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First Nations’ Impact Highlighted in 2017 Annual Report

Coast Funds’ 2017 Annual Report highlights the significant impact First Nations are having on community well-being in the Great Bear Rainforest and Haida Gwaii. Last year, Coast Funds’ board approved $6 million in new investments toward 15 economic development projects  and 17 conservation projects led by First Nations.

As of the end of 2017, $76.9 million has been invested into 330 First Nations’ projects that are having enormous economic, social, environmental, and cultural impacts for communities across the region.

Noteworthy environmental, economic, social and cultural outcomes since Coast Funds inception include:

  • First Nations have conducted 178 scientific research or habitat restoration initiatives on 58 different species.
  • 100 businesses have been created or expanded by First Nations.
  • First Nations have created 917 permanent new jobs, 692 of which are held by First Nations community members.
  • 58 projects involving access to traditional food have been led by First Nations.

Download the 2017 Annual Report to read about highlighted community well-being outcomes and explore all outcomes since Coast Funds’ inception in greater depth here. You can also receive inspiring stories behind the numbers by subscribing to our e-newsletter Talking Stick.

First Nations are having significant impact on community well-being in the Great Bear Rainforest and Haida Gwaii. The environmental, social, economic, and cultural outcomes since Coast Funds’ inception are featured in the 2017 Annual Report.