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Spring Funding and Grants Round-Up
Ready to bring your project to life? Check out our staff-curated list of grants and funding opportunities available to First Nations along the coast.

First Nations working to manage their territories and invest in their communities may be eligible to apply for funding from Crown governments, philanthropic foundations, and corporate community investment programs. And, through Coast Funds, participating First Nations in the Great Bear Rainforest and Haida Gwaii may have funding available for stewardship, conservation, and economic development projects in addition to fundraising support.
On this page, Coast Funds team members have compiled a list of additional funding opportunities for First Nations with upcoming deadlines.
Disclaimer: Coast Funds has made a reasonable effort to gather and check information. However, details and timelines for grant programs can change. When looking for funding, please check eligibility and program details on the funding organization’s webpage.
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Community and Economic Development
AddressBC: First Nations Grant Program
Supports Integrated Cadastral Information Society First Nations members looking to develop a GIS dataset of civic addresses or to improve their existing civic address dataset.
- Location: British Columbia
- Application Deadline: Ongoing
Indigenous Services Canada: Community Opportunity Readiness Program
Supports First Nation and Inuit Communities for a range of activities to support communities’ pursuit of economic opportunities in addition to helping applicants to submit proposals to seek additional funding.
- Grant Range: Up to $250,000
- Location: Canada-wide
- Application Deadline: Open
Indigenous Services Canada: Professional and Institutional Development Program
Supports projects that develop the capacity of First Nations and Inuit communities for core functions of government like planning and risk management, leadership, administration, and financial management.
- Location: Canada-wide
- Application Deadline: Varies by region. Contact your regional office for info.
Law Foundation of BC: Project Grants
Support one-time projects to improve access to justice for people and communities in BC through the creation of new programs or the expansion of existing ones.
- Grant Range: Up to $250,000
- Location: British Columbia
- Application Deadline: March 21, 2025
NDN Collective: Community Action Fund
Supports Indigenous frontline, grassroots, community-based groups and organizations, Tribes, communities and villages, and individuals leading direct action or movement-building work in their effort to defend Indigenous Peoples’ rights, and protect their land, air, water, and natural resources.
- Grant Range: Up to $20,000
- Location: Canada-wide, along with other regions
- Application Deadline: October 31, 2025 (rolling, or until funds are expended)
New Relationship Trust: BC Indigenous Cannabis Business Fund
Supports upcoming cannabis business’ by facilitating community planning and engagement activities, as well as assisting with business planning, design, and implementation tasks associated with their cannabis project.
- Grant Range: Up to $250,000
- Location: British Columbia
- Application Deadline: December 1, 2025 (rolling)
New Relationship Trust: Declaration Act Engagement Fund
Supports First Nation’s capacity to engage with the Province on the implementation of the Declaration Act action plan and alignment of Provincial laws with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
- Grant Range: $260,000 to $1,040,000
- Location: British Columbia
- Application Deadline: May 1 to December 1, 2025 (or when funds are exhausted)
New Relationship Trust: Food Security and Sovereignty
Supports the development, expansion, or strengthening of Indigenous food systems and innovation with the aim of promoting sustainability and growth in Indigenous agriculture and food sovereignty.
- Grant Range: $150,000 to $250,000
- Location: British Columbia
- Application Deadline: May 1 to December 1, 2025 (or when funds are exhausted)
New Relationship Trust: Indigenous Labour Market Fund
Supports Indigenous labour market and employment initiatives to increase Indigenous labour market participation and job creation in BC while demonstrating respect for Indigenous culture, values, and traditions.
- Grant Range: $75,000 to $250,000
- Location: British Columbia
- Application Deadline: May 1 to December 1, 2025 (or when funds are exhausted)
Northern Development Initiative Trust: Community Places
Supports the creation, restoration, or enhancement of community spaces that will improve amenities and enhance overall quality of life.
- Grant Range: Up to $30,000
- Location: Northern British Columbia (see eligibility)
- Application Deadlines: April 30, July 31
Union of BC Municipalities: FireSmart Pilot Program for Regional District Cooperative Community Wildfire Response Organizations
Supports regional districts in BC to increase community resiliency and to help build a cooperative pathway for wildfire response by undertaking training and purchasing Personal Protective Equipment for local community members in areas that do not fall within a structural fire protection jurisdiction area.
- Grant Range: Up to $10,000
- Location: British Columbia
- Application Deadline: can submit applications until May 30, 2025, or until funding is exhausted.
Union of BC Municipalities: Public Notification and Evacuation Route Planning
Supports the development of evacuation route plans and/or public notification plans that provide information for First Nations, other local governments, and community members in the event of an emergency.
