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Webinar: Asset Management for Conservation Trust Funds
Coast Funds’ CFO, Eddy Adra, will be speaking at an upcoming webinar on best practices in mission aligned investing and asset management for conservation trust funds.

Coast Funds’ CFO, Eddy Adra, will be speaking at an upcoming webinar on best practices in mission-aligned investing and asset management for conservation trust funds.
The webinar is organized by the Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA) and is the sixth in monthly series on the Practice Standards for conservation trust funds. It will be held on June 15 at 8am PDT/11 am EDT. Register here.
- Eddy Adra – CFO, Coast Funds
- Zdenka Piskulich – President of RedLAC and Co-Chair of the CFA’s Environmental Funds Working Group
- Viviana Luhan – Environmental Finance Lawyer & Consultant
- Natalia Arango – Executive Director, Fondo Accion
In November 2020, the CFA released a report that provides a comprehensive analysis of global conservation trust funds. Recognizing the Indigenous leadership central to our history and governance, along with a range of achievements by First Nations and Coast Funds since our inception, Coast Funds was featured as a case study in the report.
The report highlighted the need for conservation funds to improve the effectiveness of asset management. “Effective asset management is a key CTF role, both to ensure their own financial resilience as well as to generate additional conservation funds,” the report states. (See Section 4.3 Asset Management of the Conservation Trust Funds 2020 report.)
Since its founding in 2007, Coast Funds’ has generated $67 million in earnings to date—more than a 120% return on our founding capital. First Nations invest these earnings into their communities, strengthening WELL-BEING while stewarding their lands and waters.
All funds managed at Coast Funds are invested together across six diversified asset classes, safeguarding and growing First Nations’ own-source contributions and their funders’ donations.
REGISTER HERE for the Conservation Finance Alliance webinar on Asset Management for conservation trust funds.
Read more about the report Conservation Trust Funds 2020: Global Vision, Local Action Coast here.