida Gwaii in BC.
Daawuuxusda Conservancy
The people of the Haida Nation have occupied and collected food and materials from the Daawuuxusda Heritage Site/Conservancy area since time immemorial. There are seven known Haida villages and seasonal camps within the heritage site/conservancy at Gasi’ndas, Kaidju, Skaito, Kaisun, Nest, Chaatl, and Sl’asit.
The remote location of Daawuuxusda Heritage Site/Conservancy provides an excellent opportunity to maintain biological diversity and natural environment values.
Of concern, though is the presence of introduced mammals (e.g., Raccoons, Norway Rats and Black-tailed Deer) which pose a threat to local ecosystems. Sowthistle, an invasive non-native plant, also occurs here.
Overview provided by BC Parks