- Location: British Columbia
- Application Deadline: April 25, 2025
Union of BC Municipalities: Urban Communities Partnering for Reconciliation
Supports Indigenous organizations and local governments who want to create opportunities for in-person dialogue and relationship building which can help advance collaborative reconciliation plans, protocols, agreements, or future projects.
- Grant Range: Up to $15,000
- Location: British Columbia
- Application Deadline: August 31, 2025 (or until funding is exhausted)
Conservation, Stewardship, and Climate
2 Billion Trees Program
Supports new tree planting projects.
- Grant Range: N/A
- Location: Canada-wide
- Application Deadline: Various application deadlines. Details.
BC Conservation Fund: Project Grants
Supports projects conserving priority land and freshwater areas in BC. The next expression of interest intake will be in Summer 2025.
- Location: British Columbia
- Application Deadline: July 4, 2025 (Details)
First Nations Health Authority: Environmental Contaminants Program
Supports BC First Nation community-based research projects that explore the link between human health and environmental contaminants.
- Location: British Columbia
- Application Deadline: Ongoing
Government of Canada: First Nations Adapt Program
Supports First Nation communities and organizations located south of the 60th parallel to assess and respond to the impacts of climate change, and increase climate resilience, in support of self-determined priorities.
- Location: locations south of 60th parallel (boundary between provinces and northern Territories)
- Application Deadline: Ongoing
Government of Canada: Community-led Fresh Water Action Across Canada
Supports projects that equip people with tools to act on their knowledge and values, as individuals and members of communities, to promote environmental sustainability.
- Grant Range: $25,000 to $100,000
- Location: Canada-wide
- Application Deadline: March 25, 2025
Habitat Conservation Trust Fund: Grants
Support conservation projects focusing on wildlife restoration, land acquisition, community engagement, and biodiversity education in BC.
- Grant Range: $5,000 to $150,000, depending on the opportunity
- Location: British Columbia
- Application Deadline: April 15, Fall 2025
McConnell Foundation: Climate, Reconciliation, Community
Supports programs and activities that enhance climate, reconciliation, and community.
- Grant Range: Modest partnership: $200,000 to $300,000; Medium partnership: $500,000 to $600,000; Larger partnership: $800,000+
- Location: Canada-wide
- Application Deadline: Ongoing
Telus: Indigenous Communities Fund
Supports Indigenous-led social, health and community programs focused on, but not limited to health, mental health and well-being; access to education and resources; preservation of the land and water; community building and enhancement; and intergenerational language and cultural revitalization.
- Grant Range: $5,000 to $25,000
- Location: Canada-wide
- Application Deadline: September 11 to October 9, 2025
Arts and Culture
Government of Canada: Local Festivals – Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage
Supports festivals that present the work of local artists, artisans, or heritage performers, including the celebration of LGBTQ2S+ communities and Indigenous culture.
- Grant Range: Up to $200,000
- Location: Canada-wide
- Application Deadline: Ongoing
First Peoples Cultural Council: Braided Knowledge Grant
Supports work where arts, languages, cultures and heritage are connected and aligned with Indigenous ways of knowing and being.
- Grant Range: $10,000 to $25,000
- Location: British Columbia
- Application Deadline: March 25, 2025
Indigenous Youth Roots: Creation Grants
Supports community programs and projects while receiving innovative mentorship, training and capacity-building opportunities for projects/groups that seek to create impactful community change and increase the wellness, resiliency and engagement of Indigenous youth.
- Grant Range: $2,000 to $30,000
- Location: Canada-wide
- Application Deadline: March 1 to 31, 2025
Na‐mi‐quai‐ni‐mak: I Remember Them Community Support Fund
Supports Indigenous communities, survivor organizations, and registered non‐profits in healing, memorials, and remembrance within their communities. Na-mi-quai-ni-mak funds projects for survivors of the Indian residential school system.
- Grant Range: Up to $25,000
- Location: Canada-wide
- Application Deadline: Ongoing
Oshki Wupoowane: The Blanket Fund
Supports Indigenous cultural, artistic, and educational activities. Offered through two grant streams (Reconciliation Action Grants and Capacity Building Grants), The Blanket Fund can be accessed by both grassroots Indigenous communities and organizations, and by Indigenous individuals undertaking related community initiatives.
- Grant Range: Up to $175,000 per year (multi-year grants are available).
- Location: Canada-wide
- Application Deadline: Open
Sustainable Energy
Agricultural Clean Technology Program: Research and Innovation Stream
Supports the development and adoption of clean technology that will help drive the changes required to achieve a low-carbon economy and promote sustainable growth in Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector.
