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Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) First Nation Purchases Residence at Homathko Camp

Homathko Camp is a remote camp located north of Bute Inlet, in the heart of Xwémalhkwu Nation territory. In an August 7 press release, Xwémalhkwu Nation announced that it has purchased the residence at Homathko Camp from owners Chuck and Sharen Burchill.
“This is Homalco re-establishing a permanent foothold in the heart of our territory,” said Chief Darren Blaney in the press release. “We are expanding our presence in Orford so expanding in Homathko was a natural next step for us to take. Homathko is a very special place for us and the site of many of our stories told since time immemorial. Today’s purchase is the beginning of a whole new set of opportunities for our Nation.”
This is Homalco re-establishing a permanent foothold in the heart of our territory.

Homathko Camp was built over 30 years ago and includes a power generation station, a vegetable garden with greenhouse, and several outbuildings. Xwémalhkwu Nation intends to use the new building it has acquired at Homathko Camp as a base to offer healing services and to expand tourism, fisheries, and forestry operations. The Nation aspires to acquire the entire camp in the future.
“We look forward to re-establishing our traditional relationship with our Tŝilhqot’in neighbours just over the mountains,” said Chief Blaney, “and to taking a bigger role in the management of our territory.”
Read the full article published in the Campbell River Mirror.