Gwawaenuk Tribe
Hopetown, Watson Island
The main village for the Gwawaenuk is Hopetown, located at the south end of Watson Island.

The main community of the Gwawaenuk is located in Hopetown, on BC’s South Central Coast
Gwawaenuk Tribe
Hopetown was traditionally known as Heghums and has been the main village, winter village, and Potlatch site for the Gwawaenuk people for over 4,000 years.
Archaeological studies have shown that thousands of members of the Gwawaenuk Tribe inhabited village sites all along the Watson Island shoreline, confirming that Heghums was historically one small part of a larger Gwawaenuk community that likely inhabited all of Watson Island.
See ProjectsThe Gwawaenuk community has a governance structure whereby the Hereditary Chief takes direction and guidance through discussions with the heads of each family in the tribe.
Important decisions can be made between the Chief and the head of each family, however overarching community planning decisions are made at the community level where the entire community, including children, are involved.
The hereditary system brings continuity to long-term community planning, relationship building, and accountability. It also ensures that all major community decisions are guided by traditional protocols and priorities.
Gwawaenuk Tribe Projects
In partnership with Coast Funds, Gwawaenuk Tribe has invested in:
First Nation | Applicant |
Project |
Description | Links | Type |
Year |
Funding |
Gwawaenuk Tribe | Gwawaenuk Tribe | Gwawaenuk Tribe Salvage Company | To acquire the assets of WJ Cedar Projects and consolidate operations. | Economic Development Fund | 2024 | $ 301,362 |
Total Projects | 1 | Total Invested | $ 301,362 |
Total Projects: 1
Total Invested: $ 301,362