- Grant Range: $100,000 to $1,000,000
- Location: Canada-wide
- Application Deadline: Ongoing
BC Hydro: Indigenous Communities Conservation Program
Supports Indigenous communities by providing energy efficiency upgrades to homes, installation training, and free energy-saving products.
- Grant Range: (rebate-based)
- Location: British Columbia (See Details)
- Application Deadline: Open
Environment and Climate Change Canada: Indigenous Leadership Fund
Supports Indigenous-owned and led renewable energy, energy efficiency, and low-carbon heating projects to reduce emissions.
- Grant Range: Up to $6,000,000
- Location: Canada-wide
- Application Deadline: Open
Fortis BC: Indigenous Communities Conservation Program
Supports Indigenous communities looking to improve energy efficiency and comfort in community members’ homes.
- Grant Range: $100,000 to $1,000,000
- Location: British Columbia
- Application Deadline: Ongoing
Government of Canada: Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program
Supports Indigenous-led climate action through biomass heating, district heating, and combined heat and power systems, as well as research, development, and demonstration projects.
- Location: Canada-wide
- Application Deadline: Intakes are open until the funding is fully committed or the program closes in 2027.
Government of Canada: Lands and Economic Development Services Program
Supports economic development, land and environmental capacity of communities and to support the establishment of the conditions for economic development to occur, increasing their participation in the economy.
- Grant Range: Up to $50,000
- Location: Canada-wide
- Application Deadline: Open
Government of Canada: Zero-Emission Vehicles Awareness
Supports Indigenous-led awareness and education projects for cleaner transportation and clean fuels.
- Grant Range: Up to $4.5 million
- Location: Canada-wide
- Application Deadline: Ongoing basis, projects must be completed by no later than March 31, 2026
Green Municipal Fund: Accelerating Community Energy Systems
Supports research that identifies opportunity areas for low-carbon community energy systems (including renewable and district energy systems) within eligible communities and develops mechanisms to support implementation.
- Grant Range: Up to $200,000
- Location: Canada-wide
- Application Deadline: March 31, 2025
Island Coastal Economic Trust: Capital and Innovation Program
Supports the development of vital regional and community-based public amenities and services to support sustainable economic diversification and growth, innovation, as well as enhanced quality of life.
- Grant Range: Up to $200,000
- Location: Vancouver Island, the southern Great Bear Rainforest, the Sunshine Coast, and islands and inlets from the Salish Sea to Cape Caution. Details.
- Application Deadline: Ongoing
Project Zero: Circular Economy Accelerator
Supports hands-on operations for businesses who seek to adopt circular economy principles, reduce waste and emissions, increase revenue, and develop innovative practices.
- Grant Range: N/A
- Location: Vancouver Island and Sunshine Coast
- Application Deadline: N/A
Province of British Columbia: CleanBC Plastics Action Fund (Indigenous Projects Stream)
Supports plastic waste reduction projects to promote a circular economy in British Columbia through recycling, remanufacturing, reuse, and repair projects.
- Grant Range: $75,000 to $150,000
- Location: British Columbia
- Application Deadline: Open
Wah-ila-toos: Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities
Supports renewable energy and capacity building projects to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels for heating and electricity in Indigenous, rural, and remote communities across Canada.
- Grant Range: $100,000 to $1,000,000
- Location: Canada-wide
- Application Deadline: Ongoing
Training or Equipment
BC First Nations Forestry Council: Indigenous Forestry Scholarship Program
Support is available for First Nations, Inuit, or Métis students interested in enrolling in full-time postsecondary program related to: forestry technician, natural resources, environmental technology, business management, business administration, geographic information systems, and forestry trades. The program also offers work placements and one-on-one mentorship with industry partners.
- Grant Range: Covers living expenses while students complete their full-time studies.
- Location: British Columbia
- Application Deadline: Not listed
Government of Canada: Finder Tool
Indigenous bursaries search tool. You can search for bursaries by keyword, location, program of study, or Indigenous group.
Indigenous Leadership Initiative: First Nations Women Transforming Conservation Fellowship
The fellowship is designed to empower First Nations women to envision and build vibrant, resilient communities that reflect who we are—our ways of knowing, doing, and being.
- Grant Range: Fellows will receive a stipend for one year and eligible expenses for related travel.
- Location: Canada-wide
- Application Deadline: April 11, 2025
Scholarships Canada: Finder Tool
Matches applicants to scholarships based on the information provided when applicants create an account.
Know about a funding opportunity that isn’t on this list? Let us know at